
CBS, NBC Omit Key Fact in Rape, Imply Ruling Will Mean More Teen Rapes
After having ignored the story on Wednesday night, CBS and NBC arrived on scene Thursday morning with coverage of an indictment in the rape of a 10-year-old Ohio girl and subsequent abortion in Indiana. But on CBS Mornings and NBC’s Today, neither cared to point out the man who’s confessed to raping her is an illegal immigrant and, in the case of the former, they implied the…

Of Course: Antifa-Crusader Cuomo Outraged by Anti-Riot Bills
It should come as no surprise that frequent defender of left-wing rioters Chris Cuomo would object to laws punishing rioters. As Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots spread across the country last year and continue still, the CNN host raged against Republican leaders taking measures to curb them.

REPORT: 28 States Take on Big Tech; 20 Battle Online Censorship
Congress has remained locked in a stalemate over how to tackle Big Tech tyranny. Meanwhile, state governments have stepped up and decided to take matters into their own hands where the federal government has failed. The partisan gridlock in Congress grew more apparent as Republicans and Democrats clashed with Big Tech executives — and with each other — in a March 25 hearing. Twenty-eight…

Really, NYT? Desperate Paper Links ‘Trump County’ to Child Cancer

CNN Claims Voting Rights 'Under Siege' by GOP, Spreads Misinformation
On Monday's New Day, CNN co-host John Berman claimed that voting rights in the U.S. are "under siege" in some states controlled by Republicans as he introduced a "Reality Check" segment by left-leaning CNN analyst John Avlon. The left-leaning CNN contributor misinformed the audience by repeating misinformation about voter purge laws in states like Ohio and Georgia as he wrongly suggested that…

USA Today Column Ponders America Under Pence If Trump Left Office

Hardly Known: Carrier Plant's Workforce 50 Percent African-American

CBS Censors Indiana Dem’s D.C. Lobbyist Past in Covering Senate Race

Lame NYT Turns Democratic Voting, Disruption Scandals Back on GOP

AP Omits Key Info on Group in Indiana Voter Registration Fraud Probe

Apple CEO Tells WashPost He Got Cooper’s Advice Before Coming Out

Bloggers on Pence: ‘Unprincipled Puppet’ Or ‘Lunatic Conservative’?

Univision News Slams Climate Heretic Mike Pence