Ed Asner
CBS Hypes Conspiracy Theory: Conservatives Got Asner’s Show Cancelled
August 30th, 2021 12:30 PM
In a tribute to mark the passing of liberal actor Ed Asner, CBS This Morning on Monday revived a kooky conspiracy theory that liberal CBS cancelled his ‘80s TV show Lou Grant to appease Reagan-era conservatives.

‘Kiss Orange Emperor’s A**’: Trump Victory Speech LEVELS Hollywood
February 6th, 2020 4:36 PM
The left’s best efforts at removing President Trump ended with an impeachment acquittal on Wednesday, Feb. 5, and the man had an off-the-cuff victory speech about beating the “vicious” Dems on Thursday. How do you think lefties in Hollywood were holding up?

‘ImpeachNavidad’: Hollywood Has Holiday Over Impeachment of ‘Evil Man’
December 19th, 2019 4:53 PM
Impeachment has brought out the worst in Trump haters over the last couple of days, and even though the process probably won’t do much to Donald Trump’s momentum as president (cheers to the special few who are puzzled that he’s still around,) celebrities on Twitter were over the moon that Democrats were able to give the president the congressional form of “Orange Man Bad.” Bless their hearts.

Celebs Use Cummings’s Death a Weapon Against Trump
October 17th, 2019 2:34 PM
If you want to go online for earnest celebrations and posts of gratitude for the life of Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-MI), go anywhere other than celebrity Twitter. After Cummings’ untimely death, many of Hollywood’s usual suspects made a lot of noise because, of course, it was a way to slam President Trump.

Hollywood Divines Impeachment Forecast From Mueller Presser
May 29th, 2019 2:53 PM
For rabid left wingers and their irresponsible allies in the media, Robert Mueller’s press conference on May 29 doesn’t dispel the allegations of Trump Russian collusion, rather it reinforces it. That’s the beauty of it. By not giving any substantiated remarks on the president’s actions — well besides saying that he’s not saying anything — Mueller has given the left, especially Hollywood, a straw…

‘Your Prayers Don’t Work’; Hollywood Uses Shooting to Push Gun Control
May 18th, 2018 3:42 PM
Sympathy and charity are the natural reactions to a tragedy. Using the deaths of innocent people as an immediate platform for political gain is inhuman. So, naturally, that’s the route Hollywood elitists chose to take just hours after the school shooting in Santa Fe that left 10 dead and several injured.

Ed Asner Jokes About Trump's Sons Being Mauled By Lion
February 13th, 2018 2:18 PM
Proverbial crazy old liberal, Ed Asner thinks he’s a real funny guy. On Tuesday morning, Asner took to twitter to try out an outlandish joke. He shared a recent National Geographic report on a poacher who was devoured by lions at a game reserve in South Africa last Friday. Not being able to resist, the former president of the Screen Actors’ Guild asked the twitterverse if anyone had seen Eric or…

Celeb Ed Asner: ‘Right-Wingers’ Don’t Understand the Constitution
January 3rd, 2018 11:10 AM
Angry old liberals are convinced that they are always right. So when actor Ed Asner was interviewed by the Daily Beast, he tried to discredit anyone who thought outside of the progressive box. When Craig Modderno asked Asner why he wrote his book, The Grouchy Historian, Asner replied smugly: “If right-wingers truly understood what the Constitution meant they wouldn’t use it as a crutch every time…

Ed Asner in Salon: 'The U.S. Was Actually Founded on Gun Control'
December 16th, 2017 7:10 PM
In a late Saturday morning column, wannabe constitutional scholars Ed Asner and Ed. Weinberger (yes, there's a period after his first name) weighed in on the Founders' intent relating to citizens' right to bear arms. Asner and Weinberger, an actor and a comedy joke and script writer, respectively, in real life, deigned to tell us that the Second Amendment was really a gun control measure designed…

Asner on Our Media: All GOP-Dominated Papers, 'At Best Centrist TV'
March 21st, 2015 10:14 AM
Carl Koslowski at Hollywood In Toto reports leftist actor Ed Asner recently took an hour from his busy schedule to discuss both his career and political involvements with The Campaign with Ernie Powell on the Radio Titans podcast network.
Asner played journalist Lou Grant, but he bizarrely thinks the media are not liberal at all. There’s only right-wing newspapers and “at best centrist TV…

Bozell Column: Celebrity Silence on Syria
September 14th, 2013 8:09 AM
In the era of "warmonger" Republicans in the White House, the Toronto International Film Festival would have been fertile ground for bold, outspoken "dissent" from actors against war in the Middle East. Now with Obama on the brink of missile attacks in Syria, you would expect the same agitation, but this time coupled with a dash of betrayal.
Instead, the Hollywood Reporter found nothing there…

Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins Refuse to Comment on Syria
September 9th, 2013 10:54 AM
When George W. Bush was president, Hollywood stars turned anti-war activists such as Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins were all over the airwaves touting peace.
As America apparently heads to war with Syria under a liberal Commander-in-Chief, such folk are mysteriously silent.

Ed Asner Explains Hollywood's Syria Silence: They 'Don't Want to Feel
September 6th, 2013 11:14 PM
Radical-left actor Ed Asner was blunt with Paul Bond of The Hollywood Reporter about how celebrities won’t be mobilizing against military actions launched by Barack Obama: "A lot of people don't want to feel anti-black by being opposed to Obama," he said.
"It will be a done deal before Hollywood is mobilized," Asner said. "This country will either bomb the hell out of Syria or not before…
Ed Asner: Sean Hannity's 'Behind On His Rabies Shots
December 11th, 2012 11:01 AM
NewsBusters reported last week that Fox News's Sean Hannity had come down on actor Ed Asner for his participation in an animated video depicting a rich person urinating on regular Americans.
Asner struck back Monday on Current TV's Young Turks saying, "I think he's behind on his rabies shots" (video follows with transcript and commentary):