Stelter on Hyping Avenatti as White House Timber: 'I Own That Comment'

May 24th, 2019 3:50 PM
Washington Post media blogger Erik Wemple tried to comb through the wreckage of Michael Avenatti, liberal cable news sensation-turned-potential crook, and asked CNN and MSNBC for comment. Brian Stelter acknowledged he was wrong to take Avenatti seriously as a presidential contender: "I own that comment." Rachel Maddow defended her "coverage" of the sleazy lawyer despite the fact that "Avenatti…

PolitiFact: Trump 'Mostly False' Saying Biden 'Deserted' Pennsylvania

May 23rd, 2019 3:55 PM
The liberals at PolitiFact are so touchy about President Trump mocking Democrats that they slap a "Mostly False" on things that just make them angry. Take this statement: "Don't forget Biden deserted you. He's not from Pennsylvania. I guess he was born here, but he left you, folks." PolitiFact admits Biden hasn't lived in Scranton since 1953...that's 66 years ago. But it's "false" because you can…

WashPost Spins Sympathetic Story for Trans Weightlifter

May 21st, 2019 10:00 AM
Officials of the 100% Raw Powerlifting Federation said they were duped when a biological male registered for the recent women's competition in Charlottesville. The federation eventually stripped "Mary" Gregory of the world records he set that night, and now, according to a one-sided story by the Washington Post's sympathetic reporter Rick Maese, he is mystified that the governing organization…

Watch Mark Levin Take a Blowtorch to the ‘Thin-Skinned’ Liberal Media

May 20th, 2019 2:16 PM
Conservative talk radio host Mark Levin dedicated Sunday’s edition of Life, Liberty, & Levin to promoting his new book Unfreedom of the Press (set for release Tuesday) with Fox & Friends: Weekend co-host Pete Hegseth and, as expected, “the Great One” didn’t hold back, throwing the liberal media through a wood chipper and calling out their rampant Trump hatred.

Sad: WashPost Empathizes with Leftists Who Made Mueller Prayer Candles

May 20th, 2019 7:19 AM
Sunday's Washington Post Magazine carried an article on how leftist Robert Mueller superfans -- oops, we won't explicitly label them ideologically -- the "Mueller faithful" are handling the hard fact that their hero failed to allege Trump colluded with the Russian government, and failed to render a verdict on obstruction of justice. This is not how they wanted this story to turn out!  

WashPost Reporter Bungles Report on Jordan, OSU Sex Abuse Scandal

May 17th, 2019 4:25 PM
On Wednesday, Ohio State University released the “Report of the Independent Investigation” of “Sexual Abuse Committed by Dr. Richard Strauss,” who as a longtime athletics doctor abused over 175 male students from 1979 to 1996. The scandal became a national news story last year since Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) was an assistant wrestling coach from 1986 to 1994 after a career as a Buckeye…

‘I Hate All of You’: ‘Juno’ Writer Regrets Her Movie Was Pro-Life

May 17th, 2019 11:48 AM
These are the times that try feminists’ souls. Pro-life laws in places like Alabama and Georgia threaten to produce an epidemic of live, healthy births in red states in the not-too-distant future. All good progressives must rally to the abortion uber alles flag. Now is not time to be seen as a summer sister or sunshine patriarchy smasher, not while famous comrades deprive themselves of cheap, non…

WashPost Blogger Promotes Steyer's 'Brutal' Ad Slamming Weak Democrats

May 17th, 2019 10:54 AM
Washington Post blogger Greg Sargent is promoting the latest video by serial impeachment ad-maker Tom Steyer under the headline "Democrats are badly blowing it against Trump. A brutal new TV ad shows how." The ad avoids the central finding of the Mueller Report of no Trump-Russia collusion and pretends that there was obstruction of justice, which the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General…

Say What? WashPost Columnist Advises Citizens to 'Tune Out the News'

May 16th, 2019 10:37 AM
We've been told in recent years that to be critical of the news is to be critical of democracy itself. So it was a bit shocking that in the newspaper that screeches on each front page that "Democracy dies in darkness" ran its own columnist asking "Do we owe it to society — and ourselves — to tune out the news?"

Free Speech! White House Refuses to Sign Censorship Call

May 15th, 2019 2:00 PM
The White House slammed both Google and Facebook over the First Amendment when it passed on a New Zealand plea for censorship of online content. The Washington Post reported that while other foreign powers sign on to the Christchurch Call to Eliminate Terrorist and Violent Extremist Content Online, the White House refused.

Bozell & Graham Column: The Washington Post Wants Team Trump Removed

May 14th, 2019 10:45 PM
The Washington Post is on a power trip again, high on the possibilities of ruining some more Republicans, like Woodward and Bernstein repealing the Nixon landslide in those golden days of Watergate. They are goading the Democrats from the hard left for contempt citations, impeachments, and even jail time. 

Bizarre: WashPost Hails Liberal Supreme Court Justice as a ‘Centrist’

May 13th, 2019 11:05 AM
Talk about misleading your audience. The Washington Post, in a front page headline teasing a story on John Paul Stevens, described the famously liberal Supreme Court justice as a “centrist.” The above-the-masthead tease insisted, “At 99, reflecting on a career as a Supreme Court centrist.” What’s most dishonest is that the misleading headline is even contradicted by Post writer Robert Barnes. In…

As Green New Deal Support Slips, WashPost Blames GOP, Fox News

May 13th, 2019 10:24 AM
Fewer people are now in favor of the Green New Deal and the disappointment of The Washington Post was palpable. It turned out that once more people knew more about the socialist fantasy to save the planet (and give away a bunch of other stuff), attitudes shifted against it. To the Post this was proof the “GOP campaign” to “sour the plan in the minds of Republican voters” was working.

Journalism Is Full of Alarmist Clickbait

May 11th, 2019 2:30 PM
Much of journalism is now alarmist clickbait or fearmongering. To attract viewers and readers, reporters make it seem like Nazis and white supremacists are everywhere. Daniel Greenfield provides an example taken from a much larger essay by a liberal mother whose 13-year-old son had temporarily drifted into the alt-right after being targeted by sexist administrators in his public school (they…