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Manny Fernandez

NYT's Texas Reporter Intimidated by ‘Hard-Right' 'Paranoia’ of Texans
May 9th, 2016 12:49 PM
The front of Sunday’s New York Times National section was swallowed up by an essay from Texas correspondent Manny Fernandez, “A Look at What Makes Texas Texas,” a cultural cringe in 1,700 words from Fernandez. The reporter moved to Houston from Brooklyn to cover the state for the NYT, and he still seems slightly freaked by his “hard-right” neighbors and the “fear, anger and sometimes paranoia…

NYT Jumped on Perry's 'Stunning Rebuke,' Turned Sour After Case Axed
February 26th, 2016 8:18 AM
When you're a Republican running for president, it's phony charge on the front page of the New York Times, but vindication on Page 11. Texas Republican Gov. Rick Perry, who was smeared with trumped-up charges of abuse of power by Democrats in Texas while running for the Republican presidential nomination, was finally vindicated, as the last of the phony charges were dismissed: “Texas Court…

The NY Times Takes a ‘Hard-Line’ on the GOP -- But No Labels for Dems?
February 22nd, 2016 3:15 PM
The New York Times continues to list portside in its labeling, going particularly overboard in the last several months in using “hard-line” and “hard-right” to describe conservative presidential candidates, their policy positions, and the voters those candidates are appealing to. Yet no similarly unflattering term emerged in stories about liberal presidential candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders and…

NYT: ‘Hard-Right’ GOP Foreign Policy Dummies ‘Dwell Darkly’
December 18th, 2015 8:15 AM
Thursday’s New York Times was particularly dense with bias against the "hard-right" and "far-right" Republican Party, starting on the front page, where a story about Latino candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio turned into a criticism of GOP immigration policy, and reaching the back page, with an editorial hitting the Republican Party for its "Appalling Silence on Gun Control" (the candidates "…
NYT: Unpopular Flop Bobby Jindal vs. Bold Progressive Bernie Sanders
June 25th, 2015 10:24 PM
Surprising precisely no one, the New York Times greeted the launch of the presidential campaign of Bobby Jindal, conservative Republican governor of Louisiana, with an almost wholly negative story, portraying the governor as an unpopular failure: "Gov. Bobby Jindal, who is Louisiana’s first nonwhite governor since Reconstruction but whose popularity plummeted as the state struggled with a $1.6…

After TX Terror, NYT Arrogantly Parses 'Free Speech vs. Hate Speech'
May 7th, 2015 8:00 AM
There is a grievous double standard at the heart of the New York Times' coverage of stories at the intersection of free speech and terrorism. The paper has self-righteously refused to reprint "offensive" cartoons of Muhammad, while refusing to admit why: not out of respect for people of faith, but for fear of reprisal. The proof? The same paper has eagerly reprinted offensive anti-Christian art,…

Overexcited NYT Claims Dubious Gov. Perry Indictment 'Major Roadblock
August 16th, 2014 9:46 PM
Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a possible Republican presidential candidate in 2016, was indicted by a county grand jury for abuse of power, after threatening to cut off state funding to a public corruption unit unless the district attorney in charge of it resigned. Perry had pushed for the removal of DA Rosemary Lehmberg after her arrest for drunk driving.
The indictment predictably made the front…

Wendy Davis Campaign Fading One Year After Filibuster, New York Times
July 1st, 2014 10:45 AM
What a difference 12 months can make! Just ask Wendy Davis, the Texas state senator who was cheered on by the “mainstream media” for conducting a “passionate” filibuster against a bill to restrict abortions in the Lone Star State. While the law eventually passed, the obscure official was instantly catapulted into the national spotlight and encouraged to run for governor in the 2014 election…

NY Times Devotes Story to Texas Candidate Embracing Ted Nugent, Barely
February 19th, 2014 5:39 PM
When you work at that “Valhalla” of liberal journalism called The New York Times, you can’t believe it when Republicans associate themselves with trash-talking celebrities who make wild charges about President Obama.
But when President Obama associates himself with trash-talking celebrities who made wild charges about President Bush, that’s not newsworthy at all. See these lead paragraphs of…
In Headline, NY Times Calls Criminal Alien a 'Mexican Man' When He's E
January 24th, 2014 11:21 AM
When Edgar Tamayo killed a police officer in Houston, he could have been defined by our national media as "an American living in the shadows." But in Thursday's New York Times, the headline was "Texas Executes Mexican Man for Murder."
Reporter Manny Fernandez began by noting outrage at Rick Perry's Texas from "the State Department, Mexican officials, and Latino advocates," but it wasn't…

New York Times Story from Texas Repeatedly Drops the F-Bomb: 'Fetus
January 15th, 2014 5:39 PM
The New York Times spent months debating before deciding not to ban the term “illegal immigrant” entirely (it’s simply discouraged), but the word “fetus” is used without any alarm. At the top of page A-14 on Wednesday is the headline “Suing to End Life Support for Woman and Fetus.”
It’s an update on the sad story of Marlise Munoz, who is on life support and whose family wants her and her…

New York Times Reporter Lays Out 'Far-Right Agenda' of Texas Tea Party
January 9th, 2013 3:51 PM
The New York Times's Manny Fernandez greeted the opening of the biannual Texas legislative session in Austin in Wednesday's paper: "Texas Budget Surplus Proves as Contentious As a Previous Shortfall." After explaining how Texas has become flush with cash over the last two years, going from a budget deficit to surplus, Fernandez couldn't help working in a cut against the "far-right" Tea Party.

What Does the New York Times Have Against Texas A&M
March 12th, 2012 4:34 PM
What does the New York Times have against Texas A&M, a rare public university whose student body leans right? Manny Fernandez reported Saturday from the campus in College Station, on an illegal immigrant who lost his bid for student body president: "Vying for Campus President, Illegal Immigrant Gets a Gamut of Responses." Who was to blame? A conservative student body who made him feel…

NYTimes's Evidence of Perry's Racial Insensitivity: Mentioning Jesse J
October 11th, 2011 1:59 PM
Following in the shameful steps of the Washington Post, the New York Times on Monday again tried to use the long-standing racially offensive name of a hunting camp leased by Texas Gov. Perry's family to imply that Perry, a Republican presidential candidate, was guilty of racial insensitivity: “For Perry, Texas Roots Include Racial Backdrop – Hunting Camp Name Has Put Focus On the Other Side of…