Monica Hesse

WashPost Gushes For Black Transgender Woman Who's 'Not Caitlyn Jenner'
July 30th, 2015 9:42 PM
The Washington Post’s ongoing series of articles aggressively promoting the acceptance of the science-deniers who practice transgenderism continued with a sprawling 3,133-word article on the front of Thursday’s Style section. The headline was “LIFE AS SARA: What it’s like to be a transgender woman when you’re not Caitlyn Jenner.” In other words, when you’re black and almost homeless.
The Post…

WashPost Whines for Wyoming Woman Who Drove 400 Miles for an Abortion
May 8th, 2015 11:34 AM
To liberal media outlets, the saddest thing about abortion is how women seeking to terminate their baby may have to drive more than 20 minutes to a clinic. The Washington Post on Thursday offered a 2,390-word opus on a woman named Emily [last name sympathetically withheld] who procured an abortion in Missoula, Montana, driving 407 miles from Wyoming.
The headline was “The long drive to end a…

Another Sunday LGBT Sermon from the WashPost: 'When No Gender Fits'
September 21st, 2014 9:10 AM
The Washington Post has made it clear that Sunday is not the Lord’s Day. It’s the best day for LGBT preaching. In 2012, they splashed across the front page “TRANSGENDER AT FIVE.” In this Sunday edition, it’s an 18-year-old girl: “WHEN NO GENDER FITS.”
As usual, “the world” is having trouble sympathetically understanding girls who don’t want to be their “assigned” gender. Over a large color…

WashPost Gleefully Pushes Scandal as Christie's 2016 Doom: 'Bridge Sca
January 9th, 2014 9:25 AM
Could you imagine The Washington Post leaping all over a Jeremiah Wright scandal for Obama in 2005, before he even announced for president? Neither would anyone else imagine such a political crib-strangling. But the Post is aping the rest of the liberal national media on Thursday morning by leaping all over Gov. Chris Christie. “Bridge scandal engulfing Christie,” was the breathless headline. “…

WashPost Celebrates 'Superprogressive' Feminists Playing a Board Game
March 2nd, 2013 9:35 AM
The Washington Post really hates the Catholic Church. See the top of Saturday’s Style section, which spotlights a group of “superprogressive” feminists and lesbians with boyish haircuts playing a board game critical of the papal election process. It's a "womyn's conclave" in oh-so-leftish Mount Rainier, Maryland, complete with a demand for "pink smoke."
The end of the story by Monica Hesse…

'Weirdly Racist' Tiger Mom Overtones in the WaPo
March 2nd, 2011 11:13 AM
Amy Chua is a Hot Author for writing the book "The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" about how she's raising more successful children by having higher expectations. She stirred up trouble with a Wall Street Journal op-ed titled "Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior." A February 20 Washington Post story by Monica Hesse on a Chua appearance at the fashionably "progressive" Politics and Prose bookstore…
WaPo Continues Drum Beat for Gay Rights
March 25th, 2010 4:22 PM
Despite a claim by Washington Post Ombudsman Andrew Alexander, that "accusations of journalistic overkill" in the newspaper's recent coverage of same-sex marriage are "off-base," the Post itself keeps piling up evidence of its pro-gay agenda. The Culture and Media Institute found that between March 3, the day after same-sex couples could being applying for marriage licenses in the…
Bias by the Numbers: WaPo Giddy Over Gay Marriage
March 12th, 2010 12:04 PM
In seven days, the Washington Post: Ran 11 articles related to D.C.'s new law allowing same-sex marriage. Devoted 543 inches of column space to the ruling - equal to nearly four full pages. Printed 14 photos of gay celebrations, including a prominent one of two men kissing. Quoted supporters 11 times more often than opponents - 67 to 6. Repeatedly compared gay marriage…
Hesse Fit: WaPo Cries Sexism That Semi-Nude Pic Didn't Sink Scott Brow
January 23rd, 2010 10:58 PM
Is there anything stranger than a liberal reporter being upset that a semi-nude picture from 1982 didn’t sink a political candidate? Washington Post reporter Monica Hesse stamped on the sour grapes on Wednesday with a temper tantrum of an article on the front page of the Style section headlined "It’s okay. Scott Brown was just being a man. Ah, gender equity. That Cosmo spread might have sunk a…
Washington Post Highlights Problem of Portable Porn
November 12th, 2009 3:20 PM
The Style section of the Washington Post isn’t exactly a repository of old-fashioned small town values, which made staff writer Monica Hesse’s Nov. 12 article that much more surprising.Her piece: “Publicly, a whole new lewdness,” related the stories of commuters, airline passengers and others exposed to “secondhand smut” – that is, people in the uncomfortable position of having neighbors watching…
Washington Post Apologizes for Praiseworthy Portrayal of Gay Marriage
September 6th, 2009 7:10 PM
Outraged advocates of same-sex marriage have forced the Washington Post into an apology for running a features piece last week that portrayed an opponent as more than an evil, bigoted, hatemongering fundamentalist.The profile examined Brian Brown, executive director of the National Organization for Marriage, one of the groups that lobbied for Proposition 8, the hotly-contested California State…
Full Disclosure Fail: WaPo Writer Gushes Glories of 'Guerrilla Queer B
April 6th, 2009 11:28 AM
All parties, no matter how rip-roaringly fun, must eventually come to an end. Hardly any of them get a newspaper obituary. But Washington Post's Monica Hesse was on hand to offer a parting toast to the "Guerrilla Queer Bar", wherein gay and lesbian revelers would "invade" a "straight bar" to dance and drink the night away, all in the name of promoting "tolerance" of alternative lifestyles.Alas,…
Washington Post Sends Big Valentine to Alternative Lifestyles
February 13th, 2008 1:15 PM
Triads. Quads. V's. No, it's not a math lesson, it's the terminology used to describe relationships by polyamorists. Not sure what those are? Lucky you have the February 13 edition of The Washington Post's "Style" section to enlighten you. And if you read far enough into the copy you'll also find a game plan for redefining marriage. More on that in a minute. In what can only be described as a…