Alex Jones

Unvaccinated? ABC’s Kimmel Thinks You’re a Dumb, Violent Anti-Semite!
Apparently, this is what counts for comedy in 2022 and on network television. During Monday’s Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the eponymous ABC host played a sketch with young girls playing with what were referred to as “Anti-Vaxx Barbie” in a cheap shot at unvaccinated Americans, portraying them as anti-Semitic, deranged, misinformed, and even violent.

Stelter and Former Facebook VP Label Tucker Carlson ‘Misinformation’
Former Facebook Vice President Brian Boland scolded his former employer for not being more censorious amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The former Facebook executive made a July 18 appearance on CNN's Reliable Sources with Brian Stelter to rake his former workplace over the coals for not censoring enough. Stelter set the stage by warning viewers: “It's not hard to find anti-vaccination…

Krugman Spews Trump May Have ‘Financial Incentives’ to Push Virus Drug

Stelter's HBO Straw Man: Toxic 'Right-Wing' Liars vs. Heroic Old Media
Anyone who heard Brian Stelter was producing a documentary on "fake news" for HBO titled After Truth can imagine what they would receive. Anyone watching it finds nothing in it that’s very surprising. Stelter’s employers (current and past) at CNN and The New York Times are the Verifiers of Fact, fighting against a shameless “right-wing” army of misinformation profiteers.

Will Platforms Like Rubin’s Protect Free Speech Online?

CNN Wants Trump’s Baltimore Tweets Labeled ‘Dehumanizing’

Facebook Bans Violent Threats — Except Against Certain People

Nets Fail to Tie Farrakhan to Left While Calling Others 'Far Right'

Twitter Bans More Infowars Accounts, But Leaves Farrakhan Alone
Anti-semitism gets a free pass on Twitter, but conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and company do not. October 22, Twitter suspended 18 accounts that were affiliated with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and Infowars, in a follow up move to the platform’s ban on Alex Jones’ ban on…

Twitter Bows to CNN and Bans Alex Jones Permanently
In an unsurprising reversal, Twitter decided to ban conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and InfoWars from its platform as of Sept. 6.

NYT Twitter Hypocrisy: Alex Jones ‘Dehumanizing,' But Sarah Jeong OK?

Tech Companies Move to Ban InfoWars Across Platforms
In the running war against freedom of speech, tech companies have started to take down extremist content.

Sen. Cruz Defends Alex Jones Against 30-Day Facebook Suspension
InfoWars founder Alex Jones is currently in the midst of a 30-day Facebook suspension for allegedly violating the site’s rules against “bullying” and “hate speech.” It has even resulted in surprising support from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). Jones has said extreme and untrue things, such as falsely asserting that the shooting of six-year-old kids at Sandy Hook was fake.