Anita Hill

PBS: Amanpour, Hill Swap Lies on Affirmative Action, Teaching History
On Monday’s edition of the tax-supported Amanpour & Co., host Christiane Amanpour interviewed Anita Hill, Brandeis University Professor and of course, the woman who accused now-Justice Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment. Hill has been hailed in the liberal media since her nationally televised 1991 confrontation with the U.S Senate and Thomas, and Amanpour shoehorned her in to…

PBS Show Trashes Thomas As 'Far-Right' Affirmative Action Beneficiary
PBS released their latest Frontline documentary on Tuesday with the subtitle of Clarence and Ginni Thomas: Politics, Power and the Supreme Court that purported to uncover why the Thomases view the world the way they do. Ultimately, however, Clarence Thomas was portrayed as a far-right sexual abuser who benefited from affirmative action who rules the way he does on cases in…

PBS, NPR Use Rep. Pat Schroeder’s Death to Dig at ‘Teflon’ Reagan
The press never misses a chance for a dig at conservative president Ronald Reagan, as shown by public television’s fulsome tributes to “trailblazing” former Colorado Rep. Pat Schroeder, dead at 82. Schroeder served 12 terms in the House as a prominent liberal feminist. PBS and NPR also celebrated her "sharp wit," or at least her political cracks at the expense of then-President Reagan.

Column: Saint Anita Hill Fights 'Gender Violence'
Thirty-one years ago, a media-anointed secular saint named Anita Hill uncorked some sexual-harassment charges against Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas that she could not substantiate. Thomas called it part of a “high-tech lynching.” But Hill, who became a millionaire author and a professor of “social policy, law, and women's studies” at Brandeis University, has been celebrated ever since…

MSNBC Asks Anita Hill if Pro-Lifers Are Chauvinist & Misogynist
On Tuesday night’s Alex Wagner Tonight, the eponymous MSNBC host brought her viewers back into the early 1990s by dragging sexual assault hoaxer Anita Hill on the show to help her sell a book she wrote. During this interview, Wagner predictably asked Hill if she sees chauvinism and misogyny in the Dobbs decision and the subsequent pro-life legislation that it gave rise to.

CBS Promotes Podcast Hailing Smears From Anita Hill and Blasey Ford
On Monday, CBS Mornings devoted nearly 10 minutes of air time to promoting a new podcast that marks the 30th anniversary of Anita Hill smearing Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas during his 1991 confirmation hearing and also celebrates Christine Blasey Ford doing the same to Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018. Appearing on the network broadcast, one of the podcast hosts noted how…

Admiring ABC: Anita Hill ‘Took a Stand, Educated a Nation’ on Thomas
Appearing Monday on ABC’s Good Morning America to promote her new book about gender violence, Antia Hill spoke with co-host Robin Roberts, about Hill’s testimony accusing Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment thirty years ago and Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony against Justice Brett Kavanaugh as if their accusations were accepted as uncontroversial and factual.…

Anita Hill Praises ‘View’ for Pushing Biden to Left: 'You Helped'
Anita Hill was warmly welcomed to The View on Friday, where she was immediately asked about her endorsement for Joe Biden. But the hosts refused to press her on the hypocritical nature of the #MeToo advocate endorsing the candidate who has been accused of sexual assault.

CBS Brings on Anita Hill to Talk Blocking Barrett, Endorsing Biden
On Tuesday’s CBS This Morning, co-host and Democratic donor Gayle King brought on Supreme Court nominee smear artist Anita Hill to demand that the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the high court be blocked. The partisan pair also discussed Hill’s endorsement of Joe Biden for president, supposedly because he would combat sexual harassment. Tara Reade might disagree with that…

CNN Hypes Anita Hill Endorsing Biden While Totally Ignoring Tara Reade
As the Labor Day edition of CNN's New Day hyped Brandeis University professor and sexual harassment activist Anita Hill's decision to endorse Joe Biden for President, the sexual assault accusations made against the Democratic nominee by former Senate office employee Tara Reade were not mentioned at all.

PBS Turns to Totenberg to Lament Biden Failed to Ruin Clarence Thomas
In the hour leading up to Night Three of the Democrat convention, PBS aired a profile of Biden’s career by reporter Lisa Desjardins, starring liberal-bias legend Nina Totenberg of NPR. Biden was judged positively for beating Robert Bork’s nomination for the Supreme Court in 1987, and negatively for not helping Anita Hill enough to defeat Clarence Thomas in 1991.

Amanpour to Hill: Is US 'Still' Too 'Misogynistic' to Elect a Woman?

Mitchell to Anita Hill: Did You ‘Identify’ With Kavanaugh Accuser?