Karol Markowicz

On FNC & Newsmax, Houck Slams the Lefty Media Spinning for Biden
NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck was all over conservative media late Wednesday and early Thursday as he joined Newsmax’s Eric Bolling: The Balance and the Fox News Channel’s Fox News @ Night with Trace Gallagher to highlight the latest MRC time counts into the liberal broadcast network coverage of recent Biden family scandals as well as attempts by said networks to…

Bitter MSNBCer Jolly: ‘DeSantis Is Far More Dangerous Than...Trump’
In a segment roundly condemned for its predictability and the shallowness of the bitterly jealous man behind it, Sunday’s Mehdi Hasan Show featured former Florida Republican congressman-turned-supposed free thinker David Jolly proclaiming Florida Governor and 2024 GOP presidential candidate Ron DeSantis as both “a very dark figure” and “far more dangerous than Donald Trump.”

MRC’s 2023 Bulldog Award Winners: Walsh, Plante, Markowicz and Raichik
With our second annual Bulldog Awards in six categories announced today, the Media Research Center is honoring conservatives in the media who truly deserve accolades yet will never receive them from the news media establishment. The winners of the MRC’s 2023 Bulldog Awards, as determined by the senior staff of the MRC: Matt Walsh, Chris Plante, Mary Margaret Olohan, Karol Markowicz, Chaya…

WATCH: Greg Gutfeld Torches the Woke ‘Bastards’ at Walt Disney Company
Fox News host Greg Gutfeld had a field day roasting the leftist C-suite hacks at the disenchanted Walt Disney Company for their ongoing obsession to out-woke themselves despite their bottom line taking a financial beating.

WashPost Climate Reporter's Bioethics: Kids Are a ‘High-Cost Luxury’
Wow, if you have any love for humanity, you might not want to renew your subscription to The Washington Post. On Monday, Karol Markowicz at Foxnews.com wrote about Post "climate zeitgeist reporter" Shannon Osaka and her December 2 article on how having children is an irresponsible act when climate change threatens us all.

Editor’s Pick: NY Post on Media Ignoring Biden’s Decline
On Sunday, New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz called out the leftist media for ignoring serious questions about President Biden’s decline as he continues to make numerous high-profile gaffes and misstatements. “Something is wrong with President Joe Biden, and everyone knows it,” she observed, pointing to the President recently confusing the Title 42 immigration policy with the…

NY Times Touts 'Chinese Exceptionalism' and 'Zero Covid In China'
Sarah D. at Twitchy wasn’t pussy-footing in describing a Twitter threat mocking The New York Times from New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz. Their headline was “NYT plunges headfirst into Xi and China’s lap with blatant, destructive CCP COVID propaganda.”

No Good Conservative: ABC 'Struggling' to Replace McCain on ‘View’
On Monday, Politico reported that ABC executives are having trouble finding a replacement to fill former co-host Meghan McCain's spot on The View. The conservative left almost six months ago, and they’ve yet to find a co-host who “checks all the right boxes,” wrote Playbook co-author Tara Palmeri.

Tasteless NYT Columnist Uses Fox Tree Arson to Mock People Fleeing NYC
In her latest column for The New York Times (posted Thursday night), editorial board member Mara Gay used the arson of the Fox News Christmas tree (allegedly committed Wednesday by a homeless man) to mock people leaving New York City due to, among other reasons, the coronavirus pandemic, the far-left local and state governments, rising crime, and subpar schools. Of course, what Gay…

NY Times Writer Rants on 'Whiteness' Ruining a Little Lawn Library
White Americans can confess that when it comes to race, they're often puzzled by how the most innocent actions can be transformed by angry black writers into imagined racial hostility. On Sunday, The New York Times published a nutty little piece by Erin Aubry Kaplan about how she freaked out when a white couple briefly browsed at her little lawn library.

NYTimes Plays Statistical Games, Hypocritically Hits Trump's China Ban
New York Times fact-checker Linda Qiu targeted President Trump’s coronavirus response, with statistical sleight of hand, and managed to criticize Trump both for what he does and for not doing it quickly enough: “Analyzing the Patterns in Trump’s Falsehoods About Coronavirus.” After the paper criticizing Trump for the restrictions, Qiu then criticized him for skepticism of those restrictions.…

CNN: How Can Fox Corp Boss Live With Himself While Poisoning Society?
During Sunday’s so-called “Reliable Sources” on CNN, the network’s engrained hatred for their far more popular competitor boiled over as senior media reporter Oliver Darcy seemed to lose his wits, lashing out at Fox Corp boss Lachlan Murdoch and accusing him of injecting poison into society. Some have suggested Darcy was asserting that Fox News was the enemy of the people.

New York Times's Pro-Communist Bias Stretches to the Moon and Back
Two of the New York Times's most execrable tendencies came together in one awful story, set for print in Sunday’s edition. It combined the paper’s “Red Century” homages and other paeans to Communist regimes (who supposedly supported “women’s rights” despite being genocidal dictatorships) with the paper’s habit of gleefully puncturing what it considers lazy jingoistic pro-American mythology on…

The Worst an Ad Can Get: Gillette Is ‘Dead’ to Many Men
Yesterday Gillette decided to use its authority as “The Best a Man Can Get” to school men in the art of proper post-#MeToo behavior. In an ad brimming with PC condescension, the shaving company held men in general accountable for the existence of “toxic masculinity.” In short, many people are not happy about it. BBC reported that Gillette is currently receiving major backlash and a wide…