Sacha Baron Cohen: Zuckerberg Must ‘Stand With Trump' or 'Democracy'

Sacha Baron Cohen, famous for his portrayal of fictional Kazakhstani journalist Borat, thinks that the end is nigh for America’s "democracy" and President Donald Trump is out to bring it down, with the help of his accomplice--Mark Zuckerberg.

Sergie Daez
November 13th, 2020 4:33 PM

U.S. Government Reverses Course on TikTok Ban

Despite serious national security concerns over the video-sharing app TikTok, the United States government has reversed course on the app’s ban in the country. The Department of Commerce announced its compliance with an Oct. 30 injunction that will allow TikTok to continue to operate in the United States, at least for the time being.

Kayla Sargent
November 13th, 2020 4:29 PM

CNN Thrilled By Biden's Chief of Staff Pick: 'Totally Trusted Person'

CNN and the other leftist-aligned networks have a much different opinion of Joe Biden’s Chief of Staff pick then they did of then-President-Elect Trump’s in 2016. Readers may remember that the media grilled Reince Preibus when he was announced. They certainly didn’t…

Joseph Norris
November 13th, 2020 4:25 PM

Petulant Pelosi Slams Facebook for Allowing Free Speech

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi scorched Facebook for allowing conservatives to criticize and mock liberals. Pelosi had received a question from a reporter about whether Facebook had done enough to censor conservatives and “correct the president’s lies” and replied by torching the platform publicly: “I’m not a big fan of Facebook. I don’t know what they have been doing, but…

Alexander Hall
November 13th, 2020 4:10 PM
Christine Brennan, USA Today

Errant Shot: USA Today Presses Nicklaus to Tell Trump to Quit

So far, the left-stream media has been unable to persuade President Donald Trump that there is no evidence of voter fraud and he should accept defeat. On Thursday, this prompted USA Today sports writer Christine Brennan to pressure 80-year-old golfing legend Jack Nicklaus to do their dirty work for them.

Jay Maxson
November 13th, 2020 3:05 PM

OUTRAGEOUS: Twitter Labeled 300K Tweets This Election Cycle

It’s no secret that Twitter takes its self-proclaimed role as the arbiter of truth seriously, but a recent report released by the company shows just how far it’s willing to go to censor its opponents. Twitter proudly announced in a Thursday update: “Approximately 300,000 Tweets have been labeled under our Civic Integrity Policy for content that was disputed and potentially misleading. These…

Kayla Sargent
November 13th, 2020 2:56 PM

Outlets Push Biden Adviser’s INSANE 4-6 Week Economy Lockdown

The liberal media and their leftist cohorts do seem to like locking down the economy, despite the catastrophic damage these measures have already inflicted upon Americans.

Joseph Vazquez
November 13th, 2020 2:02 PM

Legend Lectures Mark Cuban: We NEED Government Not ‘Charity'

If you’re a proud committed conservative who loves Christian principles and economic freedom in this country, you’ve no doubt had to face the niggling criticisms of the left saying you don’t actually give a damn about the poor or the disenfranchised. You’re not for socialized healthcare or free college for all, do you even care about the downtrodden in the street who need both?

Gabriel Hays
November 13th, 2020 1:45 PM

Showtime Documentary Smears Reagan as Racist Precursor to Trump

On Sunday night Showtime will debut a four-part documentary series, The Reagans, devoted to smearing President Ronald Reagan as an anti-civil rights user of racist “dog whistles” who, in the words of its director, served as a tool of “plutocrats” who “in many ways paved the way for Trump.”

Brent Baker
November 13th, 2020 1:26 PM

SHOCKED USA Today Warns: Conservatives Shift to Alternate Social Media

USA Today seems to  think there is something weird and cultish for conservative to seek alternate social media free of liberal censorship.

P.J. Gladnick
November 13th, 2020 12:34 PM
Katy Tur

MSNBC’s Tur Eager for Economy-Killing Climate Regulation

On her 2:00 p.m. ET hour show on Thursday, MSNBC anchor and left-wing climate change activist Katy Tur was salivating over the incoming Biden administration’s plans to implement economy-killing climate regulations by executive fiat. She lead off the segment by hailing: “Four years of climate change denial will come to an end on January 20th when President-Elect Joe Biden takes office.”

Kyle Drennen
November 13th, 2020 12:24 PM

Media ENRAGED Zuckerberg Refuses to Ban Bannon from Facebook

Major liberal media outlets are furious that Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg won’t ban former presidential advisor Steve Bannon for merely using political hyperbole in his show.

Alexander Hall
November 13th, 2020 12:22 PM

VIDEO FLASHBACK: Media Saw Voter Fraud Everywhere 20 Years Ago

After the 2000 Presidential election, TV journalists indulged losing candidate Al Gore’s protracted attempts to overturn the election, treating his lawsuits and requested recounts with great respect. Yet the same media today are exasperated by President Trump’s refusal to concede. Pundits incuriously dismiss the Trump campaign’s lawsuits as “frivolous” and the recounts as “pointless,”…

Bill D'Agostino
November 13th, 2020 12:00 PM

Not Journalism: Obama Vacation Pal Spends Interview Whining About GOP

As I reported on Thursday, Gayle King, a Democratic donor, had been awarded the first interview with the former President as he promotes his new book. It’s not hard to see why the woman who vacationed with the Obama family was chosen. 

Scott Whitlock
November 13th, 2020 11:53 AM