Dallas Police Shootings

MSNBC: Obama Did 'His Best to Speak to Our Angels' in Dallas Speech
July 12th, 2016 5:22 PM
In the initial moments following the Dallas, Texas interfaith service on Tuesday afternoon to memorialize the slain Dallas police officers, MSNBC hailed President Barack Obama’s very politicized speech as “part sermon, part speech” and one that “[spoke] to our angels” reminiscent of his Charleston, South Carolina address on June 26, 2015.

Nets Praise Obama as ‘Preacher-In-Chief’ Following Dallas Service
July 12th, 2016 5:14 PM
President Barack Obama was in Dallas Tuesday to speak at the memorial service to the five police officers who were killing in last Thursday’s ambush. All the networks in the “big three” sung the president’s praises. “The president clearly in the role of preacher-in-chief today talking about what a raw moment this is for the country,” stated ABC’s Senior Justice Correspondent Pierre Thomas, during…

CNN's Brinkley Fawns Over 'Echoes Of...Lincoln' In Obama's Speech
July 12th, 2016 5:03 PM
On Tuesday's CNN Newsroom, Douglas Brinkley predictably gushed over President Obama's speech at a memorial service for the murdered police officers in Dallas, Texas: "I heard echoes of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Abraham Lincoln. It was elegantly written. It pulled on scripture at the right times." Brinkley also touted the "high caliber" of the address, and likened it to President Reagan's Oval…

Gayle King: BLM Protesters ‘Care Very Deeply About Police'
July 12th, 2016 4:40 PM
On Tuesday’s CBS This Morning, co-host Gayle King kept up her staunch defense of the Black Lives Matter movement in the wake of the Dallas shooting. After interviewing a family that attended the protest which preceded the sniper attack on police, King proclaimed: “The thing they wanted to stress most is that Black Lives Matter didn't have anything to do with the shooting....the shooter was…

Rapper on CNN: Police Are 'Still A Slave Patrol'; BLM Akin to 60s
July 12th, 2016 3:15 PM
Rapper Chuck D of the 80s group Public Enemy ranted against the police on CNN's New Day on Tuesday. When Chris Cuomo played up how "you have a lot more diversity in the police force," the guest wildly claimed that "when it comes down to enforcement...people feel like it's still a slave patrol." He also likened the Black Lives Movement to the anti-Vietnam War protests: "People feel is that Black…

Katie Couric Reports Peaceful Protests, Ignores 21 Injured Police
July 12th, 2016 2:33 PM
In the wake of the Louisiana, Minnesota, and Dallas shootings, Katie Couric had a lot to report about police violence, but nothing to say about the protesters’ violence in Minnesota.

CBS Anchor Demands Executive Action on ‘Armor Piercing Bullets’
July 11th, 2016 11:10 PM
Following the tragic attack on Dallas police officers late last week, CBS anchor Scott Pelley took it upon himself on Monday to pressure Vice President Joe Biden for the Obama administration ban so-called ‘armor piercing rounds.” “Late today we asked Joe Biden about the ready availability of armor-piercing bullets,” he stated on CBS Evening News, “Dallas' mayor has blamed them for penetrating his…

Liberal: Cops, BLM Should Team Up Against the Real Cop-Haters, the NRA
July 11th, 2016 9:53 PM
The police and Black Lives Matter may seem like strange bedfellows, but that’s not the case, claims longtime journalist Steven Waldman. In fact, Waldman thinks the two should join forces against “the most anti-police organization in America”: the National Rifle Association. “Both police and African Americans feel under siege,” wrote Waldman in a Monday article for The Washington Monthly. “The…

Luis Gutiérrez Pushes for More Refugees, Gun Control on Univision
July 11th, 2016 6:08 PM
The most frequent congressional guest on Univision’s weekly Al Punto national public affairs show was back on this week. On this occasion, Congressman Luis Gutiérrez decided to simultaneously make the case for unrestricted entry into the U.S. of asylum-seekers, along with gun control.

MSNBC Guests Hit Giuliani’s Black Lives Matter Critique as ‘Nonsense’
July 11th, 2016 5:28 PM
Tensions were high on Morning Joe, Monday, in the aftermath of Black Lives Matter protests over the weekend and following a deadly week of shootings in Baton Rouge, Minneapolis and Dallas. MSNBC’s Harold Ford Jr. and Reverend Al Sharpton reacted loudly to former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s recent comments that the Black Lives Matter Movement has “put a target on the back of police officers.”…

Where's Obama? NY Times Expects Candidates to Be 'Unifying Voice'
July 11th, 2016 5:25 PM
In a Sunday front-page report at the New York Times, Patrick Healy, who has been covering the presidential race almost exclusively for well over a year, complained that neither major party's presidential frontrunner appears to have the capacity to be "a unifying candidate." After all, as his story's headline indicated, somebody, right now, needs "to Be (a) Unifying Voice for (the) Nation."

Fox Schools Jackson on Claim That Dallas Gun Can 'Bring Down a Plane'
July 11th, 2016 4:50 PM
When Jesse Jackson on Sunday tried to tell Fox News viewers that the Dallas shooter used an “AK-47,” the type of gun that could “bring down airplanes,” Fox News host Shannon Bream quickly rebuffed these erroneous claims. Jackson appeared on Fox News Sunday to lobby for more gun control, arguing, “[we] must do more with these military-style weapons on the street.”

CBS Rushes to Defend Black Lives Matter After Giuliani Blasts Group
July 11th, 2016 4:47 PM
On Monday, the hosts of CBS This Morning, along with Face the Nation moderator John Dickerson, proceeded to defend the Black Lives Matter movement in wake of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani slamming the left-wing group as “inherently racist.” Dickerson claimed not to know what the Republican was talking about: “So it’s not clear what he means. But what he seems to mean is that the Black…

NYT Frets Dallas Murders May Sabotage the BLM 'Civil Rights Movement'
July 11th, 2016 4:01 PM
The New York Times’ front pages over the weekend dealt with the awful police-related events over the last few days, culminating with the assassination of five policemen in Dallas during a Black Lives Matter demonstration. The paper fanned the flames of racial discord, pointing a finger at “some whites who feel they are ceding their long-held place in society." Another story lamented how the…