‘Elf’ Cast Reunites To Support Dems in Georgia Runoffs

Hollywood is now employing Christmas movie nostalgia for the sake of getting a Senate majority in the upcoming Georgia runoff elections, with the cast of Elf reuniting to fundraise for Dem Senate candidates.


Gabriel Hays
December 10th, 2020 2:14 PM

Finally! FTC, 48 AGs File Two Antitrust Lawsuits Against Facebook

Facebook has received a couple of early Christmas presents this season. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and a coalition of states and territories have gifted the Big Tech giant two lumps of coal in the form of antitrust lawsuits.

Kayla Sargent
December 10th, 2020 2:10 PM

Dem, Republican Join Forces to UNLEASH ‘Break Up Big Tech Act’

The “Break Up Big Tech Act,” if enacted, would remove key protections from companies who engage in biased censorship.

Alexander Hall
December 10th, 2020 2:02 PM

Conservatives Use MRC Poll to Blast Media’s Election Censorship

With news Wednesday night confirming that President-elect Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, is indeed under federal investigation, conservatives quickly pointed out that this was a story the liberal media and Big Tech suppressed in the weeks leading up to the November 3 presidential election — and cited the Media Research Center’s exclusive research to demonstrate the impact of this censorship.

Rich Noyes
December 10th, 2020 1:09 PM

Hunter Biden Defense Team Assemble! Nets Parrot Dem Talking Points

After barely covering the latest corruption allegations against Hunter Biden on Wednesday, the networks on Thursday morning jumped into full Democrat Protection Mode, spinning for Hunter and Joe Biden and repeating talking points about no wrongdoing. The amount of coverage is still embarrassingly small

Scott Whitlock
December 10th, 2020 12:39 PM
American Race Imboden kneeling during 2018 Pan American Games

Olympic Movement Clearing Hurdles To Join Social Justice Club in 2021

The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) wants in the club, the Black Lives Matter-style protest club, along with the cool people – the NBA, WNBA, NFL and Major League Baseball. If the International Olympic Committee agrees, American athletes will have the green light to embarrass their country during the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo starting July 23.

Jay Maxson
December 10th, 2020 12:12 PM

The Big Three Stooges Censored Historic S&P 500 Close Above 3,700

It’s as if the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows have a vendetta against informing viewers about any historic news coming out of the stock market during President Donald Trump’s presidency.

Joseph Vazquez
December 10th, 2020 10:30 AM
John Berman CNN New Day 12-10-20

CNN Sinks Lower: On 2020 Fight, Trump Is Equivalent of Slave States

CNN getting bored by all the shopworn Trump/Hitler analogies? Searching for a new metaphor with which to attack the president?  On this morning's New Day, co-host John Berman strained logic and analogy beyond the breaking point by claiming that in joining the Texas lawsuit challenging election results in other states, President Trump has somehow made himself . . . the equivalent of the…

Mark Finkelstein
December 10th, 2020 10:02 AM

MSNBC's Tyler Accuses Georgia Gov., Sec. of State of Voter Suppression

MSNBC's Shaquille Brewster reported on Wednesday's MSNBC Live that Georgia's Cobb County has decided to have fewer polling stations available for the Senate runoff elections than it did in the general, but that didn't stop MSNBC Republican Rick Tyler from accusing the state's governor and secretary of state of voter suppression less than two minutes later.

Alex Christy
December 10th, 2020 9:38 AM

VIDEO: Media Done with 'Unity,' Want 'Trump Apologists' Jailed

Since the November 3 election, many TV journalists have begun issuing ugly calls for vengeance and “accountability” against not just President Trump himself, but also his administration, and even his supporters.

Bill D'Agostino
December 10th, 2020 9:17 AM

Cartoon Network Rewrites History with Woke ‘Anti-Racist’ PSA

Cartoon Network is promoting ridiculous animated “anti-racist” PSAs, but, no surprise, their woke history lesson isn’t exactly fact-filled.

Alexa Moutevelis
December 10th, 2020 8:42 AM

Netflix’s ‘Big Mouth’: 'Gender Is Like Pasta'

Season Four of Netflix’s raunchy animated series about middle schoolers dealing with puberty and their maturing bodies, Big Mouth, began airing on December 4. Not much has changed from the first three seasons, the show is still full of bodily functions and crude language but this season a transgender character was introduced.

Karen Townsend
December 10th, 2020 7:00 AM

U TURN: CNN Attack Dogs Turn Into Cuddly Biden Puppies

Co-host John Berman’s interview with Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan during Thursday’s New Day further showcases CNN’s continued transformation into soft partisan puppies. Throughout the interview, Berman did not press for answers when the Senator dodged, and did not even try to get her off the talking points. Instead, the partisan journalist asked softball questions on the topics of…

Joseph Norris
December 10th, 2020 5:30 AM

NBC Sucks Up to Kerry, Wonders What We Must ‘Sacrifice’ to Heal Planet

On Wednesday’s NBC Nightly News, correspondent Geoff Bennett offered his latest entry in a portfolio that’s increasingly geared toward sucking up to the incoming Biden administration. In an NBC News Exclusive with former Secretary of State John Kerry, Bennett lauded his new job as President-Elect Joe Biden’s climate envoy and wondered what Americans must “sacrifice” in order to heal…

Curtis Houck
December 10th, 2020 2:09 AM