David Perdue

NEW NewsBusters Podcast: Beware the Tilted 'Independent Fact Checkers'
On the Turkey Day edition of the NewsBusters Podcast, executive editor Tim Graham is carving up the so-called "independent fact-checkers" and how they often tilt to the left and spin all the "facts" into a Democrat-defending direction.

Jon Ossoff 'Socialist'? PolitiFact Rips Perdue as 'PANTS ON FIRE'
Just before the election, PolitiFact slapped President Trump with a “False” for saying “Socialism is the mainstream of the Biden campaign.” This was fascinating, since PolitiFact allows Trump haters everywhere to call Trump a “fascist” or a “dictator” and that’s apparently considered factual. This happened again to Sen. David Perdue when he claimed his runoff opponent Jon Ossoff is a “…

Rancorous Reid: Joy Floats Charges for Trump Team, Lobs Ugly Attacks
Outside of almost every single on-air CNN personality, is there anyone more ethically-plagued and partisan than MSNBC’s ReidOut host Joy Reid? Whether it’s her claims of having been hacked or recent (and lazy) lies about Antifa or Republicans as murderers, she has quite the resume. Thursday’s show was no exception as, among other pontifications, Reid said Trump’s legal team was guilty…

Manic Joe Is a Psychic, Knew Trump 'Shock Opera' Would End Badly
Unsure how to spin the firestorm of crazy events that have formed the 2020 presidential election, the cast members of MSNBC’s Morning Joe have been sending mixed signals during the last 10 days. After co-host Mika Brzezinski’s statement Thursday morning that “more foreign leaders have congratulated Joe Biden on his election victory than have sitting Republican senators,” Joe…

Facebook, Google May Continue Blocking Political Ads for Another Month
The left has long ignored conservatives’ complaints about Big Tech censorship: but now Democrats are whining that the shoe is on the other foot. Facebook and Google have not lifted their respective bans on political ads, and likely won’t for at least another month, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Deadspin Obsession: Republican Sen. Loeffler Still Terrible
U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler (Rep-Georgia) last summer exposed Black Lives Matter Marxism and became public enemy No. 1 to the WNBA and the foul blog Deadspin, aka Democratspin. The conservative Sen. Loeffler is facing a Jan. 5 run-off election, and Deadspin writer Chris Baud sarcastically says you'll be shocked to learn she remains terrible.

CBS Cranky Over Trump Not Conceding, Cheers Abrams for Same Thing
How do you define voter suppression? If you’re CBS, it seems to be as simple as Democrats losing. Stacey Abrams is a partisan, liberal Democrat who unsuccessfully ran for governor in 2018 and (also unsuccessfully) lobbied to be Joe Biden’s vice presidential nominee in 2020. But on Tuesday's CBS This Morning she was treated as a hero who simply wants more people to vote.

Even Dems TICKED About Facebook, Google Ad Bans for Georgia Runoffs
Leftists generally ignore the problem of Big Tech Censorship: until they are affected by it. Facebook and Google have not lifted their bans on political ads, which is proving to be a headache for them in the Georgia runoff senate races between Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) and Democratic challenger Rev. Raphael Warnock, and between Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) and Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff

PEOPLE Asks Kamala About Jerks Who 'Mockingly Mispronounce' Her Name
Excited NY Times: 'Could This Be the Year Georgia Flips Blue?'
The New York Times could barely hide its excitement in the full-page lead slot of Tuesday’s National section: “Could This Be the Year Georgia Flips Blue?” (Don’t bother waiting for the Times headline, “Could This Be the Year Minnesota Flips Red?”) Reporter Astead Herndon began with a quip about Atlanta’s luckless sports teams, then pivoted to another group of beloved…

Nasty Claire McCaskill Paints GOP Sen. Perdue as Pathetic Trump Lackey
Having lost her Senate seat, has Claire McCaskill become embittered toward Senate Republicans? Now an MSNBC analyst, she took an ugly shot at Sen. David Perdue (R-GA), painting him as a pathetic Trump lackey, during a discussion on the impeachment proceedings Friday afternoon.

Mitchell to Stacey Abrams: Why Aren’t You A ‘Darling of the Media?'
In a softball interview with failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams on Wednesday, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell laughably fretted that the potential 2020 presidential contender wasn’t a “darling of the media” like Beto O’Rourke and the other Democratic “white men” who had already announced.

Morning Joe Blasts Trump 'Spewing Lies,' Hails 'Inspirational' Abrams
One of the favorite pastimes of news media since the election of Donald Trump has been to roll out the fact checkers every time he gives a public statement or speech on anything that might be of relevance. This newfound appreciation for incessant fact checking only seems to go one way-- a notion that was on full on full display during MSNBC's Morning Joe on Wednesday as the hosts reacted to…

CNN Claims Voting Rights 'Under Siege' by GOP, Spreads Misinformation
On Monday's New Day, CNN co-host John Berman claimed that voting rights in the U.S. are "under siege" in some states controlled by Republicans as he introduced a "Reality Check" segment by left-leaning CNN analyst John Avlon. The left-leaning CNN contributor misinformed the audience by repeating misinformation about voter purge laws in states like Ohio and Georgia as he wrongly suggested that…