Struggling Business Owner Responds to NBC’s Deceitful Edit of Her Vid

Over the weekend, NewsBusters was the first to report how NBC’s Sunday Today had deceitfully edited the viral video of restaurant owner Angela Marsden to cut out her showing how Los Angeles had allowed a film shoot to set up outdoor catering tents while they shut down her outdoor dining setting. And in an appearance on Fox News Channel’s America’s Newsroom Tuesday, Marsden…

Nicholas Fondacaro
December 8th, 2020 9:45 PM

Keep Trying, Zuckerville: Fox News Still Leads Cable News Ratings War

On the heels of having gleefully achieved their desired outcome in the presidential election and less-than-flattering Project Veritas videos, the Jeffrey Zucker-micromanged CNN has spent the last week on a victory lap, touting their November ratings as up 135 percent in total viewers and 209 percent in the 25-54 demo (which CNN acts as though is the only worthwhile measurement).

Curtis Houck
December 8th, 2020 7:46 PM

Telemundo CONCEALS Becerra's Record of Persecuting Pro-Lifers

Telemundo News, in a report that downplayed his atrocious persecution of what reporter Cristina Londoño called the “so-called pro-lifers”, fawned over the selection of former congressman Xavier Becerra to head the Department of Health and Human Services. 

Kathleen Krumhansl
December 8th, 2020 6:35 PM

DNC CNN Swoons Over 'Experience' of Biden's Cabinet Picks

Not even trying to resemble honest reporting, leftist-aligned CNN closed out Tuesday’s New Day by swooning over Joe Biden while going out of their way to trash the President. Since Biden started to name his cabinet, the network has been reluctant to do anything but praise the nominees. This has been especially true of one of the most recent picks, longtime Democratic Party hack Xavier Becerra…

Joseph Norris
December 8th, 2020 5:19 PM
NFL and BLM activism

Super Bowl Forecast Calls For Black Lives Matter Ad Frenzy

Had enough 24/7 social justice and Black Lives Matter with your football yet? Before you answer, know this: CBS and the National Football League don’t believe you have. They’re planning to double down on political correctness and virtue signaling in the upcoming Super Bowl game, set to be played Feb. 7 in Tampa.

Jay Maxson
December 8th, 2020 5:11 PM

Former NYT Reporter Bemoans Big Tech Censorship over COVID-19

Conservatives have long bemoaned the lack of viewpoint diversity in the discussion surrounding COVID-19, but for one Wall Street Journal columnist, the issue is personal.  Former New York Times reporter and author Alex Berenson claimed in a recent article for The Wall Street Journal that Amazon “has twice tried to suppress” several booklets that he wrote about COVID-19.…

Kayla Sargent
December 8th, 2020 4:53 PM

Dallas Paper To Take Foundation Money (and Conflicts) on Schools Beat

Liberals used to object to how newspapers were too conservative because their general coverage was somehow compromised by accepting advertising from car dealers and supermarkets and other capitalist enterprises. Liberals do not see any conflict in newspapers accepting money from charitable foundations, explicitly directed to their pet issues and “marginalized populations.” 

Tim Graham
December 8th, 2020 4:50 PM

National File Editor-in-Chief Says Facebook Censored His Account

Censoring the New York Post’s Biden bombshell was just the beginning. Now National File's Editor-in-Chief said Facebook is censoring its outlet.

Alexander Hall
December 8th, 2020 4:36 PM

ABC Cheers on Biden's HHS Pick, Ignores Radical Record

Tuesday, ABC News interrupted their live coverage of Joe Biden announcing his “health team,” so that correspondent and Biden superfan, Mary Bruce, could talk up his picks while ignoring Republican outrage over one controversial nominee.

Kristine Marsh
December 8th, 2020 4:16 PM

CNN's Unity: Cooper Abuses Pearl Harbor Memory to Trash ‘AWOL' Trump

In case anyone thought CNN was serious about its call for unity, Anderson Cooper on Monday night made clear that the network definitely is not. The partisan hack anchor sank to a new depth as he abused the memory of Pearl Harbor to trash Donald Trump. 

Scott Whitlock
December 8th, 2020 4:14 PM
Xavier Becerra

Nets See No Controversy In Biden Nominating Radical Hack for HHS

Since Joe Biden announced on Sunday his intention to nominate longtime Democratic Party hack Xavier Becerra to become secretary of Health and Human Services, the broadcast networks have brushed aside any discussion of the California Attorney General’s lack of medical qualifications for the job and completely ignored his radical views on issues like abortion.

Kyle Drennen
December 8th, 2020 3:43 PM
Mika Brzezinski Zeynep Tufekci MSNBC Morning Joe 12-8-20

Crazed Morning Joe FOAMS at ‘Strongman,’ ‘Autocrat’ Trump’s 'Coup'

Nine times in a Morning Joe segment today [view the mash-up!], President Trump was accused, by reason of his challenges to the election results, of staging a "coup." The panel sprinkled in several mentions of "strongman," "fascist," "dictator," and "autocrat" for good measure.

Mark Finkelstein
December 8th, 2020 3:10 PM

‘Traitors’: Hollywood Actors Want to Indict Trump and Administration

The website for the Trump Accountability Project may have been closed down (though an LGBTQ version exists on, but the desire for revenge still lingers in the air. Just look at Twitter.

Sergie Daez
December 8th, 2020 2:15 PM

‘View’ Hosts 'Thrilled' Over Anti-Trump AG Investigating Trump, Family

It might as well have been Christmas Day on The View, Tuesday, as each host couldn’t hide their excitement over their Democrat guest, New York Attorney General Letitia James, and her agenda to continue hounding President Trump and his family with lawsuits and investigations once he leaves office.

Kristine Marsh
December 8th, 2020 2:14 PM