
ABC Brags Hidden Camera Show Would Help Americans 'Behave Better'

July 21st, 2020 3:20 PM

ABC’s hidden camera show What Would You Do? has tried, and failed to make its point that Americans are a bunch of intolerant bigots, for twelve years now. Yet with a new season out this Summer, the network is shamelessly promoting it on their daytime shows. On Tuesday, it was The View hosts turn to sugarcoat the “pop culture phenomenon” that pits Americans against each other…


Audacious ABC Reporter Whines Briefings Politicized Because of...Trump

July 17th, 2020 5:35 PM

On ABC’s The View today, ABC’s Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl actually had the audacity to complain that the Trump administration had made White House press briefings too political under press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany. Naturally he didn’t put any fault on White House reporters constantly asking hyper partisan, loaded questions that sounded like they came straight…


Bigoted D.L. Hughley Won't Call Out Nick Cannon's Racism On 'View'

July 17th, 2020 3:56 PM

Comedian D.L. Hughley stopped by The View briefly Friday to promote his book, “Surrender, White People!: Our Unconditional Terms for Peace,” and with a title like that, you can guess where the interview would be headed. But while Hughley had harsh words for whites, he, like many in the media, went soft went it came to actor and TV host Nick Cannon, after he made…


MSNBC's Tiffany Cross Tells ‘View,’ Trump Base Is Like the KKK

July 16th, 2020 2:37 PM

MSNBC guest host and political analyst Tiffany Cross appeared on The View Thursday to promote her new book about black voters in the upcoming election, but she also brought her disdain for Trump voters over as well. Cross told the hosts that Trump was feeding his racist Ku Klux Klan base, when he told a reporter that more white people die at the hands of police.


MSNBC Reporter Tells 'View' Trump 'Tortures' Immigrant Kids

July 15th, 2020 7:35 PM

MSNBC correspondent Jacob Soboroff was given another opportunity Wednesday to promote his anti-Trump book,…


‘View’ Battles Again Over Canceling 'Racist' Tucker Carlson

July 14th, 2020 2:50 PM

For the second day in a row, The View has gone after Fox News primetime host Tucker Carlson, aiding the left-wing effort to get him taken off the air. Only host Meghan McCain blasted the “cancel culture,” anti-free speech power trip the left is currently…


'View' Rushes to Defend Duckworth Against 'Racist' Tucker Carlson

July 13th, 2020 3:06 PM

Amidst the cancel culture fervor, the media has renewed their efforts to force high-rating FNC host Tucker Carlson off the air, using his critical segment calling out Democrats and potential Biden VP pick Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) last week, as their excuse. When the hosts of The View returned Monday, they also attacked Carlson for going after Duckworth specifically, and claimed…


McCain Blasts Media, Co-hosts for Blaming Fox News for Virus

July 1st, 2020 1:00 PM

Wednesday, The View co-host Sunny Hostin blamed Fox News and conservative media misinformation for the recent spikes in COVID cases across the country. As Joy Behar also blamed all Republicans for misinformation on the virus, Meghan McCain tore into her co-hosts’ arguments, the media, and public health officials for giving protesters a pass while blaming Republicans and conservative…


Behar Worries to Biden: What Will Dems Do to Stop Trump from Cheating?

June 30th, 2020 2:15 PM

After the networks gave Jill Biden interviews this morning to promote her husband’s campaign through a children's book, Biden went to ABC’s The View to do more campaigning for the Democrat presidential candidate while he continues to hide in the basement. Like other interviews on the show with Biden surrogates, she was thrown mostly softballs like “How will Biden heal our country?”…


Another Biden VP List Pick Gets Mostly Softballs From 'View'

June 25th, 2020 1:23 PM

Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) appeared on Thursday’s The View, where she received virtually no critical questions, despite being a contender for Vice President in the November election. The only question that was the exception, was co-host Sunny Hostin insisting a black female should be Biden’s choice instead.


View’ Crew Devotes 25 Minutes to Bolton, ‘Patriotic' to Vote Biden

June 24th, 2020 5:36 PM

The liberal co-hosts of The View on Wednesday used John Bolton's new book as a campaign platform to lobby for Joe Biden’s election as president. The women devoted an amazing 24 minutes and 50 seconds to Bolton’s new book, lobbying the former Trump official to vote for the Democrat as the “patriotic” thing to do against the current “mob” boss president. 


Hostin: 'Revisionist History' Supports Monuments to Founding Fathers

June 22nd, 2020 2:30 PM

The left has moved on from toppling statues of confederate generals to now defacing and erasing any person associated with America’s early history. After statues of George Washington and Ulysses S. Grant were vandalized in Baltimore and San Francisco respectively, the Museum of National History decided to remove a statue of Teddy Roosevelt as well. The hosts of The View discussed this…


Raddatz Captivates ‘View’ Sharing Excerpts From Anti-Trump Book

June 18th, 2020 4:51 PM

After all three networks spent reports hyping yet another “bombshell” tell-all book from a former Trump aide, this time being former National Security Advisor, John Bolton, ABC’s Martha Raddatz was ready to tease her own exclusive interview with Bolton on The…


Whoopi Goldberg Insists 'The View' Attacks Democrats, Too

June 17th, 2020 2:41 PM

The View co-host Meghan McCain scolded her peers and the show she works for after the show opened Wednesday, attacking Republicans for coming up with their own police reform bill.  

As the liberal hosts whined that Senator Tim Scott’s “Justice Act” didn’t go far enough, McCain wondered why her co-hosts couldn’t be bipartisan and had to “crap all over Republicans” for trying to…