Project Veritas Strips CNN Naked

Project Veritas' expose of CNN's behind-the-scenes conference calls shows that the network's slogan should be "We won't fully report so you can't knowledgeably decide." James O'Keefe of Project Veritas, in the ultimate trolling coup of the year, monitored and recorded CNN's morning conference call with CNN President Jeff Zucker and other company executives and reporters for some two months. O'…

David Limbaugh
December 7th, 2020 11:45 AM

Twitter Censors Trump and Campaign 436 Times, Biden Still at 0

Twitter’s war with President Donald Trump and the Trump campaign has claimed at least 100 more casualties in the form of labeled tweets. Since Monday, Nov. 30, Twitter has slapped 111 labels on Trump’s tweets and the tweets from his official campaign count, Team Trump.

Corinne Weaver
December 7th, 2020 10:09 AM

FLASHBACK: When the Media Cast Doubt on an Election Outcome

As soon as they declared Joe Biden the winner, the liberal media began to display their impatience with President Trump's legal challenges to the 2020 election result. But four years ago this week, CNN and others in the liberal media took anonymous reports that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election to cast doubt on the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s victory that year.

Rich Noyes
December 7th, 2020 9:30 AM

New 'Saved by the Bell' Pushes Woke Gender Agenda

On Nov. 25, NBC's Peacock network premiered its new reboot of the popular 1990s sitcom Saved by the Bell. Rebooting old favorites has become a trend in Hollywood, with writers increasingly relying on famous brands from decades ago and updating them with more diverse casts and woke themes. This has included remakes of sitcoms like Charmed, books series like The Babysitter's Club…

Elise Ehrhard
December 7th, 2020 7:00 AM

'Family Guy' Calls Tucker Carlson 'Racist,' Mocks 'Angry White Men'

Last month, Fox's Family Guy premiered an episode in which the characters imagined President Trump, First Lady Melania and Vice President Pence hanging themselves in prison. So it should not be surprising that this week's episode, "Pawtucket Pat," on December 6 went all in on biased political caricatures popular among the left. 

Elise Ehrhard
December 6th, 2020 11:32 PM

Fearmongering CNN Talks Up Biden Fighting off 'Climate Crisis'

On CNN's New Day Sunday, fill-in host Martin Savidge devoted a segment to fearmongering over an alleged "climate crisis" and expressed his hopes that a Joe Biden administration will to action to prevent disaster. The New Yorker contributor and environmental alarmist Bill McKibben hyperbolically likened global warming to the threat of fascism during World War II.

Brad Wilmouth
December 6th, 2020 8:05 PM

Lemon Wonders Why Biden, Like Obama, Thinks He Can Work with GOP

On Friday's CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon wondered why Joe Biden is naive to believe that he can work with those mean Republicans in the Senate who forced President Obama to issue many executive orders during his presidency.

Alex Christy
December 6th, 2020 5:54 PM

Kasie Hunt Mocked for Claiming Biden Doesn't Lie After He Stonewalled

Kasie Hunt opened herself up for a lot of mockery on Friday when she tweeted that Joe Biden stonewalled on answering a question and then praised Biden for his honesty.

P.J. Gladnick
December 6th, 2020 5:25 PM

CNN: Republicans May Work With Biden Because He's White, Unlike Obama

On Friday night, CNN journalists were again stretching to inject race into issues and to portray Republicans as racists as White House correspondent John Harwood speculated that congressional Republicans might work better with a President Joe Biden because he is white.

Brad Wilmouth
December 6th, 2020 4:48 PM

New Yorker Compares Trump to Segregationist George Wallace

The New Yorker dedicated a full article to attempting to compare President Donald Trump to George Wallace.

P.J. Gladnick
December 6th, 2020 4:43 PM

NYT’s Friedman: Biden ‘Really Hard to Hate,’ I Hate Writing on Trump

A month ago, New York Times columnist Tom Friedman was on with CNN host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo and declared the Republican Party was the “biggest threat to our democracy since the Civil War.” But on Sunday’s so-called “Reliable Sources,” Friedman had a completely different tune when gushing to CNN host Brian Stelter about how it was “really hard to hate” President-elect Joe…

Nicholas Fondacaro
December 6th, 2020 3:31 PM

DECEITFUL: NBC Edits Video of Restaurant Owner Exposing NBC's Catering

The video showed Marsden’s emotional plea for help as she exposed how a similar set of tents and tables were set up in the same parking lot to cater a film production approved by the city. Only part of Marsden’s comments made it onto NBC’s Sunday Today. But reporter Meagan Fitzgerald deceptively edited out Marsden pointing to the hypocrisy with the tents and tables. Worse yet, NBC…

Nicholas Fondacaro
December 6th, 2020 11:26 AM

Hypocritical NYT Mocks 'GOP's Delicate Dance of Absurdity' on Biden

New York Times political profile writer Mark Leibovich brought his trademark snark to Friday’s “Washington Memo,” trolling Republican senators supposedly refusing to acknowledge Joe Biden as the next president of the United States: “President-Elect Who? The G.O.P.’s Delicate Dance of Absurdity.” What the paper ignored, under its standard anti-GOP snark: How Democrats refused to accept…

Clay Waters
December 5th, 2020 7:45 PM
Tia Mitchell MSNBC AM Joy 12-5-20

MSNBC Attacks GA Secretary of State: He Won't Let Dead People Vote?

Heaven forfend that a Republican should be praised. That was the message on MSNBC's AM Joy show this morning. The Republican in question was Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. He's come in for some accolades on the left [and criticism from President Trump], for certifying Joe Biden as the Peach State winner.

Mark Finkelstein
December 5th, 2020 5:30 PM