Groupies: ‘View’ Hosts Fawn Over 'MVP' Kamala, Won't Ask About Hunter

Vice presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris joined the all-liberal, pro-Biden panel at The View Monday for yet another friendly interview. They managed to ask two critical questions but the rest of the interview was full of flattery and anti-Trump softballs.

Kristine Marsh
October 26th, 2020 1:51 PM

Lucasfilm to Make Movie Adaption of Black Lives Matter Novel

Lucasfilm is finally producing a film unrelated to Star Wars. Unfortunately, it’s lefty propaganda. 

Sergie Daez
October 26th, 2020 1:12 PM

50 Cent Recants Trump Support After Chelsea Handler Offers Him Sex

We were mistaken for thinking that 50 Cent would live up to his tough-as-nails image and vote Trump despite the haters. The “Get Rich or Die Tryin’” rapper decided that “another spin” with ex-girlfriend Chelsea Handler was better than paying much less in taxes under President Donald Trump.

Gabriel Hays
October 26th, 2020 12:50 PM

Networks Ignore Illegal Alien Who Murdered Black 41-Year Houston Cop

Over the past week, most of the liberal media have ignored the case of a Houston police officer, 65-year-old Harold Preston, who was murdered by an illegal alien, Elmer Manzano, who had a previous violent criminal record but managed to avoid deportation for decades. While Fox and Friends covered the story several times, and even interviewed Houston police chief Art Acevedo in a five-…

Brad Wilmouth
October 26th, 2020 12:49 PM
DeAndre Hopkins

Shame: Yahoo Defends NFL Player Defended For Flipping Off Trump Fans

A wide receiver for the Arizona Cardinals driving on his way to Sunday's game against Seattle weaved in and out of a Trump caravan and showed his middle fingers to participants. Yahoo writer Meredith Cash defended him as a "legend" exercising his free speech rights. For acting like a complete buffoon and total jerk.

Jay Maxson
October 26th, 2020 12:40 PM

ABC: Biden ‘Stepping Things Up’ With Campaign Events (He Isn't)

Election day is just eight days away and Joe Biden is mostly taking Monday off. Only CBS This Morning seemed to find this odd, deeming it a “curiosity.” ABC and NBC didn’t seem bothered by the decision. ABC dishonestly described the Democrat as “stepping things up” with his campaign. At the time Mary Bruce said that, Biden had exactly ZERO events scheduled. 

Scott Whitlock
October 26th, 2020 12:33 PM

Facebook, Google Pledged $700M to ‘Buy Off the Press’ Since 2018

If the liberal media’s relative silence towards Facebook and Google’s Orwellian behavior this electoral cycle seemed deafening, perhaps it's because many outlets have received big loads of cash from them.

Joseph Vazquez
October 26th, 2020 10:53 AM

Video: TV Journalists Flat-Out Lying About Hunter Biden's Laptop

For almost a week, liberal cable and broadcast networks have ignored the FBI saying it has “nothing to add” to DNI Ratcliffe’s assessment that the alleged Hunter Biden laptop is not part of a Russian disinformation campaign. Despite these statements from both Ratcliffe and the FBI, TV journalists continued to warn viewers that the entire story looks like a Russian intelligence op.

Bill D'Agostino
October 26th, 2020 9:33 AM
Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe 10-26-20

'You Can't Be That Stupid! Enraged Scarborough Attacks Trump Voters

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough, his face twisted in an enraged snarl, lashes out at Trump voters, saying "you can't be that stupid . . . they know the guy they’re supporting is a liar! And yet they vote for him anyway."

Mark Finkelstein
October 26th, 2020 8:55 AM

Biden Ad Misleads, But Snopes Attacks Conservative Media Instead!

The Biden campaign pulled an ad last week after it was exposed as misleading. A supposedly struggling bar owner has tons of money. But on Thursday, strangely called out conservative media outlets for “Mostly False” analysis!

Tim Graham
October 25th, 2020 11:04 PM

Velshi Allows Jim Clyburn to Make Insane Claims about Trump

On Sunday morning’s Velshi, MSNBC host Ali Velshi colluded with Representative Jim Clyburn (D-SC) to proclaim that the re-election of President Trump will result in the U.S. returning to the Reconstruction era. Velshi sat and nodded as Clyburn insanely claimed that due to Trump nominating Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, there are the “same kind of trends” as “Reconstruction, …

Duncan Schroeder
October 25th, 2020 10:50 PM

Sick Joke: NYT Hails Commie Angela Davis as Criminal Justice Reformer

Every year or so the New York Times offers a nauseatingly hagiographic profile of communist Angela Davis. This time it appeared in the paper’s Sunday insert T Magazine, as part of “The Greats” issue. 

Clay Waters
October 25th, 2020 10:42 PM

CBS Protects Biden: Emails Are 'Russian Disinformation' Right?

During Norah O’Donnell’s portion of 60 Minutes Sunday evening, the CBS anchor brushed past Joe Biden’s corruption scandal, only asking one majorly loaded question about it to the Democratic candidate. 

Kristine Marsh
October 25th, 2020 10:34 PM

Tom Cotton Slam Dunks CNBC Host Over Hunter Biden Laptop Story

On Friday's Squawk Box, Senator Tom Cotton stunned Andrew Ross Sorkin into momentary speechlessness with his reply to a question about the media suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

P.J. Gladnick
October 25th, 2020 6:26 PM