Eric Adams

Women’s History Stunt: Mayor Pushes For Women in MLB
The boys of summer are back. But what about the girls of summer? The Major League Baseball lockout had barely ended Thursday when New York City Mayor Eric Adams rained on its parade the following day. The mayor applauded the end of the labor dispute before making a public pitch for women to play in the majors. During Women’s History Month, no less.

Mayor Eric Adams Is Only Half Right About the Media
It is usually Republicans who blast the media for what they consider biased or unfair coverage of their policies, but increasingly we are hearing Democrats engaging in the same behavior, apparently frustrated their agenda is not being embraced by some of their fellow Democrats and the public. Last week, New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who has yet to stem rising crime as he promised to do,…

NBA's Silver: Brooklyn Vax Mandate 'Doesn't Make Sense'
Adam Silver, the China-loving, social justice-supporting commissioner of the NBA, is realizing that mask mandates within certain cities are illogical.

Capehart: 'No One Serious Out There Wants to Defund the Police'
On the PBS NewsHour on Friday night, Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart insisted "no one serious out there wants to defund the police." But his own newspaper came out with a big serious editorial in June 2020 lauding the whole movement as an idealistic reimagining of public safety. Capehart promoted it on Twitter!

NBC Highlights Dems Soft-on-Crime Policies, While ABC & CBS Blame Guns
With the rise in crime continuing to sweep through the country, President Joe Biden paid a visit to New York City Thursday to meet with Mayor Eric Adams. During their coverage, Thursday, both ABC World News Tonight and CBS Evening News covered the rampant crime in New York with a focus on guns, instead of the Democrat Party's defund the police rhetoric and policies. Only NBC Nightly News made…

MSNBC Reporter Heckled By Anti-Biden Protesters in NYC
During a live shot in downtown New York City for MSNBC late Thursday morning, White House correspondent Mike Memoli was repeatedly heckled by protesters critical of President Biden and the media. This occurred while Memoli was laughably trying to promote Biden’s trip to the city as a “model” for how Democrats can address surging crime rates across the country ahead of the midterm elections.…

The View: GOP 'Defunding the Police,' 'The Real Problem' With Crime
Thursday was just another day in the reverse reality that the coven of ABC’s The View occupies as they lashed out Republicans with false accusations that they were the ones “defunding the police” in (heavily Democratic) cities around the country, and they were “the real problem” with rising gun violence in cities.

CBS, NBC Ignore Newsom Flouting Own Mask Mandates at Rams Game
One day after Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsom was once again caught maskless in a public setting, all but one of the evening news broadcasts bothered to mention the incident. ABC's World News Tonight being the only network to cover the incident.

Crime: CNN Buys Into Liberal Pols' Focus on Guns, Not Criminals
Liberals like to mock people offering "thoughts and prayers" in response to deadly shootings. But liberals themselves invariably trot out a largely useless approach to such tragedies. They focus on guns, not the criminals who use them. And just like the politicians, the liberal media also buys into this false focus. CNN Monday morning aired a segment on the killing of two law enforcement…

The Great Re-Sorting Is Here
This week, the incoming New York City Mayor Eric Adams -- the supposed rational corrective to uber-radical outgoing Mayor Bill de Blasio -- announced that he would allow legislation to proceed allowing local voting for 800,000 noncitizens. The same week, the legislature in California took up a bill that would establish single-payer health care in the state, paying for the increase in costs by…

Nets Silent on New York City DA Vowing to Let Violent Criminals Walk
While the broadcast networks were busy spending Wednesday hyping the anniversary of January 6 for political gain in the midterms, they were intentionally overlooking the violent chaos in their own backyard in New York City. There, newly minted District Attorney Alvin Bragg promised to allow violent criminals to walk free as part of his progressive Democratic criminal justice reform plan; at a…

MSNBC: Fox News Only Covering Theft Because They Hate Black People
Chris Hayes has a long history of making absurd and hateful claims on his nightly MSNBC show, but it appears there is no comment or bizarre conspiracy theory that’s too low for him. On Wednesday night’s edition of “All In”, Hayes spent an entire segment dismissing America’s rising crime rates, and questioned the motives of any network that dared to cover it.

CNN Praises Hypocritical SF Mayor Reversing Course on Defunding Police
CNN host Don Lemon is still pretending he’s always been critical of the radical left’s soft approach to crime. But not too long ago, he was actually mocking concerns about rising crime. He took his own hypocrisy over to New Day Thursday morning, to protect liberal officials who were doing an about face on defunding the police as well.