D.L. Hughley

Good Riddance: 95% of Late Night ‘Comedy’ Show Guests Are Liberals
With the Writers Guild of America going on strike, it is likely that America has seen the last of the first half of 2023’s late night comedy shows. Whether America wants them to return is another question as 95 percent of their guests were liberal, a NewsBusters study has documented.
Hughley: A Black Superhero Should 'Make White People Believe Him'
The "Original King of Comedy" and host of his own show, D.L. Hughley was recently interviewed on “Salon Talks” where he discussed his new satirical book, “How to Survive America.” During his most recent interview on the book, he moves out of the space of satire and into social justice warrior territory by claiming that the Black community needs a superhero whose power is “making white people…

Bigoted D.L. Hughley Won't Call Out Nick Cannon's Racism On 'View'
Comedian D.L. Hughley stopped by The View briefly Friday to promote his book, “Surrender, White People!: Our Unconditional Terms for Peace,” and with a title like that, you can guess where the interview would be headed. But while Hughley had harsh words for whites, he, like many in the media, went soft went it came to actor and TV host Nick Cannon, after he made…

Hughley Trashes Trump as 'Most Unexceptional Man in History'

Liberal Civility: D.L. Hughley Uses ‘Retard’ Slur Against Trump

Ghoulish D.L. Hughley: ‘Hard to Feel Sorry' for Gun Victims in Texas

D.L. Hughley Slams Trump Backers As Worse Than Devil-Worshippers

D.L. Hughley Triggered By Tiger Woods Normalizing ‘Monster’ Trump

D.L. Hughley: GOP Only Picks ‘Obedient Dogs’ Cain, Carson & Thomas

Cuomo Laughs at Hughley's Racist Joke in Segment on 'Racist' Trump

Hughley Slams White Athletes, Vets Who Ignore Anti-Black 'Brutality'

D.L. Hughley: ‘Romney Definitely Ain’t Messing With No Broke (N--g