Stephen King

Stephen King’s ‘Holly’ Swamped by Trump Derangement Syndrome
Horror maestro Stephen King is no stranger to politics.

Stephen King Sees Dawning Dystopia; DeSantis's ‘Free Pass' to Censors
Best-selling horror author (and combative Twitter liberal) Stephen King reviewed the dystopian novel Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng for the upcoming October 2 edition of the New York Times Sunday Book Review, and spotted ominous parallels with the real world, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis standing in as a censorious book-pulping tyrant, plus a Hitler-Trump comparison…

ROUNDUP: Leftists Rush to Defend Biden's Orwellian Disinfo Board
Pro-censorship leftist individuals and news outlets used contradictions, deceptions and convoluted rhetoric in their quest to defend the Biden administration’s new Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board.

Stephen King: Republicans Are 'In Favor of a Trump Dictatorship'
Stephen King wants President Donald Trump out of the White House, and not even The Constitution will stop him. The famed horror fiction writer has a blatant hatred for the President and cannot wait to see Joe Biden in office (even though he hasn’t officially won), as evinced by a tweet he posted on December 10: “Donald, you're fired. Someone call Security. Have him get his things in a couple…

Stephen King: ‘You Lost, You Miserable Self-Entitled Infantile F**ker'
Stephen King is back to writing horror fiction . . . on Twitter.

Get Him ‘Shock Collar’: Celebs Want 'Ahole' Trump Muzzled Next Debate
Well, the establishment seems to think that the first 2020 Presidential Debate between former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump was so insufferable in terms of outbursts and opponents interrupting each other during their rebuttal times, that they are contemplating rule changes to the debate format.

Celebs Conflicted: ‘Worst Debate Ever’ … Er, Biden Just ‘Won Election'
The first presidential debate was a mega win for the greatest, most empathic candidate on the stage, Joe Biden. Right? Well according to some in Hollywood – who’s sanity rests on Trump being voted out – yes, “Sleepy Joe” won. They wouldn’t tout any other outcome, anyway. But for others in the entertainment industry – others who seem to be more honest – the whole evening was “useless.”

Stephen King Drops More Hate on Trump Supporters
Not only does Stephen King despise Trump, he despises the people who vote for him. The author who’s notorious for his grim horror novels tweeted yesterday, “Trump supporters, explain to your children why you are supporting an adulterer, draft dodger, liar, and tax cheat. Bonus point if you avoid telling them the lie that it’s ‘fake news.’”

Stephen King Dreams of World with Trump & Cruz Dead, Ginsburg Alive
In Sunday's New York Times Book Review, leftist author Stephen King lauded a new novel called Afterland by Lauren Beukes, which is supposedly a "high-concept feminist thriller," or as King writes, "feminist in the sense that most of the men have been erased by a flu virus that develops into prostate cancer." King concluded his review with this thought: "Think…

King Frets We're in 'Horror Story': Trump Told Us to 'Drink Bleach'

Trump — Not Coronavirus — Is ‘Pathological’ for Zach Braff & Celebs

#HollywoodSoRacist: Media Turn on Oscars for ‘White’ & ‘Male’ Noms

‘How R U Coping?’ ‘Not Good’: Trump/Iran Standoff Shakes Hollywood