The Media’s ‘Unity’ Chickens From 2016 Coming Home to Roost

Well isn’t this interesting. After spending four years assailing Donald Trump, suddenly the media wants to give peace a chance. Fox’s Greg Gutfeld astutely observed this the other night on Fox’s The Five. Said Greg:

Jeffrey Lord
November 14th, 2020 4:00 PM
Tiffany Cross MSNBC AM Joy 11-14-20

MSNBC Host Fantasizes: Trump 'Dragged' Out Like 'Cops' Show

Guest-hosting MSNBC's AM Joy show, Tiffany Cross fantasizes about President Trump refusing to leave the White House and being "dragged out on the White House lawn like a 1980s 'Cops' episode."

Mark Finkelstein
November 14th, 2020 3:00 PM

Twitter Bans Bannon, Allows Griffin to Re-Post Bloody Trump Head

Steve Bannon and Kathy Griffin have something in common. Both are political warriors of the first order. Bannon, a former Trump White House confidante, wages political battle via “Bannon’s War Room” show. Griffin attacks primarily via social media and comedy stages.

Christian Toto
November 14th, 2020 1:30 PM

FLASHBACK: 3 Best Examples of NON-'Unity' From the Left in 2016

Now that journalists and media outlets are telling us it’s time for togetherness and to celebrate the election of Joe Biden, it’s worth remembering what “unity” looked like in 2016. Far left hosts and celebrities weren’t so big on the coming together. On November 9, 2016, Rachel Maddow compared the election of Donald Trump to… the Cuban Missile Crisis: “We've faced crises before as a country.…

Scott Whitlock
November 14th, 2020 12:15 PM

Mitchell Laments False 'Socialist Memes' Harming Democrats

In trying to explain why Democrats failed to take back the Senate, MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell concluded that it was because of false socialist memes, which is not fair because they were mostly not true.

Alex Christy
November 14th, 2020 11:15 AM

Acosta: Trump's Going Back to Being 'Another Crackpot on the Internet'

What will happen to Jim Acosta if his great nemesis goes away in January? On Friday night’s Anderson Cooper 360, Acosta boasted that Trump “just goes back to being another crackpot on the internet.” But will Acosta have to make way for CNN’s Jeff Zeleny to ask Joe Biden what “enchants” him in the first 100 days?

Tim Graham
November 14th, 2020 7:43 AM

ABC's Dan Abrams Worries that Trump Could Still 'Steal This Election'

Mediaite founder and ABC's Chief Legal Affairs Anchor Dan Abrams is now worried that President Donald Trump could "steal this election" via the legal challenges to the voting in various states.

P.J. Gladnick
November 14th, 2020 6:19 AM

CNN Touts Claim Trump 'Wants to Lose,' 'Worried' He'll Get 'Arrested'

CNN seems to be invested in pushing fake news, constantly touting articles that bash President Trump but have no evidence or sources behind them. The latest item seized upon by the leftist network, from New York Magazine, cites a “friend” of the President claiming Trump actually didn’t want to win the election.

On Friday, New Day co-host John Berman was happy to…

Joseph Norris
November 13th, 2020 11:08 PM

Irony Alert: Reid, Schiff Bemoan Future Biden Investigations by GOP

Thursday’s The ReidOut was an exercise in irony for MSNBC viewers, thanks to hilarious lamentations from host Joy Reid and Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) (a man she dubbed a modern-day Thaddeus Stevens) that congressional Republicans will spend the next four years investigating President-elect Joe Biden and his family.

Curtis Houck
November 13th, 2020 8:36 PM

‘We Blew It’: Melissa McCarthy Apologizes for Giving to Pro-Life Group

Oh, gosh. What a clumsy woman. Actress Melissa McCarthy is profusely apologizing for accidentally donating to a charity whose owner has expressed anti-abortion and pro-traditional views. McCarthy claimed that it was “a mistake.”

Gabriel Hays
November 13th, 2020 7:30 PM
Joe Scarborough

Petulant Joe Ignores Truth on 2016, Attacks ‘Rotten' GOP Babies

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough is getting pretty sick of Republicans questioning the results of the 2020 election. So sick, in fact, that he bothered to interrupt his Republican-bashing rants to make a false comparison to the 2016 election, complete with footage, to remind everyone that the Democrats were such good sports four years ago.

John Shannon
November 13th, 2020 7:25 PM

Bitter CNN Wails: Trump Is ‘Stealing Moment of National Pride’

The DNC-aligned CNN continued its gushing over Joe Biden’s declared victory on Friday’s New Day, but bitterly whined that President Trump was ruining their partisan celebration. Co-host Alisyn Camerota complained: “This should be a moment of national pride. But President Trump is stealing that moment of national pride for us, that we did something so well, because he's tainting it.”…

Joseph Norris
November 13th, 2020 6:45 PM

Spanish Nets Hide Death Threats to Pro-Trump Salsa Group 

For the past week, the nation's Spanish-speaking media have devoted story after story to the exaltation of their declared President-elect – Joe Biden – with a particular emphasis on how he will magically unify a divided nation and bring peace and love to all Latinos. However, these same outlets have turned a blind eye to very real threats of physical danger against those who supported…

Kathleen Krumhansl
November 13th, 2020 6:23 PM
Joe Scarborough Michael Steele MSNBC Morning Joe 11-13-20

No One Invited You, Joe: Scarborough Not Coming Back to GOP

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough says he's often asked whether he will now become a Republican again. He responds: "why the hell" would I?  carborough couched his answer in a condemnation of President Trump for declining to concede to Joe Biden and make daily intel briefings available to him. But given that Scarborough firmly believes that Trump will be leaving office on January 20th, his…

Mark Finkelstein
November 13th, 2020 5:02 PM