WATCH: MRC’s Bozell Tears into the Left’s ‘Raging’ COVID ‘Hypocrisy’

For the left and their media allies, it’s do as I say, but not as I do when it comes to coronavirus restrictions (or really anything). But Friday night on the Fox Business Network’s Evening Edit, that nonsense was thoroughly demolished as “raging hypocrisy” by Media Research Center Founder and President Brent Bozell and FBN fill-in host Jackie DeAngelis. And sadly, it…

NB Staff
December 4th, 2020 8:23 PM

Partisan CNN Abandons Principles to Heap Praise on Biden

There is no other way to describe CNN’s reaction to Joe Biden's softball Thursday interview with anchor Jake Tapper than partisan exaltation. Throughout the course of the 180-minute New Day broadcast on Friday, the leftist network spent nearly 110 of those minutes gushing over the friendly exchange between Tapper, Biden, and Kamala Harris. The partisan hacks had nothing but praise for…

Joseph Norris
December 4th, 2020 7:28 PM

NY Times Still Deeply Confused Over 'Deep State,' Smears Wash Times

Is the “Deep State” phony, or for real? The New York Times still can’t make up its mind about the concept of an entrenched anti-Trump bureaucracy fighting the Trump administration from within. The Times typically mocks the very idea as a conspiracy theory -- but sometimes it actually praises its existence, in the name of…fighting the Trump administration from within! 

Clay Waters
December 4th, 2020 5:14 PM

Telemundo: Economy-Crippling Lockdowns Are 'Necessary to Save Lives'

California governor Gavin Newsom's new economic order seems like a great idea to Telemundo anchor Felicidad Aveleyra, who wholeheartedly endorsed the upcoming restrictions as “necessary to save lives.” It's not the anchor's pocket that will feel the pinch of (again) losing a job and remaining restricted and completely isolated at home (the new order prohibits private gatherings of any size).…

Kathleen Krumhansl
December 4th, 2020 4:55 PM
Kasie Hunt and Tiffany Cross

MSNBC Brings On Newest Far-Left Host to Campaign for Georgia Dems

Filling in for Craig Melvin during MSNBC’s 11:00 a.m. ET hour on Friday, anchor Kasie Hunt welcomed on newly-announced left-wing weekend host Tiffany Cross to campaign for Democrats in Georgia’s Senate runoff election. In part, Cross labeled incumbent Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler a “carpetbagger” and dismissed criticism of Democratic candidate Raphael Warnock’s radical record as “asinine…

Kyle Drennen
December 4th, 2020 4:54 PM

Ron Perlman: Mitch McConnell ‘One Of The Biggest C*nts In US Politics’

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is currently one of the most hated men in America. He’s been accused of racism, terrorism, nefarious plots (that is, putting ACB on the Supreme Court), and being incapable of acting like a decent human being. But since many of his haters are the news outlet announcers or left-wing actors who are proud members of Twitter’s woke community, he must be doing…

Sergie Daez
December 4th, 2020 4:32 PM

Facebook Planning to Remove COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation

Facebook has, once again, decided to step up its censorship game.

The social media platform has reportedly decided that it will remove what it deems to be “false claims” about the COVID-19 vaccine that could be available around the world fairly soon, according to Bloomberg News. 

Kayla Sargent
December 4th, 2020 4:20 PM

Friday Morning Fight: CNBC Panel Explodes Over COVID Restrictions

On Friday’s Squawk Box, the CNBC panel devolved into chaos with corporate liberals defending “big box retailer[s]” as necessary and worthy of staying open during the worst throws of the coronavirus pandemic whereas other public places must and should remain closed in the name of public safety. While the sentiment on Twitter sided with this blatant discrimination, panelist Rick…

Curtis Houck
December 4th, 2020 4:00 PM

'View' Rejoices Over Biden Interview: Like We're Going to Disneyland!

On today’s The View, Joy Behar and her co-hosts were brimming with excitement for Jake Tapper’s “feel good” “boring” interview with Biden and Harris on CNN last night.

Kristine Marsh
December 4th, 2020 2:48 PM

OAN Declaring Independence: Preps to #MakeTheSwitch to Rumble Platform

One America News Network (OAN) proclaimed that it will switch to Rumble, a free speech alternative to YouTube. OAN announced it has “decided to #MakeTheSwitch to #Rumble, where we can freely report the news without restrictions or censorship,” in a Dec. 3 tweet.

Alexander Hall
December 4th, 2020 1:22 PM
Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Morning Joe 12-4-20

Mika Brzezinski: 'I'm Done With Being Polite' to Republicans!

On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski goes on an angry rant [see screencap] against Joe Scarborough's "Republican friends" for refusing to stand up to President Trump on the coronavirus, calling them "stupid," "arrogant," and "crazy." Brzezinski also blasted the president himself, accusing him of "stupidity and cruelty," while claiming his "presidency is killing people." Mika was so out of control…

Mark Finkelstein
December 4th, 2020 1:00 PM
Matt Barnes, former NBA player

Weed League: NBA To Stop Testing Players For Marijuana

The NBA isn’t planning to paint up the courts with Black Lives Matter next season; been there, done that. What the league with a bad reputation for drug abuse is planning to do is to stop testing players for marijuana. Deadspin’s Donovan Dooley is ecstatic over this news and urges players to smoke it up because it could help take the game higher.

Jay Maxson
December 4th, 2020 12:39 PM

Justin Timberlake Sings to ‘Change America’ At Run-Off Benefit Concert

What’s fictional Georgia governor Stacey Abrams’ best method for instituting one-party Democrat rule in America? Turn on some early 2000s-era slow jams and watch the votes pour in. Justin Timberlake’s “Sexyback” was never used for a more nefarious purpose.

Gabriel Hays
December 4th, 2020 12:37 PM

Michael Bloomberg Gave $4,000,000 to Planned Parenthood Votes

Bloomberg News owner Michael Bloomberg spent millions trying to prop up pro-abortion candidates in the 2020 elections. Open Secrets records show Bloomberg gave the Planned Parenthood Votes (PPV) super PAC at least $4 million in the 2020 electoral cycle.

Joseph Vazquez
December 4th, 2020 11:27 AM