Diane Sawyer

FLASHBACK: Barack Obama, ‘An Evolutionary Flash Point For Humanity’
Fourteen years ago tomorrow (December 10), liberals were ecstatic as President Barack Obama accepted the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo. Obama had been president for a mere 11 days before the window for nominations closed on January 31, but his media fan club nonetheless celebrated the “towering honor” bestowed upon their hero.

FLASHBACK: The Media’s Nasty Attacks on Florida’s Katherine Harris
Twenty-three years ago, November 2000, the liberal media unleashed their full fury on Florida’s Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, for following the election laws of her state as well as various court rulings to certify George W. Bush as the winner of her state’s electoral votes in the disputed 2000 presidential election.

Flashback: Year of Media Spin Gave Us Budget-Busting ObamaCare
Thirteen years ago this week, the liberal media celebrated the final passage of the Affordable Care Act, aka “ObamaCare,” President Barack Obama’s big government answer to the millions of Americans without health insurance. Passage came after a year of media cheerleading, as journalists trumpeted the alleged benefits of Obama’s plan and denigrated conservative critics as racists or terrorists…

TV News Censors Buffett’s Slam of Biden’s ‘Illiterate’ Class Warfare
This week, the liberal news networks said absolutely nothing about billionaire Warren Buffett’s barely-veiled slam of President Biden and other liberals for their newest class warfare gambit: demonizing corporations that buy back their stock. That’s a far cry from 2011 and 2012, when those same networks helped juice then-President Obama’s re-election campaign by trumpeting Buffett’s call for…

FLASHBACK: The Media Lovefest That Kicked Off Hillary’s 2016 Campaign
Ten years ago this week, CBS’s 60 Minutes eagerly assisted in producing what could be regarded as the first infomercial of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

FLASHBACK: Nasty, Clinton-Loving Press Slimed ‘Demented’ Nazi Starr
Former Whitewater prosecutor Kenneth Starr passed away on Tuesday, “after a lengthy illness” according to local Texas news reports. Starr, the independent counsel who…

ABC Fawned Over Holocaust-Denying Dictator: How Often Do You Cry?
ABC last week struggled to respond to Whoopi Goldberg’s shocking comments that the Holocaust wasn’t about race. But this is the same network that once fawned over the Holocaust-denying former leader of Iran. Fifteen years ago this week, then-Good Morning America host Diane Sawyer gushed over Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a “sentimental,” “sympathetic” man who cries a lot since he’s so caring…

Couric Spews Venom at Fellow Libs: Wonders Who Diane Sawyer ‘Blew'
Venomous journalist Katie Couric has scores to settle with her fellow liberals in the press and she certainly does so in an upcoming book called Going There. The New York Post has plucked out some of the juiciest bits, including that she has been banned from promoting the book on CBS and apparently says of competitor Diane Sawyer: “I wonder who she had to blow” to get a scoop…
FLASHBACK: 20 Years Since Sawyer’s ‘Pizza and Milkshake’ Clinton Dream
Journalists who trashed Donald Trump have shown their corruption by showing no interest in speaking truth to Joe Biden. But that shouldn’t be a shock to anyone who has watched the press cover past Democratic presidents. It was 20 years ago today that Diane Sawyer, a Good Morning America host and World News anchor, blurted out that she’s dreamed of Bill Clinton.

Bozell & Graham Column: Our Unpatriotic Press Coddles Dictators

Imploding: Ratings for CBS News Anchor Norah O’Donnell Are Tanking

NewsBusters Time Machine: Trumpeting the Tears of a Tyrant

This Week in Media Bias History: Ken Starr’s ‘Pornography for Puritans