Noticiero Estrella

Estrella TV Is VEXED At Biden Trading Border Security For Ukraine Cash
Once you understand that the core business model of Spanish-language TV depends on a steady inflow of immigrants, legal or otherwise, you understand everything else about how these networks cover the news. Hence, Estrella TV’s freakout that President Joe Biden might secure the border in exchange for some more Ukraine cash.

Los medios celebran las políticas fronterizas de Biden
Se ignoran los detalles críticos: hombre en la lista de vigilancia terrorista del FBI detenido, aumento total de las acciones de cumplimiento

Estrella Uses End of Title 42 to Ignore the Real Border Crisis
The recent termination of Title 42, a policy that governed border encounters, has become a smokescreen for the Biden administration and their allies in the media. While outlets like el noticiero Estrella and President Biden present a rosy picture, there's more to the story they conveniently overlook as you would expect.

Latino Media IGNORE Pelosi's On-Camera Elbowing of Flores’ Daughter
The national Latino networks exist to serve the Latino community first and foremost, right? Wrong. Hispanics actually come a distant second behind their corporate interests, as was confirmed with their coverage of the historic swearing in of Congresswoman Mayra Flores (R-TX) by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Hispanic Media Pushes For Gun Control In Uvalde Massacre
The horrific events at Uvalde, Texas, where a teen psychopath shot and killed 19 school children and two teachers have triggered the anchors and correspondents at the Spanish-speaking corporate media into a frenzied political coverage in support of gun control.

Spanish-Language Media Spread ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Disinformation
Latino media quickly jumped on the disinformation bandwagon regarding Florida’s new ‘Parental Rights in Education’ bill, seizing upon the far catchier ‘Don’t Say Gay’ moniker adopted by activists to describe the legislation that gives the parents of children from kindergarten to third grade enforceable rights as to their education, and in particular, on the subject of sex and gender.

Spanish Nets Cheered Colombia's ‘Roe v. Wade’
The breaking news of Colombia's “historic achievement for women''s rights, that is, to terminate their pregnancies”, to quote one Telemundo anchor, was considered so important at the national Latino networks, that they gave the story a total 12 minutes of combined airtime.

Estrella TV Report on Rittenhouse Trial Spreads Racist Disinformation
Estrella TV hit rock bottom with a caustic report ridden with omissions and misinformation, and whose sole purpose was to fuel racial grievance in the midst of the Kenosha, Wisconsin, trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. The events in question occurred in August 2020, during the violent Black Lives Matter riots in that city.

Informe viciado de Estrella TV fomenta agravio racial y desinformación
Estrella TV tocó fondo como medio informativo en español con un informe viciado de omisiones y desinformación, y cuyo único propósito fue fomentar el agravio racial en medio del juicio que se ventila en Kenosha, Wisconsin, contra Kyle Rittenhouse. Los eventos en juicio ocurrieron en agosto de 2020, durante los violentos disturbios del movimiento Black Lives Matter en esa ciudad.

Medios CALLAN que 54% de los latinos en Ca. no quiere a Newsom
Los hispanos en California son el único grupo racial a favor de la destitución (54%) del gobernador demócrata Gavin Newsom, según la más reciente encuesta de Emerson / Nexstar. Primera noticia para el público de los medios de comunicación en…

Latino Media SILENT as 54% of California Latinos SUPPORT Newsom Recall
Hispanics in California are the only racial group in favor of recalling (54%) Democrat governor Gavin Newsom, per the most recent Emerson/Nexstar poll. But this new data may come as a shock to viewers of the nation´s Spanish-speaking media, which has gone silent on the recall after initially boosting Newsom and pushing his campaign talking points.
Medios OCULTAN marcha contra currículo de perspectiva de género en PR
Los medios de comunicación en español de la nación dejaron a sus audiencias a ciegas sobre la oposición al currículo de perspectiva de género en el sistema de instrucción pública de Puerto Rico, prefiriendo ignorar la protesta multitudinaria del sábado pasado contra la implementación de la perspectiva de género en todas las materias. La iniciativa arranca este semestre escolar por órdenes del …
Media HIDE Protest Against Gender Perspective Curriculum in PR
The nation´s Spanish-speaking news media put a lid on the growing movement against gender perspective curriculum in Puerto Rico´s public school system, omitting this past Saturday´s mass protest against the upcoming implementation of fluid-gender identity in all subject matters. The new curriculum is set to start this semester as ordered by governor Pedro Pierluisi.

NOTICIAS FALSAS: Estrella TV se vuelca en la ley de voto TX
Los periodistas Mirthala Salinas y Armando Guzmán del noticiero vespertino de Estrella TV, pasan un segmento completo atacando las leyes de reforma electoral, tanto pasadas como nuevas, enmarcándolas con las mismas ideas racistas y anti-minorías de siempre.