Belinda Luscombe

Bozell & Graham Column: Cecile Richards and the Culture of Death
May 5th, 2018 6:16 AM
There’s a swagger in her step as Cecile Richards conducts a book tour around the media surrounding her departure from the summit of Planned Parenthood after 12 years. Call it a victory lap. Everywhere she goes, adoring liberal interviewers ask her if she’ll run for office next. After all, it’s not like she has millions of little skeletons in her closet.

Time Promotes Liberal, Pro-LGBTQ Evangelist as the Authentic Christian
August 23rd, 2017 10:54 AM
The liberal media’s favorite Christians are the liberal Christians, the ones who think there’s too much emphasis on abortion and homosexuality....and are fine with both. Time’s “Ten Questions” interview in the August 28 issue features "Texas pastor" Jen Hatmaker, a liberal author and blogger who’s horrified by Donald Trump and thinks evangelicals need to loosen up.
The pull quote in the magazine…

Networks Cheer ‘Great’ Census News, After Downplaying Econ Weakness
September 15th, 2016 10:31 AM
When it comes to covering the economy under President Obama, the broadcast networks have a habit of covering good economic news, but glossing over or ignoring bad economic news. It turns out coverage of income and poverty data from the Census got the same treatment with all three networks covering “great news” on Sept. 13, 2016. However, a year earlier only CBS Evening News covered the data…

Melinda Gates Lies to Time: Our Foundation Doesn't Fund Abortion
November 30th, 2014 9:56 PM
Melinda Gates is the ideal philanthropist in the eyes of the liberals at Time magazine – after all, she and her husband Bill Gates became Time’s Persons of the Year...about the same time they gave Time money for a health summit. Anyhow, Melinda was recently honored with the “Ten Questions” interview with Belinda Luscombe in Time’s December 1 and 8 issue.
They promoted “The philanthropist on the…

TIME Writer Stews About Home-Cooked Guilt Trips
September 5th, 2014 4:37 PM
Amanda Marcotte's crusade against stovetops continues apace. TIME magazine's Belinda Luscombe today picked up the baton from the Slate writer, grousing about how "We Need to Stop Guilting Parents into Cooking Dinner."
While less strident in tone than the ever-joyless Ms. Marcotte, Luscombe nevertheless has a flair for the melodramatic as she shares her annoyance at the prep time and serial…
Rapper Ice Cube Still Backs Obama, 'The Black Kid at a White School Th
June 16th, 2014 2:37 PM
Time’s Belinda Luscombe offered a somewhat tough “10 Questions” with the rapper Ice Cube for the June 23 issue. She asked how he could rap about being poor – “I’m squeezing the penny so hard a booger came out of Lincoln’s nose” – when he is very wealthy. She asked how much his young kids curse after listening to his music.
But the most interesting part was asking him how the Obama presidency…
Time Editor Asks Hugh Jackman If the U.S. Is Like a Traumatized Religi
September 23rd, 2013 11:12 PM
In Time’s “Ten Questions” interview in the September 23 edition, Time editor-at-large Belinda Luscombe asked Hugh Jackman about his new movie “Prisoners,” in which “Your character tortures a guy to try to find his kidnapped daughter.” Luscombe asked if this instinct kicks when his children are faced with the paparazzi.
Then Belinda – like Jackman, a native of Australia – went geopolitical and…

HuffPo's Horowitz Claims Nikki Haley 'No Stranger to Scrutiny' Because
May 5th, 2013 7:37 PM
It's not often that yours truly visits Huffington Post. One of those rare occasions occurred early today as I was preparing the post (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog) about South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Dick Harpootlian relishing the idea that his party's candidate for Palmetto State Governor in 2014 might send current Republican Governor Nikki Haley "back to wherever the hell she came…

Sigourney Weaver Was a 'Stop The War' Elf In a Treehouse
July 6th, 2012 6:48 AM
When Time's Belinda Luscombe asked "Ten Questions" of actress Sigourney Weaver, it became clear they were going to discuss liberal activism as well as her Hillary-clone role on USA's Political Animals miniseries.
It started with this: "Which Secretary of State do you think would make the best actor?" Weaver replied: "Probably all of them. I think James Baker is a very interesting character. I…

Time Editor Asks Nikki Haley if She'd Give a Bigger Tip to a Sikh Taxi
April 6th, 2012 9:45 AM
It's tough to believe this actually happened in the year 2012.
During an interview with South Carolina's Republican Governor Nikki Haley, Time magazine's editor-at-large Belinda Luscombe disgracefully said, "In New York City, which you're visiting for a couple of days, a lot of our taxi drivers are Sikhs. If you get one, are you going to give him a slightly bigger tip?"

Time Mag's Fizzy Light Interview with Emanuel Slips In a Leftist Criti
October 13th, 2011 8:49 AM
Time magazine offered its "Ten Questions" interview to Chicago Mayor (and former Obama chief of staff) Rahm Emanuel, but Time's Belinda Luscombe largely stuck to light, airy questions like when the mayor talked of getting ideas on his swim, she asked, "Are you a Speedo or board-shorts kind of guy?" She also asked if he gets more sleep now, which kid was the favorite in his house growing up, and…
Time and Post Rehash Old Study to Bash Funding for Abstinence Programs
January 27th, 2010 11:09 AM
UPDATE: The New York Times joined the fray as well with a similar article. Must be a slow news week. Both Time and the Washington Post reported yesterday on a rehashed two-year-old study about rising teen pregnancy rates. "Pregnancy rates among U.S. teenagers," wrote Time's Belinda Luscombe, "which had been dropping since 1990, took an upturn in 2006, according to newly released data." This "…
Tom DeLay Quick to Dance, But Bill Clinton Was ABC's Dream Dance Partn
September 4th, 2009 9:05 AM
Time’s Belinda Luscombe has the skinny on how hard it was for ABC’s "Dancing with the Stars" to land former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay: "When [casting director Deena] Katz reached out to former Texas Congressman Tom DeLay via his book agent, she didn't soften up the ground in advance. ‘It was a Hail Mary pass,’ she admits. Twenty minutes later, DeLay was in."They’ve tried to hard to cast a…