Latin America

NYT: Five Pages Celebrating Migrants Headed to USA Founded on Slavery
Slow news days in the Biden administration? The New York Times print edition is once again crammed with activist photo-journalism in its news pages. While LGBTQ “heroes of color” recently had to make do with a single page of photo-journalism, the immigrants (whose stories can be genuinely affecting) received five full pages in Thursday’s news section devoted to their journeys to get…

ACTUALIZACIÓN: Univisión, ‘María Fernanda’ en contra la Casa Blanca
La extraña historia de María Fernanda Reyes, la activista que se hizo pasar por reportera de Univisión y que alardeó a la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris el martes en la noche en Ciudad México, parece llegar a su fin. Aparentemente, el malentendido no se debió a un sesgo exagerado, sino a la incompetencia del personal de la Casa Blanca.

DNC CNN Fails to Ask Biden Aide About Kamala's Failure to Visit Border
Imagine you're a legit reporter given the opportunity to interview Biden's Communications Director about Kamala Harris's recent trip to Guatemala and Mexico, the first questions you'd ask would surely be along the lines: "Does President Biden want Harris to visit the border? If so, why hasn't she visited, and when will she? If he doesn't want her to visit, why not?" Trick question: we said "…

¿Alardea Univisión a Harris o hubo brecha en la seguridad nacional?
Cuando "María Fernanda de Univisión" tomó el micrófono el martes por la noche y le hizo una pregunta halagadora a la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris al concluir su viaje a México, parecía que el día de adulación de Univisión iba en picada. Pero la verdad podría ser peor de lo que aparenta.

Telemundo ESCONDE las mentiras de Kamala sobre la frontera
Millones de televidentes de NBC y usuarios de redes sociales en todo el país vieron como la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris mintió descaradamente y bromeó con el presentador de NBC Today, Lester Holt, durante una entrevista sobre su visita a Guatemala y México que subió al aire el 8 de junio. Sin embargo, a las audiencias de Telemundo sólo les sirvieron migajas con una versión editada…

Telemundo HIDES Kamala's Border Lies
Millions of NBC viewers and social media users across the nation watched as Vice President Kamala Harris openly lied, and cracked jokes to NBC’s Today host Lester Holt during a June 8th interview about her visit to Guatemala and Mexico. However, Telemundo's audience was treated to the crumbs- getting only an edited version of the exchange that purposely scrubbed her utter disregard for…

MSNBC Comedy! Mika: Border Boss Kamala ‘Deserves Some Credit’
In the face of the overwhelming criticism Kamala Harris has received for her failure to visit the US/Mexico border and her disastrously bad answer to Lester Holt's question about her plans to do so, Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski insists that nonetheless, Kamala deserves credit for going to Central American countries and "getting in the face" of leaders there.

Guatemala Kamala: Holt Boasts Harris Is '1,500 Miles from the Border'
Back in March, President Biden appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to be the point person to handle the illegal immigration crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border. It’s now June and Harris is in Guatemala and has refused to visit the crisis zone and witness it firsthand. But she had little to worry about as NBC was playing defense on her behalf. And during the Monday newscast of NBC Nightly…

MSNBC Contributor: I Have to Wipe 'Stink' of Tucker Carlson Out of Air
Back in 2006, when Venezuela's communist dictator Hugo Chavez took the UN podium, he claimed, in an allusion to the Devil, to still smell the "sulphur" from the previous day, when then-President George W. Bush had spoken. In a reprise of Chavez's clownish act, MSNBC contributor Fernand Amandi, after viewing a Tucker Carlson clip that Tiffany Cross ran on her MSNBC show this morning,…

Psaki Gets Testy at NY Post for Questioning VP's Role on the Border
Without Peter Doocy and Kristin Fisher in the White House Briefing Room rotation, it fell to other reporters to offer tough questions to Press Secretary Jen Psaki and the New York Post’s Steven Nelson delivered by getting under Psaki’s skin over Vice President Harris’s travel schedule in light of her supposed role in helping to tame the border crisis.

Coyotes to Univision: ‘Business Is Booming’ Due to Biden ‘Benefit’
Once again, Spanish-language media displays their commitment to reporting all sides of the immigration issue, by including the underreported perspective of the misunderstood coyotes.

Really Dude? Actor Danny Trejo Praises Joe Biden's Border Policies
Although, President Joe Biden may have exacerbated one of the worst border crises in modern American history, Mexican-American actor Danny Trejo is praising him for "trying."

Someone’s in Trouble! MSNBC Contradicts Biden on Border
The journalists at MSNBC might need a talking to by their Democratic bosses at the White House. On Monday's MSNBC Live with Stephanie Ruhle, NBC News correspondent Dasha Burns gave a report surprisingly undermining the Joe Biden administration's claims about the border crisis.

SHOCK: Scarborough Blasts Biden for 'Luring' Children to Border
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough says that the Biden administration is "luring" children to the border. He says that even if the Biden admin plays ads telling people not to come, so long as they continue to be allowed to enter they will continue to come. Scarborough also says that the situation is "unfair," since people trying to get visas through the legal process often spend years trying to…