WashPost Mocks 'Queen of Gaslighting' Sanders and 'Curled-Lip Disdain'

June 15th, 2019 11:15 PM
Just a day after the White House announced the departure of Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, The Washington Post posted a heartwarming tribute to Sanders on its Instagram page. Just kidding. The Post instead followed the lead of cable television; providing nasty commentary describing her as “the queen of gaslighting” and mocking her “curled-lip disdain.”    

Washington Post: Mexico Reinforces Border Due to Trump Tariff Threat

June 14th, 2019 1:11 PM
A Washington Post story on Thursday completely contradicts widespread mainstream media cynicism about the deal reached with Mexico to limit migration from its southern border under threat of tariffs.

Press Pollutes History in Child Migrant Coverage at 'Internment Camp'

June 14th, 2019 10:22 AM
The press rose as one in outrage Wednesday upon learning that Fort Sill, an Army base in Oklahoma, which is being used as a temporary shelter for migrant children, had been used as a Japanese internment camp during World War II. One fact buried and downplayed: Fort Sill was also used to hold migrant children as recently in 2014, under the administration of one Barack Obama. But at the time, it…

CBS Crew Reads Gayle King an Article About How Great Gayle King Is

June 13th, 2019 7:00 AM
CBS This Morning co-hosts on Wednesday read aloud the glowing praise for fellow liberal co-host Gayle King. Tony Dokoupil held up the style section of the Washington Post and quoted the gushing praise about the “soothing voice of reason.” King listened along as Dokoupil cheered, “I thought I might talk about a little article I found today.” Not exactly showcasing his colleague’s modesty, he told…

Scarborough Jokes About Manafort Being Locked Up in Rikers Hellhole

June 10th, 2019 9:13 AM
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough jokes about Paul Manafort being incarcerated at the infamous hellhole of Rikers Island in NYC. And thus it was that on today's Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough joked about Paul Manfort being confined at Rikers Island, which has been described as a "hellhole," as here, here, and  "the most notorious jail in America."

WashPost Focuses On Gender Fluidity in Women's World Cup Story

June 9th, 2019 10:00 PM
On Tuesday, Team USA opens the defense of its 2015 World Cup title in a match against Thailand, but, as The Washington Post reports, the team has much more important things than soccer on its agenda. In fact, four team members are pushing for radical cultural change, and the whole team is suing U.S. Soccer for gender discrimination.

'Raise Hell': WashPost Promotes Molly Ivins-Loving Documentary in DC

June 7th, 2019 11:11 AM
The Washington Post is not shy about branding itself as a crusading leftist paper. I received an e-mail this morning titled "Special Offer: Join The Washington Post Press Freedom Partnership at AFI Docs Film Festival June 19-23." Their "press freedom partnership" was founded last year. But the Post is promoting one particular documentary at the film festival. It's titled Raise Hell: The Life and…

Salesforce Denies Service to Gun Sellers

June 6th, 2019 4:51 PM
If you thought Big Government was the main threat to your free speech and gun rights, think again. Big Tech has come for both in recent weeks. As The Washington Post reported in a May 30 article, Salesforce has rolled out a new company policy that “bars customers that sell a range of firearms — including automatic and semiautomatic — from using its e-commerce technology.” Salesforce, a $120-…

D-Day at WashPost: Don’t Forget ‘Dark Side of American War Effort'

June 6th, 2019 2:50 PM
Reason #475,614 Why Nobody Respects the News Media: It’s the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Getting a little choked up about the endless lines of white crosses and the few stooped and wizened survivors being rolled slowly among them? Feeling slightly in awe of men who could scale Pointe du Hoc, drag themselves up the shingle on Omaha or jump from an airplane into a fire-blasted night? Feeling, well,…

WashPost Gushes Over Left-Wing CEO's Push for Gun Control

June 4th, 2019 5:31 PM
Business leaders wanting praise from the liberal media only need to embrace some left-wing cause. Promoting a conservative agenda earns scorn. The Washington Post published a massive profile on Dick’s Sporting Goods CEO Ed Stack and his gun control advocacy on June 2. The profile, which appeared on the cover of The Post’s Sunday Business section took up a full three-quarters of the section’s…

WashPost Excited Grade School to Be Named After Illegal-Alien Journo

June 3rd, 2019 10:06 PM
The Washington Post is delighted someone is naming an elementary school after a former Post reporter turned "celebrity." In Monday's paper, education columnist Jay Mathews reports that liberal Mountain View, California is naming a new school for a gay illegal alien journalist/activist: 

WashPost TV Critic Feels Beto's Pain, But HBO Film Already 'Outdated'

May 29th, 2019 1:35 PM
The liberal media have gone from boosterism to bust on Beto O'Rourke. The national hero running against Ted Cruz is getting dismissed as yesterday's news, at least by some. Washington Post TV critic Hank Stuever let Beto have it in a review of the admiring new HBO documentary Running With Beto. He began: "Quick, before his presidential ambitions vaporize completely, let’s rewind to a happier…

WashPost: Pelosi's a 'Fashion Icon,' Melania 'Miscalculates'

May 26th, 2019 12:15 PM
Sunday's Washington Post Magazine carried a sugary article by freelancer Christina Binkley headlined "She may not acknowledge it, but Nancy Pelosi is a fashion icon." Just a few pages later, the very same Sunday Post Magazine carried a column by Helena Andrews-Dyer attacking the First Lady. It was titled "Melania Trump's miscalculations continue."

WashPost’s Hypocrisy on Pete Buttigieg and Condemning Racism

May 25th, 2019 4:00 PM
So over there at Mediaite is this curious story. The headline: “Pete Buttigieg Asked if Trump is a Racist: ‘If You Do Racist Things, And Say Racist Things…’” The South Bend, Indiana Mayor and presidential candidate had a sit down with The Washington Post. And this question was asked of the mayor: “Is President Trump racist?”