At Benefit Event, Clooney Overjoyed that Trump ‘Dark Ages’ Are Over

George Clooney’s recent Museum of Modern Art Film Benefit was an event that personified the smarmy elitism that is the real virus plaguing the United States.

Gabriel Hays
December 8th, 2020 12:33 PM

CNN's Harlow Goes to Bat for Warnock: Is He Actually Radical?

Reviewing the recent Georgia Senate debate between Kelly Loeffler and Raphael Warnock on Monday CNN Newsroom host Poppy Harlow defended Warnock from accusations from Loeffler that he is a "radical liberal."

Alex Christy
December 8th, 2020 11:35 AM

GOP Senators Hawley, Sasse Call to End Exploitation on PornHub

Pornhub has long attempted to hide its exploitive content, but this content’s time online may be quickly coming to a close. Several prominent Republican senators have called for an investigation into PornHub following a recent New York Times investigation revealing that the website is “infested” with videos depicting brutal rapes and assaults, even including some victims who are…

Kayla Sargent
December 8th, 2020 11:22 AM

CNN Hacks Lob Softballs to Biden Adviser About Radical Cabinet Pick

In what has become common practice at CNN, Monday morning’s New Day gave a softball interview to Biden adviser Cedric Richmond, who will be leaving Congress to serve in the upcoming Democratic administration. Rather than ask questions about his own qualifications, or plans for his upcoming role, co-host John Berman allowed Richmond to recite his pre-planned talking points with no…

Joseph Norris
December 8th, 2020 10:43 AM

New York Times Admits Biden ‘Didn’t Win Back’ Working Class

The left-wing New York Times admitted that the “Joe from Scranton” image that the liberal media was peddling for former Vice President Joe Biden was basically dismissed by the working class.


Joseph Vazquez
December 8th, 2020 10:09 AM

Facebook Fact-Checker Relied on China, Fails to Update COVID Numbers

Facebook fact-checker PolitiFact produced eight fact-checks that either used or relied on World Health Organization (WHO) numbers that have proven to be untrue. A new report from CNN shows that communist China was lying about how many of its citizens had contracted COVID-19 and how many deaths resulted from it.

Alec Schemmel
December 8th, 2020 10:06 AM

HuffPost Celebrates Dan Rather, Master of the 'Pithy Putdown' of Trump

Disgraced ex-CBS anchor Dan Rather has been celebrated by the Left in recent years as a wizened old master of social media. The latest example is Lee Moran of HuffPost in a tribute titled "Dan Rather Has A Pithy Putdown For Donald Trump’s Postelection Antics: The veteran newsman has zinged the president time and again on Twitter this month." It included several "zingers" that could have been…

Tim Graham
December 8th, 2020 9:10 AM
Kasie Hunt David Coll MSNBC Morning Joe 12-7-20

Whiny Morning Joe Bemoans Loss of Lib Media Stranglehold on News

Morning Joe's got a bad case of nostalgia for the good old days of the liberal media's near-total control over the news. As Kasie Hunt put it on today's show, back in the day, there were: "The media . . . was a relatively focused, narrow group, and if they made decisions together could actually impact things."

Mark Finkelstein
December 8th, 2020 7:30 AM

NYT's Fact-Free Flaying of Justice Barrett’s ‘Grievance Conservatism'

The New York Times’ former Supreme Court-beat reporter Linda Greenhouse is still writing for the paper, and any residual sense of objectivity has been jettisoned, as shown by last week’s screed on the newest member of the court: “Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Choice -- Will she join the Supreme Court’s grievance conservatives?” Ostensibly, Greenhouse was writing about the recently…

Clay Waters
December 8th, 2020 7:05 AM

Democrat Host at CBS Excited Young Democrats Working to Elect Dems

On Monday's CBS This Morning, the show marveled over a group of young liberals in Georgia who are working to register voters, obviously to help elect Democrats in the two January Senate runoffs.

Brad Wilmouth
December 8th, 2020 6:30 AM

Amazon’s Historical Race Anthology ‘Looks Too Close' to Today

Amazon Prime’s Small Axe series is back once again to remind us how terrible the police system is now by reaching back a few decades. This time around, we have a direct commentary of the police through the film Red, White and Blue.

Lindsay Kornick
December 8th, 2020 5:58 AM

NBC’s New Cringeworthy Medical Drama ‘Nurses’ Is Dead on Arrival

If you’re looking for one of those cliche medical dramas--as if there aren’t enough already--now there's NBC’s Nurses. The show premiered in the United States, with its first episode, “Incoming,” airing on December 7. It follows the path of five new bumbling nurses on their first day on the job at St. Mary’s, which just so happens to be on the day of a van attack against art students…

Rebecca Downs
December 8th, 2020 12:38 AM

CBS's 'All Rise' Pushes Narrative of 'Systemic' Killer Cops

The Black Lives Matter narrative has taken over network television's fall season. This has made most law and order dramas numbingly predictable. With a few notable exception like Blue Bloods, most cop and legal shows are churning out mindless angst over "systemic racism" and bad, bad police officers.

Elise Ehrhard
December 7th, 2020 11:58 PM

NBC Omits They Set Up Catering for Comedy Outside Struggling Business

In something of an update to their Sunday morning newscast, Monday’s edition of Today saw NBC finally acknowledge that a “movie company” had set up a catering tent just feet away from the outdoor patio of the shutdown and struggling restaurant of Angela Marsden of Los Angeles, California. But they still refused to admit that the catering was for an NBC comedy show, Good Girls…

Nicholas Fondacaro
December 7th, 2020 11:49 PM