Shinzo Abe

President Trump Unveils Winners of 2017 Fake News Awards
When President Trump announced them in early January, many in the liberal media thought that the Fake News Awards were a bluff and he wouldn’t go through with them. But after having previously been postponed, Trump unveiled the “winners” Wednesday night. Out of the top 10 instances of fake news, CNN was sloppy enough to win four awards with the top spot going to The New York Times. The awards…

WashPost: Trump 'Forced' Granddaughter to Perform for Chinese
One of the establishment press's rules about the Donald Trump era is apparently, "There shall be no puff pieces." The Washington Post's Simon Denyer unilaterally decided to extend this rule to Arabella Kushner, the President's young granddaughter, giving him free rein to tell readers that her wonderful singing for China's president wasn't really an unconditionally wonderful event — because,…

CNN/CBS/NBC Create Fake News Out of Trump Feeding Koi Fish
While President Trump was away on a foreign trip to Asia, the liberal media spent Monday creating a false narrative of him “breaking protocol” by dumping fish food into a koi pond. The pretend grave offense occurred when Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was giving President Trump a tour of a state guest facility when they stopped to feed the fish in the famous koi pond under a walkway.

Tras Las Vegas, Jorge Ramos vuelve con otra columna antiarmas
Dos cosas pueden esperarse del presentador de Noticiero Univision Jorge Ramos en las postrimerías de un tiroteo en masa: un segmento desbalanceado sobre el control de armas en Al Punto, y una columna aún más estridente en las plataformas de Univision. Las Vegas no nos libró de estas cosas.

Another Day, Another Tired Gun Control Screed From Jorge Ramos
You can come to expect two things from Univision anchor Jorge Ramos in the immediate aftermath of a mass shooting: an uneven gun-control segment on weekly political talker al Punto, and an even more shrill column across Univision's platforms. We are not spared from these after Las Vegas.

NYT Sports Page Bugs Athletes Suspected of Tolerating Trump
Politicizing sports -- it’s not just for ESPN anymore! No longer seeing sports as a respite from politics, the New York Times has joined the game of pestering and trying to pin down athletes suspected of secret anti-Trump tendencies, while celebrating supporters of illegal immigrants and Black Lives Matter protests: "Of the 56 players polled, 50 -- or 89.3 percent -- said they would play golf…

Trump Skips Liberal Nets, Papers in Trudeau Press Conference
For President Trump’s third joint press conference with a foreign leader, the President skipped over the major broadcast networks, cable networks, liberal newspapers, and wire services on Monday with Canadien Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. In lieu of those outlets, he called on Sinclair Broadcasting Group and The Daily Caller.

CNN Panel Whines: Trump ‘Whiffed’ Statement on North Korea Launch
News broke late Saturday night that North Korea launched a missile in a show of force during the Japanese Prime Minister’s visit to the United States. During a quickly put together media event PM Shinzo Abe spoke first to condemn the launch and was backed up with a brief statement of support from President Donald Trump. But that wasn’t enough for CNN’s Inside Politics, whose Nia-Malika…

Trump Skips Networks at Press Conference With Japanese Prime Minister
Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe conducted a press conference at the White House on Friday in which all liberal three networks were not chosen to ask questions. ABC didn’t even bother to cover the event live. Only CBS and NBC broke in. Instead, Trump called on Daniel Halper of the New York Post and Blake Burman of Fox News. Prime Minister Abe took questions from Japanese…

CNN Hypes Concerns Trump Will Put Muslims in 'Internment Camps'
Monday's New Day on CNN ran a pre-recorded report by correspondent Kyung Lah in which she highlighted two Japanese-American women who suffered through living in internment camps during World War II, and touted their concerns that Donald Trump "could make a dark moment in history a reality again," this time targeting Muslims.

Nets Hail ‘History’ in Hiroshima, Obama Call to End Nuclear Weapons
The network morning shows on Friday all praised President Obama’s “historic visit” to Hiroshima, Japan – site of the first nuclear bombing – and him using the occasion to push his foreign policy agenda. Leading off NBC’s Today, announced: “Historic visit. President Obama becomes the first sitting U.S. President to travel to Hiroshima, site of the devastating atomic bombing.”

CBS: How Can Obama Visit Hiroshima And Not Apologize?
During a report on Thursday’s CBS This Morning about President Obama’s trip to Japan, correspondent Margaret Brennan noted: “Tomorrow, President Obama will make an historic trip to Hiroshima, a city that the U.S. devastated during World War II with the very first atomic bomb....he wants to underscore the risks still posed by nuclear weapons.”

ABC Anchor David Muir Attends State Dinner...After Mocking It In 2015
An invitation to a fancy state dinner at the White House clearly isn’t seen as an obvious sign that a journalist is “in the tank” for President Obama. Friday night’s state dinner for the presidents of five Nordic countries drew two nightly-news anchors – David Muir of ABC and Lester Holt of NBC – three, if you count Fox Special Report anchor Bret Baier. Muir and ABC News vice president Robin…

AP: Japan's Economy Shrank Again, Despite 'Lavish' Stimulus
It seems that no degree of exposure to the real world can destroy journalists' belief in Keynesian economic — not even the two decades-plus calamity in Japan. The Japanese economy has contracted again. According to a report at the Associated Press early Monday morning by an apparently perplexed Elaine Kurtenbach, this occurred despite — not because of — Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's "lavish…