
Fake News: CNN Imagine FBI ‘Trolling the President’

September 23rd, 2020 9:36 PM

It could seem that the country is stuck in a time loop with CNN’s New Day once again wailing about Russian interference in a presidential election. John Berman and Alisyn Camerota gleefully discussed the FBI’s press release during Wednesday morning’s show. According to them, if you read between the lines, “it almost sounds as if the FBI is saying, don't listen to the President.” If you look…

CNN Panel

Russia-Obsessed CNN Still Passing Off Debunked Nonsense About Trump

August 5th, 2020 11:00 AM

Talk about not letting things go. On Tuesday’s New Day, CNN co-hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman brought on chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin to spout Democratic talking points about the Russia collusion and the Ukraine abuse of power scandals. Despite that both accusations towards President Trump have been debunked, Toobin crazily claimed that Vladimir Putin has dirt on Trump…


Nets Skip Rosenstein Drop Support for FBI’s Lie-Filled FISA Warrant

June 3rd, 2020 11:36 PM

In a Wednesday hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testified that he wouldn’t have approved the FBI’s FISA warrant to spy on a Trump campaign staffer, if he had known the bureau was lying to him and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. It was testimony that went unreported on ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS Evening News…

Michael Flynn’s Exoneration

May 13th, 2020 10:38 PM

For three years former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was put through a legal and financial wringer by top officials within the FBI, including its then-director James Comey. The FBI investigation threatened to destroy Flynn's career, finances and life, as, according to the New York Post, agents tried to get Flynn to lie "so they could 'prosecute him or get him fired,' when questioning…


Univision, Telemundo Uninterested In Covering Flynn Exoneration

May 10th, 2020 7:47 PM
The nation’s domestic Spanish-language networks made more than enough time to report Gen. Michael Flynn’s entry into a plea deal with federal prosecutors on December 1st, 2017, as it fueled the narrative of a Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. But the networks didn’t show as much enthusiasm when the Justice Department dropped the charges against Flynn.

FBI Drama Throws in Least Wanted Transgender Plot

April 1st, 2020 12:30 AM
As if “Silkworm,” the March 31 episode of FBI: Most Wanted about a rogue FBI agent who is working with the Chinese, didn’t have enough excitement and intrigue, the show added a new take on the silkworm, as a representation of transgenderism. While hunting down rogue Agent Paul Hayden (Joshua Malina), Agent Jess LaCroix (Julian McMahon) also does some digging into someone named “Silkworm." 

Network BLACKOUT: Top FISA Judge Accuses FBI Lawyer of Criminal Act

December 17th, 2019 8:49 PM

A complete and total blackout. That was how ABC, CBS, and NBC reacted on their Tuesday evening newscasts when the top Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judge, Rosemary M. Collyer blasted the FBI for misleading the court when seeking surveillance warrants for a former Trump campaign staffer. The order was damning, accusing an FBI lawyer of a criminal act in intentionally lying to the…


Nets Spike Comey Conceding FBI Deceived to Get Spy Warrants for Page

December 16th, 2019 11:17 PM
Fired FBI Director James Comey had his feet held to the fire on Fox News Sunday by anchor Chris Wallace, who grilled him on the FBI’s misconduct during the Russia probe. Despite Comey’s admission that the FBI mislead the FISA court in their applications to spy on a Trump campaign staffer, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) refused to cover Comey’s comments on their flagship…

Variety Slams Eastwood Film: ‘Piggybacks on Trump’s Demagoguery’

December 16th, 2019 5:08 PM
If I had a dollar for every time a critic championed a progressive show or movie for being “timely,” I’d be rich. But now that a film is timely in favor of the right, suddenly this is an abomination. In a Saturday column published in Variety, Owen Gleiberman complained about director Clint “Eastwood’s way of spinning our attitude toward the media” in his latest movie that was released on Friday.…

Feet to the Fire: FNC's Wallace GRILLS Comey on FBI’s Gross Misconduct

December 15th, 2019 3:46 PM
In one of the only instances of former FBI Director James Comey being held to some form of account for his overseeing of the bureau’s misconduct during the Russia investigation, Fox News Channel anchor Chris Wallace grilled Comey on what he knew about lies his people were telling the FISA court, his false statements to the public, and whether or not he would resign if he was still the head of the…

CNN Newsroom Hosts Bungle Trump-IG Report Fact Check

December 12th, 2019 10:12 AM
CNN Newsroom co-hosts Jim Sciutto and Poppy Harlow like to think of themselves as being on the front lines in President Trump's war against the truth. Trump's Tuesday rally in Pennsylvania in the aftermath of Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on the FBI's handling of Crossfire Hurricane provided the duo another chance to put on their fact-checking hats for their…

Barr: ‘Bogus’ Russia Investigation ‘Hyped By an Irresponsible Press'

December 10th, 2019 2:40 PM

During an exclusive interview with NBC justice correspondent Pete Williams aired on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on Tuesday, Attorney General William Barr reacted to the Justice Department’s inspector general report detailing the FBI’s mishandling of the Russia investigation and also blamed the media for constantly hyping the faulty inquiry.


Turley Takes Down Media Trying to Spin ‘Damning’ IG Report

December 10th, 2019 11:57 AM
In a column for The Hill published Monday afternoon, George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley took direct aim at the liberal media for mischaracterizing the findings of the Justice Department Inspector General report about the origins of the Russia investigation and spinning the findings to attack President Trump.

Cooper Claims FBI Was ‘Doing Their Best’ Despite Exposed Misconduct

December 9th, 2019 11:44 PM
With the release of the Inspector General’s report exposing FBI misconduct in pursuing the Trump campaign under the suspicion of Russian influence, the liberal media were more interested in bashing President Trump than criticizing the abuses of the FBI. CNN’s Anderson Cooper kicked off his show on Monday doing just that, suggesting President Trump was lying and “gaslighting.”