Smug Atheist 'Young Sheldon’ Likens God to ‘Invisible Monkey’

Despite all the changes from COVID-19, CBS’s Young Sheldon seems to be mostly the same. Namely, it continues to disparage religion, Christians, and even the very notion of God in the first place. This time around, the show compares God to an “invisible monkey” that doesn’t exist. For a show about a child genius, it’s a pretty dumb argument.

Lindsay Kornick
December 3rd, 2020 9:39 PM

Nets Cover-Up Tyrannical Dems Breaking Their COVID Restrictions

Across the country, Democratic leaders were locking down their citizens and destroying their livelihoods with the coronavirus as the pretext. If that wasn’t enough, they were flashing their tyrannical nature by subjecting their people to that treatment while they gallivanted around to expensive restaurants, traveled for Thanksgiving, and one even flew to Mexico for a wedding. At the same time…

Nicholas Fondacaro
December 3rd, 2020 8:58 PM

Michael Moore to MAGA Fans: ‘A Lot of You Are Going to Die’

Woke leftists will always make stupid statements. (Recall how David Letterman claimed the press “educates” and “informs” people.) It’s a fact of life. One can only hope that they're too dumb to understand what they are actually saying, or merely indulging in sarcasm.

Sergie Daez
December 3rd, 2020 5:52 PM

Clinton Ladies Produce and Host New Apple Series on ‘Gutsy Women’

Just accept it. Hillary Clinton and her daughter are never going away. In fact, Clinton-produced home entertainment is coming to a TV near you, courtesy of Apple. According to The Hollywood Reporter, both Hillary and her daughter Chelsea are turning their latest book into an upcoming Apple TV+ docu-series. We guess the mother-daughter duo saw the bonkers cash that the Obama…

Gabriel Hays
December 3rd, 2020 4:05 PM

‘View’ Outraged by McEnany Calling Out Dems’ COVID Hypocrisy

The View hosts started off Thursday’s show offended by White House Press secretary Kayleigh McEnany calling out some of the Democrat politicians who violated their own restrictive coronavirus orders, at yesterday's briefing.

Kristine Marsh
December 3rd, 2020 3:30 PM

USA Today Hypes COVID Panic-Porn: Everyone ‘A Potential Serial Killer’

If you took a look at the USA Today op-ed pages early this week hoping to find a little reasoned perspective on the coronavirus, boy, did you go to the wrong place! Instead, you’d have found panic porn in the form of a headline published November 30 screaming “COVID has turned breathing into a deadly event and all of us into potential serial killers”!

Alexa Moutevelis
December 3rd, 2020 3:20 PM

Left’s Gender Theories Are Nonsense, But They’re Gaining Ground

On Nov. 22, 2020, New York Times columnist Charles Blow unleashed one of the most bizarre tweets in recent memory. "Stop doing gender reveals," he stated. "They're not cute; they're violent. All we know before a child is born is their anatomy. They will reveal their gender. It may match your expectations of that anatomy, and it may not. If you love the child you will be patience, attentive and…

Ben Shapiro
December 3rd, 2020 3:07 PM
Mika Brzezinski

Morning Joe: Pro-Trump 'Liars Behind the Pulpit' Worse Than Pharisees

Whenever COVID-19 is being discussed on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, the show’s co-hosts become even more unhinged than usual, creating a symphony of eye-rolling, scoffing, and screaming. On Thursday, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski took their condescension to a whole new level, telling anyone who questions their narrative that they need to get help from mental health providers.

John Shannon
December 3rd, 2020 3:05 PM

'View' Asks Mary Trump to Diagnose President With Mental Disorder

The president’s Democrat donor niece and psychologist Mary Trump appeared on The View Thursday for another sympathetic softball interview where she was invited to diagnose her uncle and gossip about her estranged famous family, all to sell books.

Kristine Marsh
December 3rd, 2020 2:40 PM

MSNBC Hypocritically Demands Republicans Vote for Biden's Cabinet

On her Tuesday show, MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell, along with contributor and former Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill accused Republicans of being hypocrites for being opposed to certain people nominated by Joe Biden to cabinet-level positions, but it was Mitchell and McCaskill who were the true hypocrites.

Alex Christy
December 3rd, 2020 1:55 PM

WashPost: FB Hitting ‘Anti-Black’ Speech More Than ‘Anti-White’ Speech

Even The Washington Post has called out Facebook for its new racial double standards. Facebook “is overhauling its algorithms that detect hate speech and deprioritizing hateful comments against Whites, men and Americans,” The Washington Post reported on Thursday. This overhaul of Facebook’s moderation projects is “known as the WoW Project,” according to internal documents…

Alexander Hall
December 3rd, 2020 1:34 PM

HATEFUL CNN: Trump Deserved Our Treatment of Him

CNN hack Chris Cuomo took the time during the Tuesday evening broadcast of Cuomo Prime Time to argue that Trump deserved the atrocious media treatment of him over the past four years. During the latter half of the show, the partisan anchor brought on former ABC News host Sam Donaldson, who endorsed several Democrats in 2020, to praise the left-wing press: “But the men and the women that had to…

Joseph Norris
December 3rd, 2020 1:30 PM
Melvin Gordon

Latest TV Ratings Decline Spell More Gloom For NFL

The popularity of the National Football League, a long-time American cultural icon, is going down the tubes. Television viewership for the NFL has been steadily plummeting for 10 years, and the numbers for Week 12 of this season are dreadful as well. Sports fans will only tolerate a league characterized by disgusting protests, uncivil behavior and Super Bowl halftime trash for so long before…

Jay Maxson
December 3rd, 2020 1:14 PM
Savannah Guthrie and Bill Gates

Guthrie to Gates: ‘Blame’ Trump for Pandemic? Eager for Biden?

Even as NBC’s Today show on Thursday marveled over the speed in which successful COVID-19 vaccines were developed – something made possible by the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed – co-host Savannah Guthrie asked billionaire Bill Gates if President Trump was to “blame” for the severity of the pandemic and if the Microsoft founder was looking forward to a Biden…

Kyle Drennen
December 3rd, 2020 12:50 PM