
WashPost, Snopes Tag Biden for Fake Story About Arrest in South Africa

February 26th, 2020 3:30 PM
This week, the "fact checkers" at both The Washington Post and have thrown the penalty flag at Joe Biden for his repeated claim that he was imprisoned in South Africa in the 1970s while trying to visit Nelson Mandela at the Robben Island prison. Sadly, the networks didn't seem to notice this historical gaffe before the South Carolina debate.

MRC VP Dan Gainor Calls Out WaPo Story Accusing Facebook

February 24th, 2020 12:18 PM
Dan Gainor, Media Research Center (MRC) Vice President of TechWatch, issued the following statement Monday in response to a recent article from The Washington Post that claimed Facebook has “titled rightward” to avoid “Republican wrath.”

WashPost's Sullivan: Media Still Far Too Neutral with 'Trump Unbound'

February 24th, 2020 10:46 AM
President Trump's acquittal in the Senate is driving some of the media's worst Trump haters into a tizzy. The media's bias has been intense -- and yet the problem is apparently it's not intense enough. Washington Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan is bizarrely urging the media to drop its "neutrality at all costs" model and go all out in opposition to Trump. 

WashPost Claims Facebook ‘Tilted Rightward’ to Avoid GOP 'Wrath’

February 24th, 2020 10:17 AM
The liberal media sees working with President Donald Trump or Republicans as a black mark on one’s reputation. For The Washington Post, having a handful of Republican employees means that Facebook fears Trump and the GOP. The result was a 4,107 word story that was more a whine about Facebook not being left-wing enough.

WashPost Fawns Over Trans Advice Columnist for 'Strong Moral Compass'

February 21st, 2020 10:23 AM
Who becomes a modern advice columnist? According to the Washington Post’s Maura Judkis, it’s someone with “a deep well of empathy, a strong moral compass, a gift for being succinct without coming off as glib.” Empathy, check. Not glib, got it. Strong ... moral compass? Huh?

Retired Sam Donaldson Slammed, Praised for Endorsing Michael Bloomberg

February 20th, 2020 2:30 PM
Endorsing one of the candidates during a presidential campaign is usually a rare thing for most reporters, celebrities and other famous people. However, retired ABC News reporter Sam Donaldson did just that when he made a video in which he expressed his public support for former Republican and wealthy Democrat Michael Bloomberg in the 2020 campaign for the White House.

Oprah Gushes at Trevor Noah As Objective...and 'Cute As a Golden Pup'

February 16th, 2020 7:26 PM
The Washington Post published a puff piece on Daily Show host Trevor Noah in the Sunday paper. Deep in the article, was Noah's super-fan Oprah Winfrey who touted his "objectivity" and "discernment," and then insisted the Post also quote her opinion that he was "cute as a golden retriever puppy....Every time I look at him, I think: There’s that golden pup.”

Nothing to See: WashPost and Ignore Bias of Stone Jury Foreman

February 15th, 2020 4:00 PM
This is exactly how the Leftist State Media (the LSM) plays the game of omission journalism. Here is a story that is headlined as follows: “Stone juror says she 'stands with' the prosecutors.” The story reads, in part, this way: "A juror on the Roger Stone trial said she wants to 'stand up' for the four prosecutors who withdrew from the case in response to their sentencing recommendation…

NYT’s Thomas Friedman Begs Democrats to Nominate Bloomberg

February 13th, 2020 4:41 PM
You know politics have gotten weird when a liberal New York Times columnist begs Democrat voters to abandon Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in favor of nominating Michael Bloomberg to lead the Democratic ticket. Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman wrote a wacky February 11, op-ed headlined “Paging Michael Bloomberg.”

Scarborough Pens Gaudy Political Eulogy: 'I'm Proud of Joe Biden'

February 13th, 2020 10:35 AM
In a Washington Post column promoted heavily on today's Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough has penned what amounts to a political eulogy for Joe Biden. It's headlined "No matter how it ends, I'm proud of Joe Biden." He ostentatiously placed himself at the "top of the list" of people proud of Biden.

Column: No Centrists in the Democratic Primaries

February 12th, 2020 8:14 AM
On Sunday, The Washington Post editorial page led with a dramatic and rarely uttered fact check. The headline was “There are no ‘centrists’ – the Democratic primary race is not a choice between change and the status quo.” The Post insisted “every major Democratic candidate is running on an agenda to the left of Mr. Obama’s.” NPR also arrived at this candid and accurate assessment.  

Scarborough: Trump Would Arrest Mika and Me If He Could Get Away with

February 12th, 2020 7:38 AM
Calling President Trump a "would-be dictator," Joe Scarborough claimed on today's Morning Joe that if he could "get away with it," Trump would arrest Mika and him, and every other journalist he didn't like, and throw them in jail to silence them. The liberals tried this tactic before the election. None of this has ever happened, but they just keep predicting it. They have to pretend pulling Jim…

WashPost Trashes Judicial Watch.... As If Iowa's Caucuses Were Legit?

February 10th, 2020 12:35 PM
Mark Hemingway at Real Clear Politics offered a tough critique of Washington Post reporters Isaac Stanley-Becker and Tony Romm for their article headlined “Conservatives spread false claims on Twitter about electoral fraud as Iowans prepare to caucus.” This came before the caucus debacle. 

Column: Attack of the 'Fact Checking' Clones

February 8th, 2020 7:08 AM
Under President Trump, the State of the Union address has become the Super Bowl for the left-leaning “fact checkers.” It doesn’t matter if Republicans and independents enjoyed it immensely. Like Nancy Pelosi, these journalists want to rip his speech to pieces because it somehow overflows with “untruths.” But these supposedly “independent” guardians are failures at fact-checking the Democratic…