
'View' Attacks Sasse Over Kavanaugh Vote: 'Did You Not Believe Her?'

October 15th, 2018 3:23 PM
Republican Senator from Nebraska Ben Sasse was on The View Monday to talk about his new book about combatting America’s partisan “tribalism." But the liberal hosts at the table mostly wanted to grill Sasse on his politics, from voting with the president the majority of the time, to voting to confirm Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Actress Slams Trump on #MeToo: 'White Men' Afraid of Losing 'Power'

October 15th, 2018 10:06 AM
Actress and liberal activist Alyssa Milano appeared on Good Morning America Monday to talk about the one year anniversary of the #MeToo movement which she helped start. Milano, who has been a vocal critic of President Trump and Republicans, also took time to bash President Trump for raising concerns about false accusations, saying that he was only afraid of “progress” because “white men” were…

NPR Anchor Asks If GOP Using the 'Mob' Word Will 'Backfire' with Women

October 14th, 2018 11:51 AM
On Friday's night's All Things Considered, the Week in Politics segment began by pushing the theme that the Republican rhetoric about "mobs" is all wrong, and will harm them in the midterms. NPR anchor Ailsa Chang brought no context about protesters mobbing the front door of the Supreme Court, or screaming Sen. Ted Cruz and his wife out of a restaurant. She said the "mob" has a lot of women in it…

Sarah Silverman: 'We're All Gonna F*cking Die' From Climate Change

October 11th, 2018 10:33 PM
We’re about halfway through this year’s edition of Sarah Silverman’s I Love You America, and the end can’t come soon enough. With Kavanaugh derangement, Trump derangement, and a downright hatred for conservatives, the Hulu show has been leftist spiral after unfunny leftist spiral. Now October 11 brought another episode with all 3 awful features plus a bonus lecture on climate change. Yippie!

NYT Puts Dems Mob Instigation Back on Trump: 'Pot-and-Kettle' Politics

October 11th, 2018 3:31 PM
The New York Times carefully sandwiched the disturbing Democratic trend of increasing mob behavior by liberals and Democrats -- culminating in the hysterical reaction to Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation -- into a story that made it about a hypocritical Trump. Reporter Peter Baker put the onus on the president, not the mob-instigation of his political opponents in “‘Unhinged’? No, Trump Tells…

Hostin: Evidence, Corroboration Not Needed Against Dr. Ford's 'Truth!'

October 11th, 2018 1:45 PM
The View co-host and ABC legal analyst Sunny Hostin made an outrageous argument on Thursday’s show that should raise eyebrows. Discussing Melania Trump’s comments stating we needed evidence when accusations of sexual assault are made, Hostin grew irate after co-hosts Abby Huntsman and Meghan McCain defended the need for due process. Objecting to the need for supporting evidence of any kind,…

CNN: Haley Departure Might Be Connected to Kavanaugh Confirmation

October 11th, 2018 10:06 AM
During Tuesday’s edition of At This Hour With Kate Bolduan, the eponymous host and her panel reacted to the impending departure of United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, who announced that she would step down from her post at the end of this year. While Haley stressed that she has decided to step down out of respect for term limits, citing her six-year tenure as Governor of…

Morning Joe: Kavanaugh Hearings 'Disaster for Democratic Party'

October 11th, 2018 7:48 AM
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough says that Republicans got a "huge bump" from the Kavanaugh hearings, whereas the hearings were "a disaster for the Democratic party."   

South Park: 'PC Babies Don't Even Know What They're Crying About'

October 11th, 2018 12:39 AM
South Park has no issue taking jabs at people with all sorts of political beliefs and this week, it was the radical left’s turn to be mocked. In the third episode of season 22 titled, “The problem with a Poo,” social justice warriors and feminists are a major source of ridicule.

NYer's Jane Mayer: Journalists 'Beholden' to Report False Allegations

October 10th, 2018 9:58 PM
Remember back when a solid sense of skepticism was considered a prerequisite for working in journalism? Looks like that ethos is long gone and discarded. Speaking with former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara about her hit piece on then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, New Yorker writer Jane Mayer came across as revealing a bit more than intended.

NY Magazine Unloads 10 Pages of Bitter Anti-Kavanaugh Hysteria

October 10th, 2018 4:52 PM
The October 1-14 issue of New York Magazine issued 10 pages of anti-Kavanaugh bile under the heading “Her and Him -- The hearing that broke America.” It’s a collection of brief essays on the September 27 Senate Judiciary committee testimony of Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh: Ten pages of inchoate liberal rage, from liberals including Jonathan Chait, Frank Rich, Rebecca Traister (…

CNN, MSNBC Throw Three-Day Temper Tantrum As GOP Call Protests 'A Mob'

October 10th, 2018 3:42 PM
Liberal cable news outlets were outraged over the weekend when Republicans condemned the thuggish behavior of leftwing protesters and political groups repeatedly attempting to disrupt the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh. CNN and MSNBC hosts urgently rushed to defend the throngs of activists, in a melodramatic panic over the newest addition to the GOP leadership’s lexicon: “mob.”

ABC Shames Melania on Kavanaugh: What About 'Standing With Women?'

October 10th, 2018 10:33 AM
On Good Morning America Wednesday, ABC previewed an upcoming one-on-one interview with First Lady Melania Trump that will air next week. Anchor Tom Llamas didn’t hold back from confronting Mrs. Trump on controversial topics, even at one point, scolding the First Lady for not being sensitive enough to the #MeToo movement.

CNN’s Cuomo Bitterly Demands Kavanaugh Not Be Presumed Innocent

October 10th, 2018 12:25 AM
You know, for all the times CNN host Chris Cuomo has reminded us that he was a lawyer at one time, he sure does like throwing out the rule of law to administer his own form of wicked justice. Just last August, he rationalized the leftist violence of Antifa, arguing that they had “morality” on their side and were fighting an “evil” regime. During Tuesday’s PrimeTime, the raging CNN host argued…