Elon Musk

Elon Musk SLAMS Corporate ESG Standards as ‘the Devil Incarnate’

April 4th, 2022 5:23 PM

Billionaire and Tesla CEO Elon Musk slammed woke corporate policies as “the Devil Incarnate” on Twitter. Is the world’s richest man, worth $298 billion according to Forbes, totally based now? 


Vile CNN Propaganda: GOP Hated Obama 'Mostly' Because of Race

May 18th, 2021 12:20 PM

After accusing Fox News on Friday of being a "propaganda arm" for "radical" right-wingers, CNN host Fareed Zakaria got to show off his own production of liberal propaganda Sunday night in the CNN special, A Radical Rebellion: The Transformation of the GOP.


Rapper’s 'Fake Woke' Song Speaks Truth But Cancel Culture Fights Back

February 3rd, 2021 5:34 PM

Hey, Alexa! Play Fake Woke by Tom MacDonald. Oh, wait! Turn it down because being censored in a free country is #trending. Friday, January 29 brought the release of L.A.-based Canadian rapper Tom MacDonald’s new hit Fake Woke. In less than a week there's been a large uproar of fans thinking the song is cash but, of course, an online mob wants him canceled.

NYT First Mocked Conservative Charges of Racism Against Woodrow Wilson

June 25th, 2020 10:19 AM

The left has come for former progressive President Woodrow Wilson, perhaps the founding father of the modern-day liberal state, for his deep racism and the segregationist policies he pushed both as president of Princeton University and president of the United States from 1913-1921. As the New York Times Michael Levenson’s reported, “Monmouth University to Remove…

Violence? Google Lists Trump, Cruz, Trump Jr. as ‘Punchable Faces’

November 19th, 2019 4:36 PM
In this era of civility, Google’s search algorithms are doing their part in keeping the peace. Google Images, the section of Google Search where users can look for images, suggests images with any phrase or word typed in the box. With the query, “punchable face,” several images crop up immediately.

Cornell: Peterson, Shapiro ‘Infect’ Users With Alt-Right Beliefs

August 27th, 2019 4:33 PM

A study from Cornell University claims YouTube channels that feature prominent conservative figures are “infecting” users with alt-right beliefs. “Auditing Radicalization Pathways on YouTube,” written by five academics, concluded that “channels in the Intellectual Dark Web (IDW) and the Alt-lite would be gateways to fringe far right ideology.” The study, released August 22, linked The Daily…


CNN’s ‘2000's’ Pens Love Letter to Stewart; Breathes Fire Against Fox

July 14th, 2018 10:20 AM
Ahead of Sunday’s new episode of the CNN series The 2000's (which is airing maybe a few years too soon), let’s take a look back at a few pathetic moments from the first episode, which focused on the decade’s movies and television. The CNN documentary blasted Fox News and MSNBC for having corroded the news discourse and heaped a torrent of praise on far-left comedians and former Comedy Central…

After Sliming Tea Party's Racist Brew, NYT’s Zernike Now Likes Taste

February 7th, 2017 8:01 PM
New York Times Kate Zernike made Monday’s front page praising the newly energized anti-Trump left with a back-handed compliment to a protest movement on the other side of the political spectrum: “Tea Party Reveals a Right Way For the Left to Make Its Stand.” That's not exactly what she was writing between 2009-2011, when she took every opportunity to smear the movement as old, white and possibly…

Brokaw, Todd Admit Media Has ‘Totally Underestimated’ 'Rural America'

November 8th, 2016 11:27 PM
With the presidential election returns on Tuesday remaining close well past 10:00 p.m. Eastern, a few figures in the major broadcast networks began to take stock of the situation (with some not taking it as well as others) with NBC’s Tom Brokaw and Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd admitting that we may have “totally underestimated” and looked down on “rural America.” 

AP Decries Supposed 'Intellectual News Ghettos,' Rewrites News History

June 17th, 2016 9:00 AM
In the course of presenting what is apparently one story in a series of several on a "Divided America," David Bauder at the Associated Press portrayed two Americans with largely different news consumption habits. Though the theme of Bauder's Thursday morning report was about how Americans are "retreat(ing) into tribes of like-minded people who get news filtered through particular world views,"…

ABC, NBC Ignore Conservative Summit at Facebook to Discuss Suppression

May 18th, 2016 10:37 PM
Major conservative leaders convened at Facebook headquarters Wednesday to discuss the recent scandal of suppressing conservative trending topics. But you would never know it if you were watching ABC’s World News Tonight or NBC Nightly News. Kudos to CBS’s Evening News for not only mentioning the highly anticipated meeting, but giving it a full segment to boot! “Facebook held a summit of…

Breitbart Falsely Claims Meeting on Facebook Will All Be 'Anti-Trump'

May 16th, 2016 9:31 PM
In an article posted on the Breitbart.com website Monday morning, reporter Adelle Nazarian charged that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg's Wednesday meeting with “leading conservatives” to address their concerns regarding the site's treatment of conservative outlets would only be attended by people who are “part of the anti-Trump and 'Never Trump' movement.” However, Alex Griswold of the Mediaite.…

Cuomo Blames Beck for Creating Trump By Touting Opposition to Govt.

January 25th, 2016 6:08 PM
Hours before moderating CNN’s Democratic presidential townhall on Monday, New Day co-host Chris Cuomo spoke with conservative radio talk show host/Ted Cruz supporter Glenn Beck and suggested to Beck that his firm opposition to President Obama and big government has laid the groundwork for the rise of Donald Trump: "You wound up somewhat birthing Donald Trump...some of those people who were angry…

NYT Blasts Racist Liberal Hero Wilson, Yet Mocked His Righty Critics

November 25th, 2015 10:55 PM
There was an interesting lead editorial in Wednesday's New York Times, forcefully in favor of demands from a black protest group at Princeton University to erase President Woodrow Wilson's name from the university's public policy institute because of his vile racial views and support for Jim Crow. Yet one could ask once again, where was this editorial concern five years ago, when it was leading…