Don’t Let COVID-19 Lockdowns Become a Permanent Power Grab

This week, as Los Angeles County announced it would lock down all outdoor dining, a video went viral. That video featured restaurant owner Angela Marsden, proprietor of the Pineapple Hill Saloon and Grill, decrying the lockdown policy while pointing to the erection of production catering set up for a Hollywood shoot just a few feet away. "Everything I own is being taken away from me, and they…

Ben Shapiro
December 10th, 2020 12:30 AM

John Stossel Column: Investment Con

Want to make money and help the world, too? Wall Street says you can! If you invest in "socially responsible" funds, say big investment funds like BlackRock, Parnassus, TIAA-CREF, etc., then they'll do good things for the world, and your retirement funds will grow. These funds obsess about what they call Environmental, Social and Governance factors. For example, Parnassus says it picks…

John Stossel
December 9th, 2020 11:16 PM

Are You KIDDING? Hack Kimmel Asks Abrams Why Trump Hasn't Conceded

What do you get when a late night host asks Democrat Stacey Abrams if Donald Trump should concede? Hypocrisy is what Jimmy Kimmel showcased early Wednesday morning when Abrams joined in with mocking Trump for not conceding the election, despite the fact that she never conceded her own 2018 gubernatorial election. Despite being a late night entertainment show, Kimmel felt the need to trade in…

Joseph Norris
December 9th, 2020 10:16 PM

Cover-Up: ABC, CBS Barely Cover Hunter Biden Probe, Ignore China

Just over a month after the 2020 presidential election, Hunter Biden and his father’s team dropped their spin operation on Wednesday against any and all criticism of Hunter’s corruption business dealings, admitting that Hunter’s under federal investigation over his taxes. But when it came to the network evening newscasts, ABC and CBS couldn’t be bothered to each give it even a minute’s time or…

Curtis Houck
December 9th, 2020 9:58 PM

Costs Must Be Weighed Against Benefits

One of the first lessons in an economics class is every action has a cost. That is in stark contrast to lessons in the political arena where politicians virtually ignore cost and talk about benefits and free stuff. If we look only at the benefits of an action, policy, or program, then we will do anything because there is a benefit to any action, policy, or program. Think about one simple…

Walter E. Williams
December 9th, 2020 6:03 PM

Univision Helps Biden Plagiarize Trump Promise of 100M Vaccines

A Univision report about Joe Biden's plan to inoculate 100 million Americans with a COVID-19 vaccine in his first 100 days didn’t only reveal the degree to which they underestimate the intelligence of their audience, but also their willingness to play dumb as long as the boss says to do so.

Kathleen Krumhansl
December 9th, 2020 5:59 PM

Yippee-ki-gay: Charlize Theron Wants Lesbian Die Hard Film Remake

It didn’t seem possible to make 2020 crazier than it already was, but then somebody had the bright idea of producing LGBTQ Christmas movies for the holiday season. Hijacking the holidays for new LGBTQ propaganda was bad enough, but now actress Charlize Theron is planning on ruining an old holiday film with a new remake. Obviously, film companies do this all the time, but Theron is planning to…

Sergie Daez
December 9th, 2020 5:35 PM

NEW NewsBusters Podcast: Scarborough's Fervent Death Wish for the GOP

In the latest intelligent iteration of the NewsBusters Podcast, executive editor Tim Graham takes on MSNBC prima donna Joe Scarborough and his remarks as he touted his new book on Harry Truman, proclaiming his hope the Republican Party is "destroyed....I hope they go the way of the Whig Party." Deputy research director Geoffrey Dickens joins Tim to discuss the media's rave reviews of…

NB Staff
December 9th, 2020 5:11 PM

‘Bannings Are Coming’: Rubin SLAMS YouTube Election Speculation Policy

YouTube has long past been done pretending to be neutral. But now the internet’s biggest video platform has proclaimed that there will be no questioning of the 2020 election going forward. 

Alexander Hall
December 9th, 2020 5:06 PM

Pro-lifers Blast GA Candidate For Calling Himself ‘Pro-Choice Pastor’

If there was one thing that could make it obvious that Democrat Senate candidate Raphael Warnock is a terrible choice for U.S. Senator, it would be one of his most recent tweets proclaiming himself a pro-choice Christian. Talk about living with cognitive dissonance.

Gabriel Hays
December 9th, 2020 4:58 PM

PornHub Changes Rules After Scathing NYT Report, Investigation Threat

In a huge win for victims of sexual exploitation and their families, Pornhub has changed several of its rules. All it took was a scathing New York Times report and the threat of a federal investigation.

Several of the new site rules, as described by its help center, were actually suggested by Times columnist Nicholas Kristof. “[A]side from limiting immunity so that companies are…

Kayla Sargent
December 9th, 2020 4:38 PM

‘Suckers’: Hollywood Celebs View Trump Supporters As Gullible Fools

What’s angry, malevolent, unforgiving, verbally abusive, foul-mouthed, and fond of ranting on Twitter? If you answered a woke, leftist, Hollywood actor or director, you’re correct. 

Sergie Daez
December 9th, 2020 3:57 PM

New Yorker's Coll: Free Speech 'Being Weaponized' Against Journalism

The New Yorker's Steve Coll unashamedly presented free speech as a threat to journalism during an interview on Monday's Morning Joe show.

P.J. Gladnick
December 9th, 2020 3:31 PM

New FCC Commissioner Terrifies Big Tech Liberals

A new FCC member who terrifies Big Tech liberals has been confirmed in the eleventh hour of President Donald Trump’s first term.

Alexander Hall
December 9th, 2020 2:39 PM