Mother Jones, Washington Monthly Bloggers Blast GOP’s Anti-Immigrant

July 10th, 2014 5:48 AM
Washington Monthly blogger Ed Kilgore has found some people he thinks conservatives hate even more than they hate President Obama: the thousands of Central American children trying to enter the U.S. at its border with Mexico. After all, righties are merely obsessed with making Obama at least as unpopular in his second term as George W. Bush was in his, but they want to “immediately ship [the]…

Kevin Drum: I Didn’t Believe the Obama Hype, and Neither Did Obama

July 5th, 2014 2:09 PM
Many of the claims made for, and sometimes by, Barack Obama during the 2008 campaign were amazingly lofty, hyperbolic, or both, even by political standards. Remember the columnist who speculated that Obama might be “a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being…who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet”? Remember Obama’s own “this was the moment when the rise of the…

Mother Jones Writer: On the Left, Nuance, Toleration, and Math

June 22nd, 2014 9:36 PM
Many years ago, Stephen Colbert asserted that “reality has a well-known liberal bias.” Chris Mooney of Mother Jones wants to make sure you understand that mathematics (a well-known subset of reality) does, too. This past Friday, Mooney, author of books including “The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science – and Reality,” posted a piece about a new book by mathematician…

Kevin Drum: Speaker Gingrich Is Long Gone, But Fox News Still Spreads

June 14th, 2014 6:43 AM
Newt Gingrich hasn’t been an elected official in more than fifteen years, but according to Mother Jones blogger Kevin Drum, Gingrich’s vitriolic approach to politics during his years in the House of Representatives remains influential via Fox News. (Even though Gingrich stars on CNN.) Piggybacking on an Andrew Sullivan blog post in which Sullivan alleged that watching Fox News was “like…

Kevin Drum: Hard to Blame Obama for Tuning Out the Constant Anger ‘G

June 7th, 2014 10:13 PM
The belief that President Obama is aloof and detached is found on both the left and the right; the major difference between the two sides on that topic is that liberals don’t always see those qualities as negative. Mother Jones blogger Kevin Drum wrote in a Friday post that he finds it “almost impossible to blame” Obama for “tak[ing] the long view and ignor[ing] all the childish nonsense”…

Kevin Drum: No Need For Either a White House Press Secretary or a Dail

June 4th, 2014 7:15 AM
Mother Jones blogger Kevin Drum favors reducing the federal one position. Specifically, that of White House press secretary. In a Monday post, Drum argued that junking the position would eliminate the routine posturing at White House briefings from journalists who are "less interested in gaining actual information than in simply playing gotcha." The source of that approach,…

Lefty Blogger: GOP, Romney Should Have Had 'The Taste Slapped Out of

May 11th, 2014 4:57 PM
The right has directed most of its anger over the handling of the Benghazi terrorist attack at President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Susan Rice, but when lefty blogger Martin Longman reflects on reactions to Benghazi, he thinks of a different villain: Mitt Romney. In a Saturday post for the Washington Monthly web site, Longman recalls that a few days after the attack, he was "seething about…

Exploiters and Hypocrites Exposed: 'Progressive' Media Outlets Paying

December 2nd, 2013 9:10 PM
Charles Davis at has written an eye-opening expose of “Exploited Laborers of the Liberal Media” – unpaid or poorly paid interns at liberal magazines, websites, and radio networks that claim to speak out for the poorly paid working stiffs. Davis notes Harper’s magazine wants interns to “work on a full-time, unpaid basis for three to five months” and The Washington Monthly is offering…

HORRORS! Government Shutdown Means No Whale Counters or Animal-Semen E

October 3rd, 2013 4:30 PM
“Animal-semen exporters were furloughed” sounds like a bad joke, but to left-wing publication Mother Jones it’s a problem caused by the government shutdown. Right up there with 50 Nubian goats in New Jersey being furloughed. And don’t forget about the Whale Counters! The Oct. 2 article listed “30 Ways the Shutdown Is Already Screwing People.” Most of the items on this list wee the same talking…

Liberal Blogger Learns the Hard Way What It's Like to Be Conservative

August 20th, 2013 4:10 AM
As conservatives, we know what happens every time we criticize the policies of the liberal occupant of the White House: We're instantly branded as “racist” and “intolerant” while our views are quickly and summarily dismissed. However, Kevin Drum, a political blogger for the liberal Mother Jones website, has received similar treatment as he learned that no matter which side of an issue he…

Rachel Maddow Jumps on Anti-Redskins Bandwagon, Pretends Liberal Polit

August 14th, 2013 10:18 AM
With the National Football League's new season just around the corner, fans of the sport are beginning to revive hopes that their favorite professional team will go all the way and win the Super Bowl on Feb. 2, 2014. However, that's apparently not the case with Rachel Maddow. Instead, the host of a weeknight program on the liberal MSNBC cable channel is unhappy with the Washington Redskins,…

Top Magazine Award Given for Journalistically Questionable ‘47 Perce

May 3rd, 2013 5:12 PM
Integrity in journalism is not only optional, being dishonest is actually commendable. That was the message sent last night by the American Society of Magazine Editors as it gave one of its highly coveted National Magazine Awards to Mother Jones, the far-left publication which published a surreptitiously recorded video of former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaking to a…

NYT's Barbaro on Doom and 'Gloom' in Romney Camp, 'Entering McCain-Pal

September 20th, 2012 8:53 AM
New York Times campaign reporter Michael Barbaro jumped on the hidden Mitt video in a"Caucus" post Tuesday night, eagerly dramatizing "A Mood of Gloom Afflicts the Romney Campaign." Mitt Romney’s traveling press secretary walked to the back of the candidate’s plane midflight on Tuesday and teasingly asked a pair of journalists in an exit row if they were “willing and able to assist in case of…

Legal Insurrection: David Corn Claim that He Was Upfront About Romney

September 19th, 2012 7:09 PM
Once again, Professor William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection is doing the work the mainstream media should do but won't do. This morning your humble correspondent posted how Jacobson got David Corn to finally admit that there was a gap in the Romney tape after initially claiming that it was complete. However, now that Corn was forced to make that admission only after being pressed by Jacobson,…