Jim Webb
No Joke: MSNBC Compares 2016 Democrats to Different Sandwiches
October 14th, 2015 7:04 PM
In another example of the media doing something that’s silly and bordering on the absurd, Wednesday’s edition of MSNBC Live with Kate Snow ended with a three-minute-plus segment comparing each of the 2016 Democratic presidential candidates to different types of sandwiches with Hillary Clinton being a Subway sandwich and Jim Webb resembling an egg salad sandwich.

CNN's 'Man on the Street' Finds Many Only Know Hillary, Sanders
October 13th, 2015 5:34 PM
On Tuesday's New Day, CNN's Alisyn Camerota interviewed everyday people on Las Vegas's Strip, and revealed that most people have heard of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders among the Democratic presidential candidates, while hardly any could name the remaining three. Out of seven people featured during the segment, only one could name Martin O'Malley and Jim Webb. None knew former Rhode Island…
Matthews, Panel Mock GOP Women, Rural Virginians; 'Got an Attitude'
September 15th, 2015 1:29 AM
Prior to Donald Trump’s rally Monday night in Dallas, Texas, Chris Matthews and the panelists on MSNBC’s Hardball mocked Republican women and voters from “southwestern Virginia” of Scots-Irish heritage who’ve “got an attitude” and previously supported Democrats like Jim Webb. Matthews wrote them off as white people “like Pat Buchanan...the people that went to the mountains when they immigrated to…
CBS to Jim Webb: How Can You Run Against 'Juggernaut' Clinton?
July 9th, 2015 10:51 AM
The co-hosts of CBS This Morning on Thursday marveled at the very concept that someone would oppose Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries. Talking to newly-announced contender Jim Webb, Norah O'Donnell marveled, "But what's your path to victory? I mean, how do you run against a juggernaut like Hillary Clinton's campaign and what's your main argument against her being president of the United…

Politico: Chuck Todd's Wife Advising Jim Webb Presidential Campaign
December 2nd, 2014 2:38 PM
Back in October, NBC Meet the Press host Chuck Todd interviewed former Sen. Jim Webb as part of a series on potential presidential candidates. “a successful author and screenwriter and has written eight books over the years. And I do want to mention that my wife helped Jim Webb in his 2006 Senate campaign.”
Now Politico reports that Kristian Denny Todd (apparently through her firm Maverick…

Chuck Todd Interviews Former Dem. Senator, Wife Worked On '06 Campaign
October 5th, 2014 2:29 PM
Talk about a conflict of interest. Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd sat down with former Senator Jim Webb (D-V.A.) for an interview Sunday morning and set up the discussion by declaring how his wife worked on the Democrat’s 2006 Senate campaign. The NBC News Political Director introduced the Virginia Democrat by highlighting how Webb is “a successful author and screenwriter and has written…

Dem Sen. Webb Slams Obama Leadership, Citing ObamaCare Boondoggle; Was
April 19th, 2012 11:38 AM
President Obama's ham-handed, laissez faire handling of his signature legislative achievement, ObamaCare, "cost Obama a lot of credibility as a leader," argued retiring one-term Sen. James Webb (D-Va.). Webb.
"If you were going to do something of this magnitude, you have to do it with some clarity, with a clear set of objectives from the White House," reporter Karen Tumulty quoted Webb,…
Roland Martin Says 'Confederates and Al-Qaida Are The Same: Terrorists
April 11th, 2010 4:01 PM
CNN's Roland Martin continues to make a fool out of himself concerning Gov. Bob McDonnell's (R-Va.) decision to name April "Confederate History Month.""After reading the hundreds of e-mails, Facebook comments and tweets in response to my denunciation of Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell's decision to honor Confederates for their involvement in the Civil War -- which was based on the desire to continue…
NY Times on VP Picks -- Lots of Conservative Labels, But No Liberals
July 9th, 2008 2:54 PM
Rounding another turn in the race to November 4, The New York Times's "Election Guide -- Potential Running Mates," compiled by Adam Nagourney and Jeff Zeleny and posted to nytimes.com Monday, handicapped various potential vice presidents for Barack Obama and John McCain.The Times first counted up twenty-one potential nominees, 11 Democrats and 10 Republicans (Democratic Sen. Jim Webb was removed…
A Time to Fumfer? Webb Wimps Out on VP Question
May 21st, 2008 10:39 AM
As political rituals go, the phony denial of interest in the VP nomination is among the most annoying. So credit Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee for unequivocally stating their willingness to serve as McCain's running mate. But please, politicians out there, spare us the feeble non-denial denials such as the one Jim Webb offered up on today's Morning Joe. Isn't Webb supposed to be Mr. No-…
CBS’s Smith: Sen. Jim Webb ‘The Least Political Person I Know
May 19th, 2008 3:57 PM
On Monday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith interviewed Democratic Senator from Virginia, Jim Webb, about the Senator’s new book and began by declaring that: "...you seem to me the least political person I know who's ever run for political office." [Audio available here] Of course this is the same non-political Jim Webb that said he "wanted to slug" President Bush after a White House…