National Public Radio clearly believes people need to be frightened into dramatic "climate change" legislation. On Saturday night's All Things Considered, NPR publicized an article by a writer…
As part of the political panel on NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, PBS host Tavis Smiley decried the recent budget deal in Congress to fund the government through the rest of 2011: "I believe…
Whoever is compiling a list of what journalists really believe when they put forth certain vague but commonly used phrases (e.g., using "some people believe" instead of truthfully saying "in my…
"(T)his is a loving, caring Jesus," is how the New York Times recently profiled a leading man in a play about abortion written by a Notre Dame grad.
The script dialogue includes a woman…
On Thursday’s Morning Edition, NPR reporter Andrea Seabrook said most Republicans don’t like the Paul Ryan Budget (except the "far right") and "most Republicans like Medicare, and they don’t…
In 1966, Time magazine's April 8 cover story famously asked "Is God Dead?"
Forty-five years later the magazine is still hard at work attempting to discredit traditional Christian faith…
Just hours before a last-minute deal was struck between Republicans and Democrats to prevent a government shutdown, CNN's Eliot Spitzer did some politicking of his own on Friday's "In the…
CNN has, for years, touted itself as “The Most Trusted Name in News,” and yet time and again it belies its own claim to unique (among cable news networks) political neutrality. editor…
On Monday's Morning Edition, NPR's David Schaper slanted towards a professor and his allies in academia who object to a recent open records request into his e-mails from the Wisconsin GOP,…
The New York Times vs. state spending cuts, take four. Reporter Lizette Alvarez led off Friday’s National section with a story on the plight of unemployed Floridians: “The Jobless See A Lifeline…
Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich, in a column appearing at Business Insider, says that we're heading in the direction of a "double-dip" -- and though he doesn't follow it with the…
In the same week, leftist hedge-fund billionaire/philanthropist George Soros announced he was giving millions to Media Matters for America and to National Public Radio. So NPR might have found…
Something that truly scares people is the amount of misinformation emanating from media members that mistakenly carry a presumed credibility and therefore are wrongly considered disseminators of…
More New York Times' s crusading against state spending cuts in Tuesday's edition. Reporter Michael Cooper’s “Michigan, With Persistent Unemployment, Cuts Jobless Benefit by Six Weeks” raised…
MSNBC's Ed Schultz on Wednesday claimed recent polls finding three newly-elected Republican governors wouldn't win if elections were held today represents a turning point in American history.…
As we've noted time and again, "On Faith" -- a Washington Post/Newsweek-run religion news and discussion website -- is biased against, if not outright hostile to traditional religious belief,…
Chief New York Times “Caucus” blog contributor Michael Shear celebrated Bracket Obama in a Saturday morning post on the president's college basketball tournament pool picks --“Obama’s N.C.A.A.…
NPR's Scott Horsley favored Democrats over Republicans by a five-to-two margin on Thursday's Morning Edition. Horsley played sound bites or quoted from Obama administration officials or…
Wait a sec! Isn't it Republicans who supposedly are irresponsibly accusing Dems of being socialists and Commies? Check that. Ed Schultz has declared--not paraphrasing, actually quoting--that…
Chuck Todd on Sunday bashed Republican governor Mitch Daniels for his state having a 9.1 percent unemployment rate.
The substitute host of NBC's "Meet the Press" must not be aware that…
Not to worry, Moore promises one of those tranquil conflicts devoid of violence. What is it about self-proclaimed peace lovers that they are so often bellicose? Latest example -- the agitprop…
Tuesday's CBS Early Show featured a fawning story on President Obama's Race to the Top Commencement Challenge that sounded like it was written by the White House communications department. What…
For anyone who thinks liberals are calm and rational beings, free of bitterness and rage, we can always disprove that with the radio show of Mike Malloy. On Thursday, Malloy ranted and raved…
On Friday’s Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC host O’Donnell seemed to channel his predecessor, Keith Olbermann, as he ridiculously suggested racism in an RNC ad which accused President…
MSNBC's Chris Jansing, referencing a report by the liberal Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) on "active U.S. hate groups," asked Wednesday if the rise of radical right-wing groups coincided…