Bizarre WaPo Story Tries to Blame Righty Radio for Scalise Shooting

July 9th, 2017 4:04 PM
The blogosphere erupted in a collective roar at Washington Post reporter Peter Holley's bizarre attempt to blame the shooting of Republicans and their security guards in Alexandria, Virginia on conservative talk radio.  Holley's cockeyed conspiracy theory was that the shooter, James Hodgkinson, may have listened to local senior-citizen radio host Bob Romanik back in Belleville, Illinois. The…

Initial AP Coverage of Facebook Torture Avoids Almost All Details

January 5th, 2017 11:19 AM
The Associated Press's initial Wednesday evening report on the horrific beating and torture of a mentally handicapped 18 year-old in Chicago is woefully and predictably weak. A comparison of what Fox 32 in Chicago was reporting at the time of AP's story will demonstrate how much the wire service chose to ignore.

Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, Paul Ryan…Barack Obama?

November 25th, 2016 9:36 PM
It’s fair to say that from 2007 through 2010, the mere words “Speaker Pelosi” gave many NewsBusters readers the willies. If some lefty activists and enough voters get their way, you’ll have the chance to hear a lot of “Speaker Obama.” On Wednesday, Ben Mathis-Lilley of Slate discussed and endorsed a petition calling on Barack Obama to run for the House of Representatives in 2018 from…

Press Lionizes Michelle Obama's Hypocritical Critiques of Trump

October 29th, 2016 8:00 PM
The press, as would be expected, is swallowing Michelle Obama's pose as being intensely offended by the alleged offenses of Donald and as a passionate defender of Hillary Clinton, showering praise on her as "Hillary's secret weapon" at seemingly every turn. What a crock. Mrs. Obama has directly criticized the Clintons' conduct as First Family and its matriarch; instead of taking it back, she and…

As Hillary Has Black Turnout Woes, Black Trump Spox Baffles the Media

October 25th, 2016 10:16 PM
On Sunday, Hillary Campaign Manager Robby Mook dodged a question from Jake Tapper on CNN's State of the Union about indications that black turnout for the former Secretary of State in North Carolina during early voting has not been strong. Meanwhile, a black Trump supporter, who the press seems to believe can easily be turned into an object of ridicule, continues to run circles around them in…

PolitiFact Wrong: Both Obamas Attacked Hillary During '08 Campaign

October 19th, 2016 3:20 PM
Today's installment of Stupid Fact Checks again goes after Politifact, this time on two items in one "fact check." First, the web site's Louis Jacobson claims that Michelle Obama couldn't possibly have been talking about the Clintons on August 12, 2007 when she told an audience about the importance of a First Family serving as a "role model" in the White House. It's obvious to any human without…

NYT Again Exposes Speech-Stifling PC Culture on College Campus, on A1

August 27th, 2016 2:32 PM
The New York Times pro-Hillary campaign coverage leaves much to be desired, but the paper has been decent recently on at least one issue important to conservatives: Free speech on college campus. Saturday’s off-lead story covered the surprisingly strong welcome letter the University of Chicago sent to its incoming students: “University of Chicago Rebels Against Moves to Stifle Speech.” The text…

NBC Hypes GOP ‘Civil War,’ Continues to Ignore Major Firings at DNC

August 3rd, 2016 11:39 AM
For the second day in a row, NBC on Wednesday ignored the high level firings at the Democratic National Committee. Politico hyped it as “heads roll at the DNC.” Yet, the four hour-long Today show found no time for it. Instead, reporter Hallie Jackson trumpeted a “civil war” within the Republican Party. 

Noticias Univisión impulsó protestas anti-Trump en Chicago

March 14th, 2016 4:38 PM
Así es como Univisión ayudó a impulsar las protestas violentas contra el mitin de Donald Trump en Chicago.

Univision News Fueled Chicago Protests

March 12th, 2016 11:01 AM
Here's how Univision News helped fuel last night's violent protest of Donald Trump's rally in Chicago.

Victim of Pro-Abort Vandalism: Shows 'Growing Intolerance on the Left'

February 5th, 2016 2:49 PM
On Sunday night, pro-life activist Jill Stanek returned to her home in the Chicago suburbs to find a Target bag with a cinder block had been thrown through her windown. Taped to the cinder block was a note saying "STOP YOUR PRO-LIFE B---S---." In an interview with NewsBusters (she used to blog for NB), Stanek agreed "we see growing intolerance on the Left for any socially conservative views.…

AP Acts As If Illinois's Chronic Vendor Delinquency Is Something New

January 31st, 2016 11:36 PM
A Sunday morning report by Associated Press political writer John O'Connor acts as if the the sordid history of fiscal irresponsibility in the State of Illinois is a new development brought on by a stubborn Republican governor in just the past seven months. What hogwash. The state has had a large backlog of delinquent unpaid bills for a decade, if not longer. Five years ago, a Democratic…

CNN's Pereira: Opponents of Boy in Girls' Locker Room 'Need Education'

November 3rd, 2015 8:03 PM
On Tuesday's New Day on CNN, after a report about an Illinois school district under pressure to allow a transgender student to use a girls' locker room, co-host Michaela Pereira complained that it was "frustrating" that the transgender student in question had supposedly not been consulted enough in the matter. After co-host Chris Cuomo recalled the argument by parents concerned about having a…

Why Is the Press So Quiet About Ill. Lottery Winners Not Getting Paid?

August 31st, 2015 11:37 PM
Silly me. I really thought that every state's lottery operation was walled off from the rest of its finances. They collect bets, pay out winnings and administrative costs, and turn over the profits to general fund. End of discussion. No muss, no fuss. Right? In Illinois, based on recent developments, we know that's obviously not the case — leading me to wonder how many other states potentially…