Tom Arnold

Lefty Celebrities Go Below the Belt at Rudy Guiliani for Having COVID
Rudy Guiliani has been diagnosed with COVID-19, and as expected, Twitter’s woke mob jumped at the opportunity to bully and gloat at the President’s attorney.

Tom Arnold & Zach Braff Incensed Over Kayleigh McEnany’s Prayer Group
Hollywood celebrities hate not only President Donald Trump, but everybody who works for him, too. This somehow gives them the right to spout off whatever enters their turbulent minds.

‘WE’RE WINNING THIS!’ Celebs Show Confidence in Nail-Biter Election
Despite there being more surprises in store, including recounts, lawsuits, maybe a SCOTUS decision and the shaking of the very foundations of the earth before the official end of this election cycle, Hollywood Dems are talking very confident about their slow candidate’s multi-day crawl to the finish line. How exciting.
Twitter Allows Hollywood C-Listers to Encourage Doxxing on Platform
Twitter imposes a lot of rules that decide what content is allowed on its platform, but its rule against doxxing is apparently not important enough to enforce. Actors Tom Arnold and Billy Baldwin both appear to have violated Twitter policy with regard to doxxing in recent posts on the platform.

'Hostage Situation'? Celebs Melt Down Over Speakers at RNC Night 2
Depending on your perspective, the second night of the Republican National Convention was either a patriotic display of all the freedoms and blessings America can offer hardworking people, or an evil showcase, where the worst of our racist, white, Christian heritage was on display in all its jingoistic glory.

Crazed Tom Arnold: Use Second Amendment on ‘Trump’s Gang of Misfits’
It took Tom Arnold a very long time, but the liberal actor and comedian has finally found a reason for people to exercise their gun rights. Of course, Arnold found an excuse that aligns with his leftist philosophy as an outgrowth of the riots and protests taking place across the nation, with a focus on the capital, Washington, D.C.

Feminist Groups Silent on Vile, Sexist Slam on Melania By This Celeb

Trump — Not Coronavirus — Is ‘Pathological’ for Zach Braff & Celebs

Celebs Root for DC Swamp as They Boo Donald Trump at World Series

Tom Arnold Hits Trump’s Dallas Rally With JFK Assassination Taunt

Trump Deranged D-Listers Announce Hollywood ‘Impeachment Task Force’

Three Entertainment Stories the Media Won’t Touch

Celebs Lose ‘Sexual Attraction’ to Mueller As They Face ‘No Collusion'