Sunday Best? WashPost Highlights Pope-Trashing (Muslim?) Songstress

March 22nd, 2020 8:19 AM
Why, in March of 2020, is The Washington Post devoting four pages of the Sunday newspaper to a one-hit wonder from 1992? Because she ripped up a picture of sainted Pope John Paul II on Saturday Night Live. There won’t be a four-page spread with eight pictures on Ugly Kid Joe or the Soup Dragons. But say “Christianity lied to me,” and your latest attempt at rehabilitation gets another round of…

WashPost Writer: Trump's Rural Voters Face Virus with Few ICU Beds

March 21st, 2020 11:21 PM
Elizabeth Vaughn at RedState noticed that The Washington Post can’t help but show contempt for rural voters who pulled the lever for Donald Trump. Don't they know Democrats are the "party of health care"? Philip Bump's story was headlined “1 in 8 Trump voters lives in a county with no ICU beds.” And they're the older voters who are more vulnerable to the coronavirus.

WashPost Fashionista Hits Trump for 'Spitting Distance' Human Backdrop

March 19th, 2020 5:19 PM
Washington Post scribe Robin Givhan is supposed to do fashion writing, but it's always smarter to see her as a political columnist who uses fashion as an inspiration. This latest column has almost zero to do with fashion. The headline is:"Why won’t Trump practice social distancing at his daily briefings?!" Question mark, exclamation point....another liberal opinion.

WashPost Puffs Maddow as She Says Trump Will Get 'Worse and Worse'

March 15th, 2020 12:21 PM
Sunday's Washington Post Magazine has a one-page "Just Asking" interview with MSNBC host Rachel Maddow. On the opposing page is an arty photo of Maddow in blue light (for the blue states)? She slashed Trump: "I can’t imagine anything that Trump wouldn’t do. It doesn’t seem to me like there’s a line that he wouldn’t cross. And so, yeah, I think it’s just going to get worse and worse."

Washington Post Tags Biden with Four Pinocchios for Nasty Trump Edits

March 13th, 2020 8:07 PM
In the growing squabble between the presidential candiates (and the social media giants) about manipulated video, The Washington Post “Fact Checker” squad deserves credit for throwing flags at both sides. We won’t expect them to keep a running count of Biden’s “false or misleading statements,” but this is something.

Washington Post's Milbank Attacks Bernie Sanders as a 'Spoiler'

March 13th, 2020 7:52 PM
Is Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank secretly working for the Trump 2020 campaign? The question has to be asked because Milbank is currently doing all he can to completely alienate Bernie Sanders supporters from the Democrat party  and making it more likely that they won't be voting for Joe Biden, if he is the nominee, in November. So how is Milbank accomplishing this result? By severely…

Corona Overkill: Wash Post Homepage Features 49 Virus Items

March 11th, 2020 2:39 PM
There isn’t much at this point we can say definitively about coronavirus, except that The World Health Organization says it’s a pandemic and we’re not allowed say where it originated (rhymes with “Shina”). That’s about it. But one thing about the virus is abundantly clear: if you’re in the anemic news media industry, it’ll cure what ails you. Call it panic-cillen. 

'Fact Checkers' Freak Out at Trump (Not Biden) for 'Deceptive' Editing

March 11th, 2020 1:26 PM
The independence of the “independent fact checkers” is looking very questionable again, leaping into the fray to protest that a tweet featuring a brief video clip of Joe Biden is somehow “Mostly False” (as PolitiFact ruled). Earth to PolitiFact: the network "news" people omit the full context of quotes on a regular basis, but they aren't tagged as "deceptive" editors. 

What?! CNN Calls Biden Lying, Cursing at Voter, ‘Charming’ ‘Authentic’

March 10th, 2020 4:21 PM
How many gaffes and hostile interactions with voters does 2020 Democrat frontrunner Joe Biden have to make before the media notices or cares? Yet again, Biden was caught both shouting obscenities, and lying to a man who confronted him during a campaign stop over his stance on guns. Instead of ignoring the hostile exchange as they typically do, CNN decided to cover for Biden by spinning it…

WashPost Jester Compares Peter Schweizer to Dr. Mengele, Satan

March 9th, 2020 1:39 PM
Washington Post "humorist" Gene Weingarten made fun of his own paranoid confusion in Sunday's Washington Post Magazine. CBS News wanted to work with him for a 48 Hours segment. Then he heard one of the producers there was named Peter Schweizer...which somehow set off the smell of Satan. Which is odd, considering Weingarten is an atheist. It turns out it was Peter Schweitzer, with a T. But how is…

Preposterous: WashPost Promotes Idea of Sanders, 'Reagan of the Left'

March 8th, 2020 11:57 AM
Sunday's Washington Post Outlook section carried a preposterous article by Sam Tanenhaus, the former editor of The New York Times Book Review. It tried to suggest Bernie Sanders was a lot like Ronald Reagan, a "Reagan of the left." Why pick this man to try this lame thesis? This is the same Tanenhaus who wrote a book predicting The Death of Conservatism in 2009.

Liberal Outlets Downplay Strong Jobs Report, Elevate Coronavirus Fears

March 6th, 2020 12:34 PM
Leave it to the liberal media to take the good news of the February jobs report and try to throw cold water on it as quickly as possible by pounding on coronavirus fears. MSNBC's Maddow Blog, NBC News, The New York Times and The Washington Post all wrote liberal spin stories on the latest jobs report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The job numbers showed that the economy added a whopping 273,…

Trump 2020 Campaign Sues WashPost Over Op-Ed ‘Hit Piece’

March 6th, 2020 12:12 PM
During the past few days, officials with President Trump’s re-election campaign and GOP California Senator Devin Nunes have taken legal action against the Washington Post regarding opinion editorials that defamed the Republican occupant of the White House and were described by Nunes as a “WaPo hit piece.”

Scarborough: Schumer's Threat 'Reprehensible,' But Rebuke Trump Too!

March 5th, 2020 4:53 PM
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough calls Chuck Schumer's attack on Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh "deeply disturbing" and "reprehensible." He says it is right for Chief Justice Roberts to have rebuked Schumer. But Joe goes on to sarcastically say that he expects Roberts and Mitch McConnell to also rebuke President Trump for attacking federal judges.