Blogger: Women Can Normalize Abortion By Saying They’ve Had One

August 6th, 2015 2:30 PM
Imagine an Abortion Pride Day parade in which women march while pushing empty strollers and baby carriages. That’s not far off from what Mother Jones pundit Drum recommended in a Wednesday post. Drum suggested that women who’ve had an abortion and believe they made the right choice ought to say so publicly, and that they should view out gays and lesbians as role models in that regard: “As long…

Some Liberals Fear Planned Parenthood Might Be the New ACORN

July 26th, 2015 9:25 PM
The Brooklyn birth-control clinic to which Planned Parenthood traces its roots opened in the fall of 1916, but according to Molly Redden, there’s concern on the left that the two recent so-called sting videos have damaged PP’s reputation to the point that the organization might not even be around for its hundredth anniversary. “That Planned Parenthood is the target of a withering attack by anti-…

Bill O'Reilly Slams 'Haters,' Says Smearing Should Be 'Unacceptable'

February 26th, 2015 7:07 PM
Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly used Wednesday evening's edition of The O'Reilly Factor to hammer “haters on both sides” of the political divide during a segment entitled “Hating President Obama.” He began by stating: “At the height of the Iraq War, the vilification of President Bush the younger was off the chart,” with “the left in America accusing him and Vice President Dick Cheney of…

Jon Stewart Slams Fox News: 'No One's Watching Them for Actual Truth'

February 25th, 2015 8:18 PM
After a week of vacation from serving as host of Comedy Central's Daily Show, Jon Stewart leaped into the fray on Tuesday about whether Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly was accurate about what happened while he was covering conflicts in a number of foreign nations. “First,” the comedian began, “let's be frank about television journalists' self-aggrandizement. … It's nothing new. The most recent…

Blogger: Obama ‘Laughing His Ass Off’ at Anti-Immigrant Republicans

February 5th, 2015 9:24 PM
Kevin Drum of Mother Jones claims that Obama’s executive action was meant to “gain Latino support for Democrats and provoke an insane counterreaction from Republicans” and concludes that Obama “succeeded brilliantly on both counts.” Meanwhile, Ed Kilgore of the Washington Monthly notes that “the Republican Party was actually competitive among Latino voters a decade ago,” but adds, “Now that it’s…

Blogger: Obama Liberal, But Clinton, Carter ‘Relatively Conservative'

January 10th, 2015 1:54 PM
Drum, of Mother Jones, suggests that Obama doesn’t have much competition for the “most liberal” title, given that the only other post-LBJ Democratic presidents have been the “relatively conservative” Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter. He claims that Obama definitely isn’t “some kind of wild-eyed lefty.”

Bloggers Blast GOP’s Benghazi ‘Bullsh*t,’ ‘Manufactured Outrage’

November 24th, 2014 10:11 PM
One blogger argued that media outlets which took the story seriously should “spend the next three-plus years publishing articles [or] airing pieces” telling the public that it was “a cynical and spiteful lie from the beginning.”

Blogger: ‘Brilliant’ Obama Immigration Plan Exposes Lunacy of GOP

November 22nd, 2014 11:44 AM
The Mother Jones blogger contends that Obama’s immigration action “is politically pretty brilliant. It unifies Democrats; wrecks the Republican agenda in Congress; cements the loyalty of Hispanics; and presents the American public with a year of Republican candidates spitting xenophobic fury during primary season. If you're President Obama, what's not to like?”

Mother Jones Blogger: Did Obama Make Sharyl Attkisson Go Crazy?

November 7th, 2014 12:36 AM
The Mother Jones pundit writes that Attkisson used to be “a pretty good, hard-nosed investigative reporter,” but adds that as she developed ties to conservative activists, “her reporting became…detached from reality....Her descent seems to be complete.”

Lefty Blogger: Media Get an Assist If ‘Right-Wing Loon’ Ernst Wins

November 4th, 2014 11:29 AM
Kevin Drum and other pundits take the press to task for misleading Iowa voters by, in Drum's words, pushing a “charade” that Republican Senate contender Joni Ernst is a “pragmatic centrist.”

Bird Watching: Obama’s an ‘Odd Duck,’ But His GOP Critics ‘Scr

August 21st, 2014 12:39 PM
The Obama administration is in the doldrums, and not only because it’s August. Is it that the president has a short attention span, or that he’s insufficiently ideological, or have Republicans just worn him down? Three lefty pundits opined on the issue earlier this week. In a Tuesday New Republic piece, Georgetown history professor Michael Kazin identified “Obama’s sober mistrust of ideology…

Lefty Bloggers: Gripes About Presidential Vacations Are ‘Stupid’ a

August 16th, 2014 7:01 AM
This week, three of the most prominent liberal bloggers agreed that when it comes to criticizing presidents of either party about their vacations, people really need to, as one of the bloggers put it, “STFU.” Do they have a point, or should the appropriateness of presidential vacations be evaluated on a POTUS-by-POTUS basis? Check out their thoughts and comment if you’d like.

Mother Jones Writer Wonders What Happened in the ‘90s That Made Repu

August 14th, 2014 6:26 AM
Liberals like Chris Mooney of Mother Jones agree that today’s Republican party is “environmental[ly] retrograde,” but often acknowledge it wasn’t like that a few decades ago. For example, as Mooney noted in a Tuesday post, a GOP president, Richard Nixon, established the EPA. Mooney reports, however, that in the early 1990s the party as a whole grew distinctly more hostile towards…

Mother Jones Writer Touts Study That Says Conservatism May Have Made S

July 16th, 2014 7:15 AM
In a hit record from 1974, a girl repeatedly told a suitor, “I don’t like spiders and snakes.” Presumably no one back then thought the song had any political overtones, but forty years later a post on the Mother Jones website has suggested that the girl’s remark meant she probably was a right-winger. MoJo science writer Chris Mooney reported Tuesday on a recent paper that claims conservatives…