Univisión falla en ataque contra estrella latina pro Trump
El interminable lloriqueo de la élite de Hollywood y su consagración en contra de los llamados privilegios blancos, pasó a un segundo plano con la participación de la exitosa estrella mexicana, y ahora activista político, Eduardo Verástegui, durante una entrevista con Univisión donde logró cancelar la consabida retórica a pesar de las constantes interrupciones de la periodista Pamela Silva…
Univision Takes Another Swing At Pro-Trump Latino Star, Misses AGAIN
What with the endless whining coming from the Hollywood elite and their anti-white-privilege consecration, it was refreshing to see the successful Mexican crossover star - and now political activist - Eduardo Verastegui, cancel the rhetoric during a Univision interview, despite the constant interruptions by journalist Pamela Silva every time he said something contrary to the network´s anti-…
PROPAGANDA: Univisión victimiza a hispanos en informe de COVID
A medida que se acercan las elecciones presidenciales, las cadenas hispanas liberales de la nación hacen todo lo posible por disparar cuanta arma propagandística encuentren con tal de abatir a Donald Trump. En Univisión, esto significa convertir la pandemia del coronavirus en un problema hispano, perpetuando la imagen del latino como la eterna víctima.
FALSO: Univision dice que Trump jamás denunció a supremacistas blancos
Univision, un comité de acción política de interés migratorio con licencia de teledifusión que pide permiso a la FCC para caer bajo el 100% de control foráneo, sigue sembrando la desinformación con el fin de lograr el triunfo electoral para el candidato más afín a sus intereses comerciales: Joe Biden.
Univision Falsely Reports Trump Never Condemned White Supremacists
Univision, a liberal immigration-interest PAC with a broadcast license seeking FCC approval to be 100% foreign-owned, continues to spread disinformation in the hopes of securing a win for the candidate most amenable to the network’s business interests: Joe Biden.
DISINFORMATION: Jorge Ramos Spins Biden Stance on Abortion
Univision anchor Jorge Ramos tried to shame a pro-life activist for not falling in line with the liberal line that all Hispanics should vote based on racial grievance. He was stopped cold, and then had to scramble and pitch some Biden talking points in a manner that makes his positions on abortion less extreme to Univision viewers. In other words: disinformation.…
PROPAGANDA: Univision Uses COVID Report To Push Latino Victimhood
As the presidential election draws closer, the nation’s liberal Hispanic nets are scrambling to shoot any and all propagandistic weapons in order to rid themselves of Donald Trump. At Univision, this meant turning the COVID pandemic into a Latino problem, and portraying Latinos as eternal victims.
Medios en español intentan validar tema de impuestos de Trump
La manera en que los medios hispanoparlantes cubrieron una reseña "explosiva" del New York Times sobre las declaraciones de impuestos del presidente Donald Trump, confirma una vez más que Univisión es un PAC radical a favor de la inmigración con una señal de transmisión; tan así, que prefiere sacrificar la integridad periodística con tal de verter a su audiencia su venenoso Síndrome de…
Univision, Latino Decisions To Poll Respondents: Are You Dead?
Univision, a liberal immigration PAC with a broadcast license seeking FCC approval of a rule that would allow the network to be 100% foreign-owned, appears to ask the most interesting questions of those brave enough to pick up the phone and answer a poll
Spanish Nets Try To Make Trump Tax Story Stick
Spanish-language media's coverage of an “explosive” New York Times story on President Donald Trump's tax returns once again confirms that Univision is a radical pro-immigration PAC with a broadcast signal, willing to trade journalistic integrity for a chance to spew its TDS venom onto their audience.
Cleanup On Aisle Biden: Univision Spins Scathing Senate Report
It took 24 hours for the nation's leading Spanish-language network to report on the explosive report published by the Senate which details the allegations of shady dealing surrounding one Hunter Biden. And Univision's report was about as one-sided as could be expected.
Univisión da señas de cobertura viciosa a designación de nuevo SCOTUS
Univisión, un PAC radical proinmigración con señal de transmisión e intereses comerciales en asegurar la elección de presidentes que nominen jueces liberales a la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos, ya reveló cómo cubrirá al próximo designado del presidente Donald Trump para llenar la vacante creada por el fallecimiento de la jueza Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Univision Signals Vicious Coverage of Trump's Next SCOTUS Pick
Univision, a radical pro-immigration PAC with a broadcast signal and a vested business interest in ensuring the election of presidents that appoint liberal justices to the United States Supreme Court, has already signaled the manner in which they will cover the next nominee to be put forth by President Donald Trump to fill the vacancy created by the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
'DESAFORTUNADAMENTE para Univisión, Trump lidera entre hispanos en FL
Si quedaba alguna duda de que Univisión es una organización activista con una licencia de transmisión, Edwin Pitti, corresponsal de Univisión en D.C., parece haberla obliterado por completo.