NYT Says GOP ‘Spread Misinformation’ on Vote Fraud, Skipped Own Scoops

April 15th, 2021 10:23 AM

Reporters Reid Epstein and Trip Gabriel took a look at new voting legislation in Michigan, leading with another redundant attack on Donald Trump. The headline was "As Michigan G.O.P. Plans Voting Limits, Top Corporations Fire a Warning Shot." Trying to prevent fraud is "voting limits." Before…


Mitchell Tries to Blame Michigan GOP for Whitmer’s COVID Failures

April 13th, 2021 3:43 PM

On her 12:00 p.m. ET hour show on Tuesday, MSNBC anchor and reliable Democratic Party shill Andrea Mitchell futilely tried to blame Republicans in Michigan for the state’s surge in COVID cases, rather than the failed leadership of Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer. The liberal host pointed fingers at every other branch of Michigan state government in her desperate attempt to protect the…


ABC Invites Whitmer to Blame ‘Complicit’ Trump for Terror Plot

October 9th, 2020 11:35 AM

After the FBI foiled an anarchist terror plot yesterday, which involved kidnapping Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, she and the state's attorney general predictably blamed President Trump and the media ran with this narrative. Friday on Good Morning America, George Stephanopoulos spoke with Whitmer and spent nearly the entire time encouraging her to attack President Trump as “…

GOP Rages at PolitiFact Tagging John James 'Mostly False' But Accurate

September 1st, 2020 10:53 PM

Republicans are pulling out their hair again as PolitiFact uncorked another one of those strange rulings on Monday where they say the facts are "accurate" but it's still "Mostly False." Because they are not "fact checkers" as much as "context checkers," and they don't like Democrats being taken out of context. The Republican in this case is John James of Michigan, running against incumbent…


MSNBC Host Hints Rioters No Worse Than Pro-Trump Protesters

May 30th, 2020 7:27 PM

On Saturday morning, MSNBC weekend anchor Kendis Gibson had difficulty seeing a difference between peaceful anti-lockdown protesters in Michigan and violent protesters in Minnesota who are looting and committing arson -- other than a racial difference -- as he fretted over President Donald Trump condemning one, but not the other.


CBS Worries: Lockdown Protesters Showcase Growing 'Pattern’ of ‘Hate'

May 15th, 2020 12:36 PM
When there’s a liberal protest with signs comparing Republicans to Hitler and calling for violence, journalists tend to helpfully avoid those images on network TV. But a few bigots and nuts who attend anti-lockdown protests must be representative of the group at large. That was the message on Friday’s CBS This Morning. Co-host Gayle King ominously warned, “There are growing concerns this morning…

‘View’ Paints Michigan’s Whitmer as Victim of Violent, Racist Protests

May 13th, 2020 4:12 PM
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer appeared on The View Wednesday for a mostly easy interview full of softballs from the sympathetic liberal hosts, mostly about her response to COVID-19. It seemed the interview was just another opportunity for Whitmer to bash critics of her lockdown policies as violent racists. In fact, Meghan McCain was the only host to push back on the Democrat’s hateful…

NYT’s Peters: ‘Overwhelmingly White’ Protests Based on Misinformation

April 21st, 2020 4:57 PM
New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters is still waging attacks on conservatives in the time of coronavirus. He devoted nearly 1,800 words to “A Culture War Is Simmering in Quarantine” to deride conservative protests over oppressive state restrictions, while framing (unlabeled) liberal politicians and activists as founts of sweet reason: "The people at these protests have been overwhelmingly white…

NYT: 'Far-Right' Conservatives Protest Corona as Blacks Suffer

April 19th, 2020 7:00 PM
New states’ rights fans at The New York Times? Reporters Trip Gabriel and Jonathan Martin praised Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer after her gross bureaucratic overreach in fighting the spread of the coronavirus led to protests. The online headline to the story that led Sunday’s National section: “Gretchen Whitmer Isn’t Backing Down -- Right-wing protesters, Republican lawmakers and President…

Maddow Flatters Whitmer 'Out Ahead' of Others With Strict Mandates

April 17th, 2020 10:39 AM
After MSNBC host Rachel Maddow mocked Michiganders protesting their Democrat governor’s draconian stay-at-home measures on her Wednesday night show, Maddow brought on that governor for a softball interview full of flattery, Thursday. Maddow even ended the interview entertaining the idea that the Democrat governor could be our next Vice President.  

PolitiFact Rushes to Defend Potential Biden VP on Seed-Sale Crackdown

April 16th, 2020 10:18 PM
PolitiFact released another tendentious defense of a controversial Democrat, in this case Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, whose coronavirus crackdown is lighting up the conservative blogosphere. They noted she's on Biden's short list of potential running mates, and based their whole "fact check" on one overheated headline so they could dismiss the actual controversy. 

Nasty Maddow: Michigan Protesters Are Coronavirus Conspiracy Theorists

April 16th, 2020 10:28 AM
The media is doing everything they can to protect Democrat governors facing backlash for taking draconian measures to the coronavirus pandemic. While thousands gathered Wednesday to protest Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer’s strict orders, she didn’t receive any scrutiny from the mainstream media. After getting a friendly interview on NBC’s Today show earlier that day, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow…

NBC Lobs Softballs, Chats VP Slot as Whitmer Defends Draconian Decrees

April 15th, 2020 4:21 PM
During a Wednesday morning interview with Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer on NBC’s 3rd Hour Today show, co-host Craig Melvin made sure to tread softly while asking about the Democrat’s highly controversial and draconian measures in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Once that was out of the way, he was free to chat with her about speculation that she might be Joe Biden’s vice presidential…

SPIKED: Only Fox Talks to Dem Saved by Trump and His 'Miracle Drug'

April 8th, 2020 7:06 PM
As many liberal journalists suggest Fox News Channel should be sued for discouraging people from taking the coronavirus seriously and endangering lives, Fox News is offering hopeful stories that almost every liberal outlet refuses to touch. Take Michigan state Rep. Karen Whitsett, who came down the coronavirus, and credits her doctor and hydroxychloroquine – and President Trump touting the anti-…