
Klein: Trump Backers ‘Are a Real Threat’ to America; 'I Like Jeb Bush'

February 10th, 2016 7:57 AM
Time columnist Joe Klein followed up his fawning profile of Hillary Clinton in the magazine’s latest issue with an appearance on Charlie Rose’s PBS show Tuesday night where he condemned Donald Trump supporters as “a real threat to this country,” decried the lack of center in American politics and professed his admiration for Jeb Bush.

Klein Blames CIA for Benghazi: They 'Should Protect Themselves'

October 20th, 2015 8:53 AM
This could be the worst whitewashing since Tom Sawyer suckered people into helping him with that fence... On today's Morning Joe, Joe Klein cleared Hillary of responsibility for American deaths in Benghazi, and blamed the CIA.   According to Klein, "this really was a CIA station there, not so much a consulate, and those guys should be able to protect themselves in most circumstances." Klein…

Klein: 'Bigoted' Netanyahu Won 'Tragic' Election for 'Tyrant' Israel

March 20th, 2015 4:31 PM
Time magazine columnist Joe Klein delivered an unrestrained rant for the March 30 issue, excoriating the "tyrant" Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu's "bigoted" election victory. The journalist offered an unrelenting attack on the prime minister, sneering, "He won because he ran as a bigot. This is a sad reality: a great many Jews have come to regard Arabs as the rest of the world traditionally…

Scarborough Mocks Joe Klein on Iran: 'I Trust The Revolutionary Guard'

March 18th, 2015 9:33 AM
While conducting a discussion about Iran on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Tuesday, host Joe Scarborough proclaimed that he has "just written all of [the conservative blogs’] headlines today...‘Joe Klein: I trust [Iran’s] Revolutionary Guard.’"  Klein claimed the International Atomic Energy Agency says they're "getting access to everything" -- but in fact, the IAEA has recently complained about Iran's…

Notable Quotables: Delaying Obama’s Amnesty = Putting History on Hold

February 23rd, 2015 8:52 AM
This week, after a federal judge delays implementation of President Obama's executive amnesty, the networks frame it as “a historic day... on hold,” and a ruling that “dashes American dreams for millions of families.” Also, a rogues’ gallery of journalists led by Dan Rather leap to the defense of suspended NBC News anchor Brian Williams, while others in the media wish we'd stop talking about ISIS…

Time's Joe Klein Excuses Brian Williams, Compares Him to FDR

February 16th, 2015 4:01 PM
On Sunday's MediaBuzz on Fox News, Time columnist Joe Klein rushed to the defense of embattled NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams: "I think that we're living in an era where the ferocity of the prosecution is much greater than the severity of most of these crimes. And that's true not only for people like Brian Williams, but also for most of the journal – the politicians we cover."

Super Mario: Decades of Media Ardor for Cuomo’s Liberal Advocacy

January 2nd, 2015 1:25 PM
There is no right-of-center politician who has become a hero to journalists for their passionate rhetoric on behalf of conservatism, but former New York Governor Mario Cuomo was a hero to reporters precisely because of his ideology and the capability with which he espoused it.

Joe Klein Goofed on End of 'Extreme Supply-Side Economics' in Kansas

November 7th, 2014 8:13 PM
On the eve of the midterms, Time’s Joe Klein listed “5 Things to Watch for in the Midterm Elections.” But the funniest one was number three. He titled it “Kansas Rejoins The Mainstream.” Klein gleefully foresaw that in the defeat of Gov. Sam Brownback, “the myth of extreme supply-side economics might finally be put to rest.” But Brownback won, 50 to 46 percent. The grip of voodoo Reaganism…

MRC's Notable Quotables: Media Bash Obama for Delaying Amnesty

September 22nd, 2014 8:40 AM
Instead of worrying whether President Obama’s planned Executive Order on amnesty might violate the Constitution, journalists upbraid the President for delaying the step until after the election. “A promise is a promise,” Univision anchor Jorge Ramos scolded on Twitter.

Klein: Obama Is Cynical for Giving in to 'Ugly' Immigration Nativists

September 16th, 2014 5:07 PM
Time magazine's Joe Klein used the September 22 issue to knock Barack Obama from the left, decrying the "cynical" Barack Obama for giving in to the "ugly," nativist opposition to immigration. Denying any legitimate, philosophical opposition, Klein sneered, "For the first 190 years of U.S. history, opposition to immigration was mostly about religion–Catholicism and Judaism. For the past 50 or so,…

Unhinged Chris Matthews Fumes Over Ted Cruz's 'McCarthyism

July 25th, 2014 11:20 AM
In his never-ending obsession with Ted Cruz, Hardball’s Chris Matthews devoted the start and close of his program to rants against the supposed "McCarthyism" of the Texas Senator. Matthews objected to Cruz’s belief that the FAA’s short lived ban on air travel to Israel was political in nature. On the July 24 edition of Matthews’ program, the host wondered if Cruz was “trying to mimic the…

Joe Klein Now Watches Bret Baier at Fox News Since CNN Has 'Gone in th

April 28th, 2014 11:05 PM
While a guest on the 92Y American Conversation program on Sunday, TIME magazine political analyst Joe Klein vented to host Jeff Greenfield of the Public Broadcasting System: “I miss being able to turn on a straight newscast” after returning home at 6 o'clock on weekdays. He added that the only place he can find such a program in that format and at that time is the Fox News series Special…

Time's Joe Klein Slams Obama As 'Buckpasser

October 30th, 2013 6:20 PM
"[T]here is a danger that the Obama Administration will be remembered as not even good enough for government work," if President Obama doesn't step up his game, argued liberal Time magazine columnist Joe Klein in his October 30 piece, "Buckpasser." "Firing for cause doesn’t seem to exist in the Obama Administration," groused the columnist, lamenting that "few have paid the price for the…

Puh-leeze: Jay Carney Claims 'Joe Klein Said He Thought I Was a Republ

September 26th, 2013 8:36 AM
Washington Post reporters Paul Farhi and Billy Kenber caused a morning cereal spew inside the Beltway. In a story about the revolving door between reporters and Team Obama, there was this unintentional laugh line from Jay Carney: “But I think any reading of my coverage as a reporter would show that I was not an ideologue. [Time columnist] Joe Klein said he thought I was a Republican” when…