Trick Question: Guess How Many Journalists Voted for Trump This Year?

Every four years since 2000, the online opinion site Slate lets readers see how their staff has voted in the presidential election. This year, the survey found, not a single Slate staffer voted for President Trump, even though more than 74,200,000 other Americans did — a record haul for a Republican nominee.

Rich Noyes
December 11th, 2020 9:20 AM

Celebs Back Native Rep. for Biden Cabinet to ‘Honor Mother Earth’

Liberal Hollywood ladies are petitioning the incoming Biden Administration to appoint a specific congresswoman to the president’s cabinet and it won’t surprise you to find out that it is due to identity politics. And Mother Earth.

Alexa Moutevelis
December 11th, 2020 8:40 AM

MSNBC's Ali Velshi Channels UN's 'Apocalyptic Climate Report'

On Sunday's Velshi show, MSNBC host and NBC News senior business correspondent Ali Velshi hyped fears about global warming as he linked recent examples of extreme weather and natural disasters to human activity, and promoted UN secretary general Antonio Guterres's recent hyperbolic claim that humanity is "waging war on nature."

Brad Wilmouth
December 11th, 2020 7:26 AM

Column: 'Peddling Dirt' on Hunter Biden

The Hunter Biden scandal has re-emerged in the only way our Biden-voting media will allow: anodyne statements from Hunter and the Biden transition team. Biden’s wayward son announced his “tax affairs” were being investigated by the U.S. Attorney in Delaware.

Tim Graham
December 11th, 2020 6:00 AM

ABC, CBS Wave GOOD-BYE to Corrupt Hunter Biden, Drop It After a Day

On Thursday night, ABC and CBS waved goodbye to Hunter Biden’s life of corruption, omitting any and all mentions of reports (either from months past or this week) that Hunter’s business dealings in China are said to be part of legal investigations. For ABC’s World News Tonight and the CBS Evening News, the incoming First Son’s movements in China and Ukraine were (and will…

Curtis Houck
December 10th, 2020 11:27 PM

MSNBC Jerk: GOP Out to Ensure COVID 'Kills as Many People as Possible'

On Thursday’s MSNBC Live with Craig Melvin, fill-in host Yasmin Vossoughian brought in MSNBC contributor and radical leftist Anand Giradharadas to denounce both parties as inadequately socialist because “this is a country awash in pain right now.” He insisted the Republicans are out to “make sure the pandemic kills as many people as possible.”

Tim Graham
December 10th, 2020 10:20 PM

Colin Kaepernick’s 'Change the Whirled’: Ben & Jerry’s New Flavor

Why should former NFL player Colin Kaepernick hate America? After all, the country gave him a home, an education, and a great sports league to showcase his talents (that is, it was great before it became a platform for social justice activists). Despite these blessings, Kaepernick is resolved to fight against America for the sake of “social justice”-- and he’s recruited a new ally to help him…

Sergie Daez
December 10th, 2020 5:45 PM

Twitch Reveals New ‘Hateful Conduct & Harassment’ Policy

Twitch, the platform for watching internet celebrities broadcast as they play video games, has once again updated its policies to cater to the liberal agenda.

Alexander Hall
December 10th, 2020 5:42 PM

Maddow: Trump Helped Us Learn Journalism Stuff Like Being Skeptical!

Don’t believe everything the government says. Ask questions. According to Rachel Maddow, the Donald Trump presidency helped reporters learn that they should — gasp — be skeptical of those in power. But don’t worry, that will all come to an end when Joe Biden becomes president. 

Scott Whitlock
December 10th, 2020 5:32 PM

Trans Man (ex-Woman) Becomes Drag Queen To Dress As A Woman

One reason why right-wingers don’t like the wokes is because they make simple things extremely confusing. For instance, take gender. One is either male or female. But the wokes, with their infernal LGBTQ agenda, wanted to shake that simple formula up. Now the world has transgenderism, with transgender people being born as males, but who decide that they should actually be females, and vice…

Sergie Daez
December 10th, 2020 4:17 PM

Google Lifts Ban on Political Ads Before GA Senate Runoff Elections

Google has finally decided to lift its ban on political ads, just in time for the Georgia runoff elections. The search engine paused new political ads since Election Day for fear of misinformation, but it has now apparently decided to reinstate these ads just under a month before Georgia voters will decide which party will control the United States Senate.

Kayla Sargent
December 10th, 2020 3:56 PM

'View' Host Admits She Understands How Trump Voters 'Feel Robbed'

In a bizarre conversation on Thursday's The View, co-host Sunny Hostin admitted she was "enlightened" by conservative friends over Democrats not accepting the 2016 election results.

Kristine Marsh
December 10th, 2020 3:17 PM

NY Times Meltdown Over GOP ‘Terrorists,’ Forgets About Lefty Protests

New York Times liberal columnist Michelle Goldberg displayed some laugh-out-loud ignorance in her Tuesday tirade, “No One Expects G.O.P. Civility.” (And no one expects New York Times balance.) The text box gave the flavor: “Election officials are terrorized, and everyone shrugs.” Goldberg’s piece was saturated with ignorant sarcasm: "’s pretty routine for Trumpists to…

Clay Waters
December 10th, 2020 3:10 PM

Trump Ally SHAMES NY Times Reporter for Dissing Hunter Biden Accuser

Arthur Schwartz, a close ally of Donald Trump Jr. tweeted some juicy material on Thursday morning, claiming he sat in on a phone call between former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski and New York Times reporter Kenneth Vogel, who he said was focused on "discrediting the Biden-China docs & emails."

Tim Graham
December 10th, 2020 2:33 PM