
On PBS, ABC's Jon Karl Claims Trump Is Losing It, Getting 'Fuzzier'

June 23rd, 2024 7:56 PM

The latest edition of the Washington Week with The Atlantic weekly political roundtable tried to change the subject from President Biden’s obvious frailty and mental decline to Donald Trump’s odd anecdotes at campaign rallies. Show host (and editor of The Atlantic magazine) Jeffrey Goldberg opened the show by noting the looming Biden-Trump debate,…


CNN Scandalized By The Idea America Is a Republic, Not a Democracy

June 14th, 2024 1:24 PM

With President Biden arguing that former President Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan decided it would be a good idea to try to help make that case. On Friday’s CNN News Central, O’Sullivan was seen on the road with Trump voters, where he was aghast at the idea that they view America as a republic, not a democracy.


MSNBC: Tennessee is Fascist Because They Won’t Elect Liberals

July 18th, 2023 11:38 PM

Tuesday’s Morning Joe featured a segment lambasting the Tennessee legislature for – not being Democrats. The bizarre hit job covered The Atlantic writer Anne Applebaum’s piece asserting that the State of Tennessee could not be classified as a democracy, but instead was a fascist dictatorship. The reason for this? Well, because voters elected a Republican supermajority.

Twitter Files: The Real News Is That the Left/Dems/Media Do Not Care

December 9th, 2022 10:17 PM

New Twitter owner Elon Musk gave reporter Matt Taibbi of Substack access to internal Twitter documents about the media platform’s decision to spike the Hunter Biden laptop story and about how “the Biden team” had a direct pipeline to Twitter executives. 


Media Have Learned Nothing From Hunter’s Laptop, and They’re Not Sorry

April 13th, 2022 12:16 PM

Despite all the media “debunking,” fact-checking, censoring, and Russia-ing back in 2020, Hunter Biden’s laptop has proven to be legitimate. Given how aggressive the press were in their coordinated effort to tar the story as a wacky conspiracy theory, you’d think they might have learned something from their mistakes. But they haven't.


NewsBusters Interviews the College Kids Who Schooled Liberal Elites

April 12th, 2022 1:27 PM

Between last Thursday and Friday, the left-leaning Atlantic magazine and the Democratic-connected Institute of Politics (IOP) of the University of Chicago held a conference to warn and find solutions to so-called “disinformation.” Following two viral moments with liberal speakers, NewsBusters reached out to Daniel Schmidt and Chris Phillips, who sparked said headlines with questions…


Atlantic Mag Editor Touts Disinformation Talks, Skips Hunter's Laptop

April 8th, 2022 2:52 PM

The editor-in-chief of Atlantic magazine memory holes the Hunter Biden laptop story disinformation while one of its writers dismisses the story because she conveniently doesn't find it "interesting."

'Disinformation' Conference Confronted With Hunter's Laptop, MRC Poll

April 6th, 2022 11:00 PM

During a hilariously titled conference "Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy" at the University of Chicago's Institute of Politics on Wednesday, The Atlantic staff writer Anne Applebaum and Democratic strategist David Axelrod were caught completely off guard when questioned about the lack of media coverage of Hunter Biden's laptop and their quickness to dismiss it as "Russian…


Morning Joe Blames Trump For Russian Invasion of Ukraine

February 22nd, 2022 4:12 PM

As Russia continued preparations to invade Ukraine on President Biden's watch, on Tuesday, MSNBC’s Morning Joe bizarrely tried to point a finger of blame at former President Trump instead. Hosts and pundits claimed the only reason Vladimir Putin didn’t further dismember the eastern European nation during Trump's presidency was because the Republican already gave Putin everything he…

NPR Trashes GOP as Enabling Trump's 'Proto-Authoritarian Cult'

June 9th, 2020 4:21 PM

A large minority of American voters chose Donald Trump for president, and their tax dollars go in part to fund National Public Radio....which trashes the president as a wannabe tyrant. A recent Fresh Air interview was headlined "Journalist Explains Why Republican Leaders Back Trump's 'Proto-Authoritarian Cult'."

Anne Applebaum

A Trio of Terrified Trump Haters Warns of Fascism, Election-Stealing

June 4th, 2020 3:57 PM

"Apocalypse Now" would have been a fitting title for this Morning Joe segment from today's show. It featured three women painting a terrifying portrait of life under President Trump, and a prediction of further doom to come. 


PBS Likens Trump to 'Authoritarians' for His Media-Bashing 'Playbook'

April 26th, 2020 7:55 PM
On Friday's Amanpour & Co. on PBS and CNN International host Christiane Amanpour held a discussion on the topic of whether some countries will use the pandemic to increase authoritarian powers, and the segment began with a discussion of President Donald Trump's behavior, with panelists likening him to authoritarian world leaders, and blaming him for many Americans distrusting the news media.

Washington Post Columnist Compares U.S. Stock Rally to 'Nazi Germany'

January 25th, 2017 6:01 PM
Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum compared the recent surge in the stock market to … you guessed it… Nazi Germany. On Jan. 25, 2017, she tweeted to keep in mind that “in Nazi Germany, the stock market rose and rose and kept rising, right up to Stalingrad.”

WashPost's Applebaum Blames Syrian Disaster On ... David Cameron

September 2nd, 2016 8:42 PM
It's never Dear Leader's fault, is it? For those who haven't noticed — and that would be understandable, given the national press's and broadcast outlets' consistent lack of interest in the period involved — the ongoing and worsening disaster in Syria during the past three years has caused "physical, human and political damage on an unprecedented scale." That quote comes the subheadline at Anne…