Dallas Police Shootings

‘America’ Editor Hypes ‘Our Lady of Ferguson’ Propaganda
July 11th, 2016 3:45 PM
Christians have always honored Mary, the virgin mother of God. In the Catholic tradition especially, Mary has received many titles for the many apparitions attributed to her. Hence, Our Lady of Guadalupe, of Lourdes, et cetera. Episcopal painter, Mark Dukes, decided to add “Our Lady of Ferguson” to the litany.

Huffington Post Compares U.S. Police to Murderous Chinese Government
July 11th, 2016 1:13 PM
The Huffington Post has reached a new level of despicable. While the families of five murdered Dallas police officers were still reeling after the attack from a racist sniper, the front page headline of that embarrassing publication compared police officers to the ruthless Chinese government responsible for the Tiananmen Square massacre.

BET, MTV Townhall Smears Police as Hunters, Must Be Defunded, Disarmed
July 11th, 2016 1:10 PM
On Friday night, BET and MTV convened an hour-long, commercial-free townhall on police-involved shootings of African-Americans with only distant mentions of what transpired the night before in Dallas but focused heavily on denigrating law enforcement as hunters and “a gang” meant to terrorize blacks from America’s founding, the need for white people to recognize privilege, and lobby for the…

Nets Scold Dallas Police for ‘Questionable Tactic’ of Robot Bomb
July 11th, 2016 1:03 PM
On Monday, all three network morning shows were eager to second guess the Dallas Police Department’s decision to use a bomb delivered by robot to kill ambush sniper Micah Johnson and fretted over the militarization of police across the country. At the top of CBS This Morning, with the headline “Questionable Tactics” emblazoned across the screen, co-host Gayle King worried: “And questions about…

Networks and Jay Z Continue ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Lie
July 11th, 2016 12:21 PM
“Hand’s up, don’t shoot” is back and still false. With the latest string of protests following the police killings of Alton Sterling (Baton Rouge) and Philando Castile (Minnesota), the “Hands up, don’t shoot” chant is back. Hollywood, CBS, ABC, and NBC have once again failed to give context to the chant in their coverage.

Black Cop Character Destroys Black Lives Matter With Simple Question
July 11th, 2016 1:44 AM
After a brutal evening in Dallas, Texas, where five law enforcement officers were murdered while protecting a Black Lives Matters protest, TNT’s Murder in the First delivered a poignant reminder that all lives matter. In the episode “Black and Blue,” Inspector Terry English, a black cop with ten years service with the San Francisco Police Department is facing growing pressure from the public to…

Rolling Stone Writer: Racist Voters, Not Racist Cops, Are the Problem
July 10th, 2016 9:50 PM
After last week’s police-involved fatal shootings in Baton Rouge and suburban St. Paul, Jeb Lund argued that such deaths happen not because of a few racist cops, but because over the past five decades millions of voters have rewarded politicians who propose and enact racist laws. In an article that appeared Thursday prior to the murder of five police officers in Dallas, Lund declared that “both…

Sharpton Falsely Claims Louisiana Sex Offender Was 'Legal' Gun Owner
July 10th, 2016 1:22 PM
In an attempt to slam the NRA for not being true to their values, MSNBC host and riot inciter Al Sharpton claimed the civil rights organization was not defending the gun owners in the recent police shootings. “In both cases you have people with guns, that were killed by police, legally. One in a carry state of Louisiana, the other had a gun permit. And the NRA -- laryngitis advocating on their…

CNN: Why Arrest Protesters for ‘Breaking Whatever Law?’
July 10th, 2016 9:37 AM
After a violent night of unrest around the country following the officer involved shootings in Louisiana, Minnesota, and the ambush on police officers in Dallas, CNN reporter Victor Blackwell asks the ridiculous on New Day Sunday, “How does the department get to that point of saying, “we just need to clear this road and arrest them for breaking whatever law?””

Watch Dallas Man Falsely Accused in Attack School Hayes on Gun Rights
July 9th, 2016 11:37 PM
With Hardball host Chris Matthews on vacation, MSNBC’s All In host Chris Hayes led the network’s 7:00 p.m. Eastern hour on Friday night covering the deadly attack on Dallas police officers and so he received a brief but straightforward education on gun rights from the very man falsely accused by police of being a person of interest.

The Media Play the Race Card in Police Shooting Cases
July 9th, 2016 4:02 PM
His name is Jeronimo Yanez. And Yanez has been identified as the police officer in Minnesota who killed Philando Castile, the young man killed as his girlfriend streamed the terrifying incident live on Facebook. What’s missing in the media coverage? As his surname appears to indicate, Officer Yanez is….Hispanic.

CNN's Jones & Lemon Wrongly Claim Rep. Walsh Yelled 'You Lie' at Obama
July 9th, 2016 1:04 PM
On Friday's CNN Tonight, during a discussion of former Illinois Republican Rep. Joe Walsh's appearance earlier in the show to discuss his recent tweet attacking President Barack Obama's criticisms of police activity, liberal CNN political commentator Van Jones incorrectly claimed that Walsh had shouted, "You lie!" as President Obama spoke to Congress in September 2009. Host Don Lemon even…

CBS Questions Hillary Over E-Mail Scandal; NBC Goes Softer On Her
July 8th, 2016 11:45 PM
The Big Three networks' evening newscasts on Friday each treated Hillary Clinton different with regard to the FBI closing their investigation into her e-mail scandal. ABC's David Muir didn't mention the subject at all on World News Tonight. On NBC Nightly News, Lester Holt placed the onus on FBI Director James Comey, instead of Mrs. Clinton, on the issue: "Did he get it right; and if not, where…

CNN Commentator: ‘Rogue Cops’ ‘Shoot Black People for Sport!'
July 8th, 2016 10:38 PM
In a moment that rivals noteworthy CNN panels that devolved into verbal chaos (examples here and here), Friday’s AC360 saw another inductee as CNN political commentator and former Congressional Black Caucus staffer Angela Rye irresponsibly, hypocritically, and recklessly declared that she’s never said a thing that’s anti-police but seconds later screamed that “rogue cops” go out so they can “…