Kagan Nomination

NY Times Cavils Kavanaugh 'Ducks Questions,' Kagan 'Follows Precedent'

NY Times Cuts Kavanaugh: 'Son of Privilege,' Father a 'Swamp Creature'

The Liberal Media’s Perpetually Skewed SCOTUS Coverage

NPR Promotes Feminist Accuser of Gorsuch, Skips Her Democrat Resume

FLASHBACK: Media Advocated for Obama’s Supreme Court Picks
If the liberal media cover the Neil Gorsuch hearings the same way they handled Barack Obama’s choices for the Supreme Court, they will do everything they can to pave the way to an easy confirmation. When they weren’t singing the praises of their backgrounds, or even comedic stylings, liberal reporters and anchors tried to downplay the leftist leaning of Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor and Merrick…

Supreme Court Nominees Always Too Conservative for the Liberal Media
Whomever Barack Obama selects to fill the vacancy left by the death of Antonin Scalia expect the liberal media to worry the selection isn’t progressive enough. As might be expected, journalists criticize the Supreme Court appointments made by Republican presidents as “hardline” and “very conservative.” But even the nominees elevated by recent Democratic presidents have been challenged as not…

NBC's Pete Williams: Democrat 'More Likely to Appoint' 'Less Ideologic

WaPo Hails Elena Kagan's 'Bold Rookie Term' -- Bold, As In Liberal
NPR Devotes Over 4 Min. to Supposed Ethics Issues of Thomas, Scalia, A

NYT's Former SCOTUS Reporter Greenhouse Praises Kagan, Hits 'Mean-Spir

Judiciary Committee Launches Probe of Kagan’s Involvement in Obamaca

NPR's Totenberg: Kagan, Sotomayor 'Not Nearly as Liberal' as Predecess

Best of 2010: "Epic" Pelosi, "Super" Kagan, and the Thrill that Never