Kathy Griffin

After DC Chaos, Kathy Griffin Re-Posts Trump 'Severed Head' Photo
“Just resign now,” Activist-Entertainer Kathy Griffin told President Donald Trump Wednesday in a tweet re-posting her infamous 2017 photo in which she posed while holding up an image of the president’s “severed head.”

Candace Owens Excoriated For Criticizing Cross-Dressing Harry Styles
Who would look more manly? A gnarly-faced Scot who’s clad in a kilt, sporting a fierce beard, brandishing a claymore and wearing a scowl that could kill a snowflake? Or a smooth-faced boy with styled hair who’s wearing a dress that resembles a ball gown from the 1800s?

Twitter Bans Bannon, Allows Griffin to Re-Post Bloody Trump Head
Steve Bannon and Kathy Griffin have something in common. Both are political warriors of the first order. Bannon, a former Trump White House confidante, wages political battle via “Bannon’s War Room” show. Griffin attacks primarily via social media and comedy stages.

Can’t Touch This! Hollywood Struggles To Hurt Amy Coney Barrett
Supreme Court Justice Nominee Amy Coney Barrett is just too good. Not only is she a God-fearing conservative with pro-life views and seven children, she’s the reached the heights of career success that most secular liberal women only dream of.

‘How Fake Is It Now?’ 10 Hollywood Ghouls Mock Trump Having COVID
If aliens were to come to earth this week and witness firsthand the gloating going around Twitter over the president and his wife contracting coronavirus, they’d probably leave and never come back. In fact, they might want to drop a few planet-killing payloads and put us all out of our misery.

‘F**k This B***h’: Celebs Assail FLOTUS During RNC Speech
In what world would a speech given by a U.S. First Lady, where she expressed support for hard working mothers, showed charity for those afflicted by COVID-19, and expressed her desire for an end to racial strife in the country, be the subject of division and cruelty from famous and influential Americans? Well, in Hollywood, of course.

Kathy Griffin Suggests Stabbing Trump With Syringe
Kathy Griffin is once again back in the news for making yet another threatening remark about Donald Trump online. The 59-year-old comedian is now making headlines after suggesting that someone give President Trump a syringe with “nothing but air inside it.”

‘Here’s Your Mask, A**Hole’: Celebs Nag Trump For Going Maskless

11 Hollywood Lefties Who Hate Americans Who Want to Get Back to Work

Sick Kathy Griffin Accuses Trump of 'Lying' about Virus From Hospital

Happy Presidents Day to ‘Lying Racist’: Celebs Bash Trump on Holiday

'That Felt Good’: Hollywood Satisfied As Pelosi Tears SOTU Speech

Bozell and Graham Column: Hollywood Gets an Education