BLACKOUT: Latino Nets HIDE Shock Poll on Biden's Mental Capacity
From what you see in the Spanish-speaking newscasts, you'd never know that 48 percent of voters believe that Joe Biden is not mentally fit to be President , as a Politico/Morning Consult poll published on November 10, found and the Latino networks hid from their viewers.
SHOCK VIDEO: Latino Media Actually Aired 'Biden Made Me A Republican'
In an extremely rare moment, Latino media aired voices of support for a conservative candidate- as opposed to their usual milieu of Democratic elected officials and far-left activists.
POR FIN: Univisión reporta grave error de campaña de McAuliffe
Se necesitó un levantamiento de votantes para que la prensa latina liberal nacional finalmente informara sobre el "error más grave" cometido por el candidato demócrata a la gobernación de Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, y que el mismo medio ESCONDIÓ de su…
Telemundo Shoves Abortion Into Report on Virginia Election
Telemundo anchor Nacho Lozano found a way to divert attention from Glenn Youngkin’s threat to the Democrat´s 12-year reign in Virginia, by making a report on the gubernatorial elections in Virginia and New Jersey, all about the Texas abortion law.
TÉTRICO: Presentador de Telemundo llama a los bebés "productos"
El público sintonizado al programa Hoy Día de Telemundo, aprendió un nuevo pronombre para los no nacidos: producto. Así mismo: ahora los bebés son productos, de acuerdo con un informe de la Ley de Latidos del Corazón de Texas con los presentadores Nicole Suárez, Nacho Lozano y el veterano periodista Martín Berlanga, donde justo antes de verbalizar la palabra "bebé", Berlanga la cambió por el…
GHOULISH: Telemundo Anchor Calls Babies “Products” in Report on SB8
The viewers of Telemundo’s Hoy Día learned a new pronoun for the unborn: product. Yup, babies are now products, as per a report featuring anchors Nicole Suárez, Nacho Lozano and veteran journalist Martin Berlanga, who catches himself as he is about to say “baby” in a report about the Texas Heartbeat Law, and stopped mid-word to replace it with the callous,…
Univision Promotes Biden´s 450K Buy-Out For Illegals
Univision’s elation at the news of the government negotiating with immigration lawyers to dish-out anywhere from $450,000 to $1M per undocumented immigrant family that was separated at the border in 2018, under President Trump’s zero-tolerance policy, surprises no one.
Medios hispanos despliegan a niños de caravana como escudo
Según la Madre de las Caravanas se abre paso por México de camino hacia Estados Unidos, los medios hispanos intentan ganar asiduos a su causa de asegurar una audiencia permanente mediante la apertura de las fronteras; para ello, dejaron atrás a los usuales activistas y migrantes extenuados para centrarse mejor en los "más de mil niños que son parte de ella y que fueron colocados al frente…
PROPAGANDA: Latino Nets Deploy Caravan Kids As Human Shields
As the Mother of All Caravans crossed Mexico on its way to the United States, the Hispanic media attempted to win sympathy for their cause – that is, to ensure a steady audience via open borders –by shifting their focus from the usual activists and weary migrants, over to the “thousand-plus children that are a part of it and who were placed out front as a sign of peace.”
Are You Ready For 'The Mother of All Caravans'?
The Latino media are practically drooling at the thought of new audiences swarming into the United States as part of the heralded Mother of All Caravans, set to begin its “march” through Mexico on October 23 at 6:00 AM, and estimated, as per Telemundo's Nacho Lozano, at 95,000 strong.
BRAVOS los medios hispanos por confirmación de Ley de Latidos en Texas
Los medios hispanos dejaron a un lado las explosivas crisis migratorias, económicas, de salud y sociales del presidente Biden para criticar la última victoria pro-vida de Texas, ello luego que un tribunal federal de apelaciones confirmara la vigencia de la Ley de Latidos del Corazón de ese estado; la misma fue desafiada por el gobierno de Biden.
Latino Nets Are FURIOUS the U.S. Appeals Court Upheld TX Heartbeat Law
The Latino media took a brief break from President Biden’s exploding immigration, economic, health and social crises in order to lambast Texas' latest pro-life victory, after a federal appeals court granted a stay allowing that state’s Heartbeat Law -challenged by the Biden administration- to remain in place.
Telemundo esconde violencia a favor del aborto en la Ciudad de México
Noticias Telemundo encontró tiempo para elogiar a las mujeres "en toda Latinoamérica por protestar en el "Día de Acción Global por el acceso al aborto legal y seguro" (ahora Día Internacional del Aborto Seguro), pero excluyó el caos y la destrucción ocasionados en la Ciudad de México por un grupo de activistas feministas encapuchadas que celebraron el día hiriendo a 37 personas, entre ellos…
Telemundo HIDES Pro-Abortion Violence in Mexico City
Telemundo News found time to commend women “all over Latin America” for protesting on the "Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion" (now International Safe Abortion Day), but omitted the chaos and destruction caused in Mexico City by one group of hooded feminist activists who celebrated the day by injuring 37 persons, including 9 civilians, one government official and 27…